Beware! Dangerous Flower Pots.....
By Sid
Just wanted to share this….I’m listening to the radio and they’ve just said that there are about 5,300 accidents involving flowerpots each year in the UK – which makes them the second most dangerous item of gardening equipment after lawn mowers. Food for thought, no? ;-)
12 Nov, 2008
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12 Nov, 2008
I bet its because of people trying to lift them in the wrong way. Probably all back injuries or crushed toes
12 Nov, 2008
Or standing on them to reach things and then falling off? Or falling off window sills onto peoples heads? Of could it be something to do with THE FLOWERPOT PEOPLE???!!!!
12 Nov, 2008
12 Nov, 2008
Thats it! us Goyers Know all about those Flower Pot People dont we ;) I bet their all over the UK causing Havock In Peoples Gardens :/ lol
12 Nov, 2008
5,300 Flower Pot People ?
Their breeding programme is out of control.
I fear there may be more sightings.
12 Nov, 2008
12 Nov, 2008
Thats dreadfull , to think it,s all been going on behind our backs for so long , I wonder what they eat perhaps we could starve them out . .........
12 Nov, 2008
Too late - I've been feeding them!
12 Nov, 2008
I know what might cause a flower-pot accident in my garden - if I open the shed door, they could easily cascade on my head!
Hmm. I really need to get rid of a whole lot. They definitely multiply when the shed door is locked.
12 Nov, 2008
By looks of your Other Pic Gee id say uv fed them2much lol :)
12 Nov, 2008
I heard that too Sid on Factoids.
Copied off the broadbean -
Figures based on the Department of Trade and Industry's Home Accident Surveillance System report, show that about 300,000 people had to go to Accident & Emergency in 2004 after being hurt in their gardens. Around 87,000 were injured actively gardening or carrying out DIY jobs in the garden. Men and mowers top the list of injury statistics, according to RoSPA's top ten list of most dangerous garden tools, but perhaps the most surprising is the number of injuries caused by the humble flowerpot:
1. Lawnmowers, (6,500 accidents in the UK each year)
2. Flowerpots (5,300)
3. Secateurs and pruners (4,400)
4. Spades (3,600)
5. Electric hedgetrimmers (3,100)
6. Plant tubs and troughs (2,800)
7. Shears (2,100)
8. Garden forks (2,000)
9. Hoses and sprinklers (1,900)
10. Garden canes and sticks (1,800)
13 Nov, 2008
That's an interesting list Ams. Thank you.
I notice plant tubs and troughs are listed separately.
Presumably the 5,300 flower pot injuries are not from lifting heavy pots, because these would be described as plant tubs?
13 Nov, 2008
Yes TT, I think your sinister Flower Pot People observations may have merit.
13 Nov, 2008
OMG thats a lot of Gardening Accidents when all added up Ams :(
13 Nov, 2008
The severity of the accident isn't mentioned.
I would guess you'd do more damage with Number 5. Electric Hedge Trimmer than Number 2. Flower Pots, but maybe Jacque and Ams you are right ~
These Flower Pot People are far more dangerous than we realise. :o(
13 Nov, 2008
Dont forget the man who dropped his chain saw and it fell on his wifes head at the foot of the ladder.......
13 Nov, 2008
That sounds awful.
Advice for when holding a ladder below a person using a chain-saw ~
Wear a Flower Pot on your head, or even better, a safety helmet.... :o)
13 Nov, 2008
She is separated now !
13 Nov, 2008
Not surprised.
Please check out little quiz on my Flower Pot Nursery pic. :o)
13 Nov, 2008
Oh Ams - thanks for the laugh! I am still chuckling!
13 Nov, 2008
O iv just remembered an Accident i had with MY Dads Spade when about11yrs old Ams! I was Standing to close as he chopped away @ some Hard Soil & i got hit in the Shin Bone of my right leg with it OUCH! it did Cut me :( But No A&E :)
13 Nov, 2008
It's so easy to have an accident when not concentrating.
I've just cut my finger while cleaning the budgie cage.
Now using keyboard with a bandage on.
Good excuse for any spelling mistoookks. Lol
13 Nov, 2008
Ouch Jacque, I hope you were liberally applied with chocolate.
13 Nov, 2008
lol No just a Plaster Ams :)
13 Nov, 2008
Do I get chocolate for hurting my finger on the budgie cage please. Prefer Cadburys if there's a choice.
13 Nov, 2008
I prefer Galaxy myself - everso everso creamy !! Do I get any for my poorly elbow ???
13 Nov, 2008
Amazing ~
I just ate only half a small bar of Cadbury's Turkish Delight and my finger is cured.
Terry60 ~
I have a Cadbury's TWIRL here.
You're welcome to that.
Might TWIRL your elbow back to its correct position???
13 Nov, 2008
YES plllllease - when is the next DHL dispatch ?????
