Down the Garden path part5
By Poaannua
This shows the rest of the drive edge. Extreme right , You can just see EUONYMUS SILVER QUEEN This has grown there for ages and hardly ever increases in size, whereas on the wall of the House, it has reached as high as the roof, then last Winter fell down, so I had to cut it right back, which was good as it now look so fresh and healthy.
It is mixed up with VINCA MINOR (Blue Periwinkle), one of the best ground covers, and CROWN VETCH (Coronilla varia) a plant with which I have a love/hate relationship . It has lovely mauvy white flowers on divided leaves, but is so strong that it quickly dominates the whole area,.Last year I let it romp away, this year it has been ruthlessly pulled out.. The other inhabitant of this area is STINKUNG HELLEBORE (Helleborus foetidus) . This is self sown every year, and I leave those seedlings that look to be in the right place. Its great value because of the 1ft high evergreen ,leafy stems which carry greeny white flowers in early Spring.
On the left is a hummock of GENISTA PILOSA A dwarf GORSE that looks like a BROOM. It flowers every Spring for about 2 weeks. is it worth it I say. It is trying its best to produce the odd flower or two at present. so I’ll forgive it. Last of the bushes is a COTONEASTER MICROPHYLLUS, This too has been there for years, It has some red berries for the Winter and makes a nice green bushlet.. We have come right down the path. I’ll write about something else next time.
20 Sep, 2008
Previous post: Down the Garded Path. Part 4.
Next post: Vinca minor division
Very interesting. I feel the same about a few of my plants that self seed. Some I leave others have to go. I also like the aged moss covered rocks.
20 Sep, 2008
Hi Spritz. I can't compete with your garden and I doubt there were many you didn't know. Thanks Treesnthings. the Rocks have been 35 years on this Rock Garden. I had to wait a long time before they 'took'.. Forest of Dean Stone. I don't think one can buy it now. I was lucky.
20 Sep, 2008
You have lots of interesting plants.
I've found the same as you about Euonymus Silver Queen. I had it next to a summer house and it grew right up the side and over the roof. I had to cut it in the end.
21 Sep, 2008
Thanks for tour no.5.
22 Sep, 2008
Just caught up with your tour Poaannua, enjoyed going 'down your garden path'. Thank You!
28 Sep, 2008
Have just been for a 'walk' up your garden path and thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks.
28 Nov, 2008
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Thanks once more - I love these blogs looking round your garden! I shall be reading about the plants I don't know in my reference books!
20 Sep, 2008