Plant Swap
By Sid
Hi everyone. This is a blog for the regulars and also for our esteemed leader, Ajay.
I sometimes have a look at the plant swap page under the ‘Plants’ tab and I think it’s a shame that not many of us are putting up plants to swap. I was just wondering why?
I imagine it’s because when you look at the page, you don’t know what those people would want to swap for what they’re offering. Also, think it’s understandable if people only want to swap plants of equal value or quality, so maybe if we could post pictures of plants we have to swap that would encourage people to use the facility?
Just wondered if anyone else had any ideas/thoughts re this?
Just for the record, I have some Gunners manicata, several varieties of pinks, several varieties of Hosta and also some divisions of Phormium ‘Yellow Sword’ all potted up and growing well that I could swap for other plants. Also just about anything you see in my pictures you fancy and I can easily divide or take cuttings from. In return, I’d love something for my shady bed – maybe an Epimedium or Dicentra s. ‘Alba’?
(You can’t have my Dierama pulcherrimum tho ha ha ha)
26 Jun, 2008
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Hello. Yes, we thought it would be more popular too. But, we don't want to force an issue (we promoted the feature quite heavily early on) and it appears members are exchanging plants more informally via private message on the website. As with all things on this website we like to develop the bits that are actually used further. We have a long list :)
27 Jun, 2008
Hi Irish - sorry, I wasn't refering to anyone in particular and of course we don't always want something in exchange! I too will have seeds to give away later in the year - LOTS of poppys mostly!!! :-)
Hi Ajay - maybe it would be helpful if there were two colomns for each post - one for what the person has to give away and one for what they would like to have. Sorry, I know you've got a long list! And of course it depends on what the others think about it. If it's only me, feel absolutely free to ignor my mumblings! ;-) Thought it might be useful to start a bit of a debate on the issue (now I sound like a politician - oh, dear...)
I really just wanted to let people know that if they see anything in my pictures that they would like to have, then I would be more than happy to do an exchange if they've got something that would help fill my shady bed :-)
27 Jun, 2008
Im off to read the plants tab.
My shady bit is ferns, Hostas and tree ferns. Sorry I won't be swapping those.
I shall be having a look to see what I can offer. I do have a lot of Equisetum.
27 Jun, 2008
Well, I WAS hoping for one of your tree ferns, T&T, but ah well... x-D
I do have lots of Hostas already and also some Japanese Painted Ferns (and some other mystery ferns).
27 Jun, 2008
Hi Marquerite - I've bought/sold a few plants over e-bay and they seem to come through pretty much unscathed. Of course, it helps if the plants are only little! I tend to take off the pot and replace it with a sandwich bag tied around the neck to keep the moisture in and then I stuff the whole lot into a postal tube or a small box - if it's a slightly tight fit, so much the better I think, as then it wont giggle about. I then pack scrunched paper or bubblewrap or tissue around it. Sometimes I put the plants in toilet roll inners. In the UK first class post is usually next day if you get to the post office earlyish.
Of course, swops can only occur when the members are in the same country (illegal otherwise me thinks). But I hope you're right and things pick up a bit. I'll be posting seeds to swop shortly. Happy gardening :-)
8 Jul, 2008
i also buy and sell on e bay. most post well. i have recieved plants in boxes, cardboard tubes and pop bottles! all of which have arrived safely.
21 Aug, 2008
Hi Sandra - yes I also buy and sell plants on e-bay a bit. If there is plenty of packing the plants do pretty well in the post.
Just to add a note, now seeds are coming ripe, there seems to be quite a lot of swoping going on, which is great! Thanks to all those who have kindly swoped seeds/plants with me in the last few weeks :-)
21 Aug, 2008
Yes, I too would swap seeds. I do not think I want to get into international shiping.
Plant tab. Another place I haven't visited.
Two different Dierama, Cyclamen. Aconitum come to mind. Acer seed always. I just sowed some thirty different cultivars and hybrids. None left for trade -- but next year?
10 Dec, 2008
I will write another blog on this when I've got time - since I wrote this the plant swap tab has been removed and you can now find the plant swap page if you click on 'Garden Plants:' at the bottom of the page. Takes some finding down there....
10 Dec, 2008
I see it. Thanks
11 Dec, 2008
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i changed the wording on the seeds i have under plants tab after reading your blog lol. i wasnt looking for anything in exchange but when i re read it i guess folk would have thought i was exchanging them for something else.
26 Jun, 2008