13 Nov, 2008
Ams - yes you caught me listening to Radio 2! Thanks for the interesting list - for some reason the one that made me flinch was 'Secateurs and pruners' yikes.....
Can I also have some chocolate please, seeings this is my blog? ;-)
13 Nov, 2008
Not long before I joined GOY I had an accident where I tripped and fell off the front wall outside my house. It's a few feet high.
I was carrying a large flowerpot with a shrub at the time and it smashed to pieces.
I thought I was allright until I saw blood oozing through the leg of my jeans. When I looked I had a long gash of over an inch long.
My neighbour took me to A&E and I had 7 stitches. But the annoying thing was that by the time I got home his wife had brushed up all the pieces of pot and thrown them away. I could have used them for drainage in tubs.
I didn't like to mention it incase I offended her.
BTW it wasn't the pot that caused the accident. It was the frayed hem of my old jeans.
It pays to be careful what you wear in the garden.
13 Nov, 2008
Chocolate all round folks, 2 bars for TT and Sid. I would love to see the first GOYSTER with chocolate all over their gob ;-)
I just love the way a topic goes off in a complete tangent and by a miracle it finds its way back again, he he.
I promise I did not laugh at anyones misfortune.
13 Nov, 2008
I did
13 Nov, 2008
He he - thanks for that Ams!
Hywell - oh, dear - sounds like you had a bit of a flowerpot incident ordeal there! I hope the shrub didn't go in the bin along with the 'crocks'. Heres to adding to the statistics tho!
13 Nov, 2008
1. Lawnmowers, (6,500 accidents in the UK each year)
2. Flowerpots (5,300)
3. Secateurs and pruners (4,400)
4. Spades (3,600)
5. Electric hedgetrimmers (3,100)
6. Plant tubs and troughs (2,800)
7. Shears (2,100)
8. Garden forks (2,000)
9. Hoses and sprinklers (1,900)
10. Garden canes and sticks (1,800)
Someone must have been smoking something. I would be sure that hedge trimmers, secateur's and ladders would be higher than flowerpots.
"Don’t forget the man who dropped his chain saw and it fell on his wife’s head at the foot of the ladder...." Yes, I always wear a hardhat. I do a lot of pruning and tree falling. Jim used to lift me up in the backhoe to get things done. Another customer had a fast moving tractor -- made a turn and didn't see me. It hit me so hard; I flipped totally over and landed on my feet. Three cracked ribs.
I would add these big boys to the list.
On ladders. I was at the top of one when we had an earthquake. Damn those moles, I thought. Climbed down to reposition and went back up. It still continued to shake.
Only on the drive home and hearing the sirens and seeing the broken windows, did I figure it out. .
The other ladder story echoes another post. This happened in Sequim. Man goes up the ladder to prune his trees. Fell off. Landed on a metal fence post. His wife found him so kabobed. It was a long ugly way to go.Or add, a real bad garden find.
I would hate to have that story as my obituary.
Add, do not drive a riding lawn mower if you have narcolepsy and live near a hundred foot cliff. That was another bad obituary read in the local paper.
10 Dec, 2008
Really? Good grief......
Also - up a ladder during an earthquake - hmmm, not good!
10 Dec, 2008
In retrospect. I do have to think of the odds on that. It was a three legged ladder and I was up about 14 ft. I just thought the ladder had tipped into a varmint hole. Slow lower that I am, I went back up. It was a long rolling earthquake. Nisqually quake it was called.
11 Dec, 2008
LOL..I was in my shop when the Nisqually was strange everything grew quiet then I noticed my windchimes in the store windows began to wind inside the seem everthing happened in slow motion...not a flower pot fell...stuffed toy off one shelf...very strange one that was...been in ones where the flower pots lept off those you know what is happening...
My childrens great grand dad actually died from a gardening accident....he was on their fathers side...he was out mowing around his sons swimming pool..tripped, fell in, the mower fell in on top of him and knocked him out..he drowned at 87 while mowing the lawn...
12 Feb, 2009
We don't get many earthquakes over here.....bit boring like that really! That's a pity about your great-father-in-law (is that right?)....fancy, you take care of your health all your life, reach the good old age of 87 and you're STILL fit enough to mow the lawn.......then something like that happens! Bummer....
13 Feb, 2009
Yes was really odd...he was very fit for his age..had been a farmer in North Dakota (lots of big farming there) all of his life..they said he had the body of a 40 year old...he should have let go of the mower..but I suppose when he was falling just hung onto what was available..had he not been so strong he may have not been able to pull it in on top of himself...He was my ex-husbands grandfather...his name was the bull..I did like him..I called him Ferdie...
13 Feb, 2009
13 Feb, 2009
It happened over 36 years it has become more of a learning not mow with your back to a pool... !!!
13 Feb, 2009
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OMG! how do they cause so many Accidents Sarah ?
12 Nov, 2008