The Garden in August 2014
By Owdboggy
Tried to take pictures from different places and angles.
Front Garden. A bit colourless at the moment.
Lonicera, not sure which
View from the back door.
Raised bed with conifer Gimborne
Eucomis small white form
Crevice garden.
Teucrium, small form
Lonicera American Beauty
Plants waiting to be found a home
My greenhouse right hand side
Cuttings frame
Delosperma sp. Ouberg Pass
Shade Garden
Hydrangea paniculata form
Prunus Kanzan stump with Clematis.
Scree garden.
The boulder rock garden
Along the Roadside border
End of the New Forest bed
Alpine house right hand side.
Alpine house left hand side.
Scilla numidica
Acis autumnalis
Tiny little Hyacinthella
Dianthus echinacea alpina.
Gravel garden
Raised bed waiting planting up with Saxifrages.
Astilbe Perkeo
Platycodon grandiflora Purple self seeded form
Gentiana asclepidea
Platycodon grandiflora blue form
Platycodon grandiflora pink form
The Field gate, out to the road
Polytunnel Squash
Polytunnel Tomaotes and peppers.
Clematis white with a green splash
Path between the Prairie and the New Forest on the right.
Down the side of the tunnel, Prairie on the right.
Path into the Prairie
Hydrangea grandiflora Annabelle
Hydrangea paniculata form
Hydrangea paniculata form
Yet another Hydrangea paniculata
You guessed it, another Hydrangea paniculata
There is a path under that lot.
Path between the Roadside on the left and the New Forest
Helenium Sahin’s Early Flowerer
The Pergola
Clematis texensis form
Rampant Clematis, possibly vitalba.
Path into the back of the Prairie.
Alpine bed at the back of the Prairie
Hydrangea quercifolia, dwarf form
Path, Prairie left, Ashmead’s Kernel bed on the right
Path between two parts of the Prairie
Slate mulch bed
Cobbled path, possibly Victorian or even earlier.
The Vista from the Swing seat
Lawn in front of the Summer House
Slate Crevice garden
Hydrangea paniculata Phantom
Hydrangea paniculata Limelight
The Summer House.
From the Summer House to the Boulder Bank
From the summer House to the pond
Summer House border
Huge leaves on severely pruned tree
Inula helenium
Across the pond to the Boulder Bank
Joe Pye weed. Eupatorium maculatum
Front of the Pear tree bed
Dry stream bed by Lollipop lawn
Bridge over the dry stream
Another Hydrangea paniculata
And another paniculata
The Yellow border on the right
Purple Cotinus
The River Bed
The Vista from the other end
Across the Sedum scree to the Lollipop lawn
Down the Vista, all fruit trees.
Towards the houses
Front of the D bed
The Nursery bed
Towards the Hidden Garden
Into the Hidden Garden
The Lily pond
White Phlox in the Hidden Garden
Out of the Hidden Garden
Back home via the Rock Garden.
7 Aug, 2014
Previous post: A lot of late June colour
Next post: November 2014 Garden
Looks wonderful.
8 Aug, 2014
Fabulous blog ... Where to start? You must have been exhausted after walking round taking all these photos Owdboggy. You have a lovely garden, thank you for showing us round. Your plants/veg's in the poly tunnels look incredible.
PS Fran155, is just in the process of making her pond, I think she will be delighted if it turns out like yours.
8 Aug, 2014
Congratulations ! Wonderful ! Better and more
interesting than Chelsea.
A bit of everything, Alpines, Fernery, Food. Very good.
Thank you for sharing it with us.
8 Aug, 2014
Wonderful !!, I always enjoy a tour of your garden, so many lovely plants to admire :-), when are you next out ?I've got my spade at the ready lol.
8 Aug, 2014
LOVE your garden and your greenhouses, and particularly the rocky areas and the sunny photos with shadows! Whatever happened to the Prunus serrula? :))
8 Aug, 2014
Prunus serrula Dorothy Clive form is still there and getting bigger all the time.
8 Aug, 2014
oh wow what a garden, amazing how on earth do you find time to do anything else but garden, that is such a lovely garden, it would keep me fit just walking around looking at the plants let alone working and keeping it all so tidy.
