July is going out in a blaze of sunshine,so out came the camera to capture some pictures while the sun shines.
The sunshine lit up the Golden Conifer and the Lysimachia bordering the steps onto the main garden.
The Daisy’s are looking especially bright contrasting with the Acer.
The border to the right is brimming over with plants and shrubs, including Hebes, Acer, Clematis, Sedums, Daisies,Sidalcia,Thalictrum,Phlox,Campanula
Would you believe that there is a Little Pond in here somwhere lol
View across the garden
The Chimney pot with Lavertera,Ladies Mantle and Acer make a pleasing combination
View across the garden to the right hand corner with Crocosmia, and Clematis.
Rose “Dearest” blends in well with the Crocosmia and Clematis
Close up of Hydranger,it was new last year so I am really pleased to see it flowering and really like the colour
Makes a good companion with the Euonymus too
Regal Lilies are putting on a good show, they were planted last year.
One of my mingles around the Pond Area [its a case of anything goes and Grows lol]
A veiw across the garden from the Patio Steps
Closeup of Campanular
A Little Visitor wants to get in on the scene ;0)
Lysmachia, who needs sunshine with this plant around ;0)
Well folks I hope you enjoyed your little visit!
Happy Gardening Everyone ;0))
9 Aug, 2015
Previous post: "A Wet, Wet, Day In Madeira"
Next post: Glorious September Colour!
Thanks Waddy pleased you enjoyed the tour, I do spend a lot of time out there [too much my Hubby says] but its my favourite place and pastime and I do favour the overgrown free for all look lol
9 Aug, 2015
Lovely garden you must be very proud of it.
9 Aug, 2015
You can never spend too much time in the garden I say. ;)
9 Aug, 2015
I too favour the free for all overgrown look but yours looks a lot more orderly than our garden! You have such lovely plant combinations and everything looks so colourful and pretty. The daisies have done so well this year and always manage to look so cheery!
9 Aug, 2015
Have to agree about the Lysimachia Carole. Your garden looks lovely and very warm!
9 Aug, 2015
Always enjoy a walk(or my case...hobble)around your garden Carole.....lovely!
9 Aug, 2015
Lovely garden PP and lots of lovely combinations, can understand you spending lots of time out there it is a delight :o)
9 Aug, 2015
Looks wonderful.
10 Aug, 2015
Carole, how lovely your garden is looking in the sunshine. The Squirrel looks cute and I love the way the pond is surrounded now!
10 Aug, 2015
What are these hubby's like, they should know better, not that mine is saying it at the moment obviously because he daren't, his words in the past week are "Be careful or should you have done that" .
Your garden is looking so bright and cheerful Pansy, and so healthy, its a treat to see it, ours is looking very thirsty again and actually some plants already have their autumn look, we seem to be weeks in front of you, I am going to raid the local nursery again and see if I can get some fillers for my gaps, I do not like empty spaces and now I am able to get out and potter around more they are aggravating me, lol, thats a lovely shot of your little visitor...
10 Aug, 2015
Thanks Peter,Wildrose,Karen,Val,Neellan,Linda, Shirley, And Lincs Pleased you all enjoyed your little stroll Good that you are out and about in your garden too Lincs its the best therapy you can have ;0))
11 Aug, 2015
A great stroll around your garden, PP! :-)) It all looks so wonderful.
11 Aug, 2015
Lovely PP, a garden like yours doesnt just happen, lots of planning and hard work involved, looks beautiful.
11 Aug, 2015
It all looks beautiful Carole, I do envy you not being overlooked. When I take garden pics I have to be careful not to get neighbours houses in view, those whose gardens back on to mine or adjoining :-)
12 Aug, 2015
Thankyou Balcony, Dawn and Bornagain for all your lovley comments. Bornagain we do have neibours on either side but lucky that we have good fences and neighbours who like shrubs/trees;0)
12 Aug, 2015
Sorry I didn't see this earlier Carole.It's been a busy few days :o) It's all looking wonderful as usual..and your little friend was very thoughtful.to stay still long enough, for you to take a photo .Lol..I've just cut my Lysimchia back this week,and it doesn't look as cheerful without them ...see you on Saturday :o) xx
13 Aug, 2015
Oh what a treat to wander around your lovely borders. Everything looks so well behaved & healthy. I love the bright splash the Lysimachia makes & the contrasting leaf shapes work so well.
Surely you couldn't fit another thing in!
15 Aug, 2015
Recent posts by PANSYPOTTER
- August In The Garden
9 Aug, 2016
- Another Damp June Day in My Garden
13 Jun, 2016
- A Cold Wet Windy Day in My Garden
22 May, 2016
- "Yesterdays Uninvited Visitor"
26 Feb, 2016
- Happy Birthday Dear Bloomer
2 Oct, 2015
- Glorious September Colour!
10 Sep, 2015
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Thank you for taking me around your garden Carol. Everything looks beautiful and so lush. I also can't help noticing how tidy and neat everything is. You must spend a lot of time out there to keep it looking so good. :))
9 Aug, 2015