8 Aug, 2014
wow, where to start??
I love the crevice planting, is it a natural feature or did you make it, and if so, how? Three-dimensional planting always looks better than flat planting, and the plants really look at home there.
That's a greenhouse worthy of the name! lol got about four small plants in mine at the moment.
Awesome amount of lawn! does it take very long to mow?
the new forest bed is wonderful - I presume they're tender plants as they seem to be permanantly under cover? like the bed they're in, I've been trying to find pics of raised beds for myself, couldn't find quie what I was looking for (not helped by the fact that I wasn't sure what I was looking for!) but this is a very steal-able idea
creating all this, and keeping it like this, must be a full-time job. if i were wearing a hat, I'd take it off to you
8 Aug, 2014
Apologies Owdboggy - I've obviously confused Prunus Kanzan's stump (thought it was 'serrula'). Glad your 'serrula' is thriving!
8 Aug, 2014
Great Blog yet again, and it looks so different in high summer from the earlier one. I love the way the polytunnel seems to fit into its surroundings. The crevice garden is maturing beautifully and looks very settled - I couldn't imagine what you were going to do with it when you started! Is that a dainty white hydrangea about 27 up from the end? If so please could you tell the name as I have a similar very young one and have lost the label (again) I'm with Fran, taking hat off to you.
8 Aug, 2014
Sorry Fran, the pictures were wrongly labelled. The New Forest is a big tree and shrub filled area.
The Crevice garden I built using hypertufa blocks. Think I might have done a Blog on building it.
8 Aug, 2014
I'll have a look, dear, thanks. lol wondered how a new forest would manage in a covered bed!
8 Aug, 2014
Owdboggy- I bow to you! What an amazing garden- it just never stops. I love the different areas you have created. I would love to have all that space - how large is your garden? You've given me inspiration and ideas to keep on working on my own garden. Thank you. :)
9 Aug, 2014
I know I'm in for a treat when you post another blog O'b and enjoyed every single step you took with your camera, I do love all the white Hydranga's, ours all turn pink in my area except of course if grown in pots and treated and lets face it they need to be in the garden really.
I have to admit since following your blogs I've also begun pinching some of your ideas although obviously on a smaller scale so you keep showing us around. Thankyou so much for the tour........Btw hope you stop for a rest sometimes and admire what you've got there...
10 Aug, 2014
10 Aug, 2014
Owdboggy - the clematis "white with a green splash" is probably 'Alba Luxurians'.
10 Aug, 2014
Thanks Andrew. That's the one. We had over 100 Clematis (lost a few now) and the names have gone long time from almost all of them.
10 Aug, 2014
I looked at it all with my daughter Cassie we are both exhausted. Stunning!
10 Aug, 2014
Wow, what a lot you have going on, love it.
I see you have numerous Hydrangea paniculata - is this because you like them or is it because they flower better for you, in my case its the latter, I've given up on the Hydrangea Macrophylla as I cant get them to flower - I think its due to late frosts I get here but paniculata is much tougher, dont you think. I think one of your un-named ones may be Pinky Winky, I have that and recently bought P. vanille fraise.
10 Aug, 2014
We both like H paniculata and they are the only types which grow here. I think we have almost all of them except, Kyoto which did not survive, Bobo which is a new one and a bit pricey and another new one whose name escapes me, but again too expensive. Running out of room as well.
10 Aug, 2014
Thanks Owdboggy, sounds like your conditions are like mine as regards Hydrangea, I like paniculata too, I'll take a look at Kyoto and Bobo.
10 Aug, 2014
Dawnsaunt, lovely to have both those (Vanille Fraise and Pinky Winky) I've been dithering about which one to buy for abut a year now (haven't really got room for both without a lot of digging)
10 Aug, 2014
Hello Stera. I know the feeling about alot of digging, I've had to dig out some plants to make room for new, can be quite hard going. My Vanille Fraise has lots of flowers but quite small flowers - Pinky Winky at the moment (still quite young) has one huge flower, gorgeous, out of the two I would go for Pinky Winky, starts off white and then changes to pink, very nice.
12 Aug, 2014
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7 Aug, 2014