No Shocks Yet!
By Troddles
It is extremely hot at the moment around 32C in the shade of the terrace. When it is like this you can’t imagine that it could change back to Winter…….but it can, can’t it fellow GoY members??
My seed planting is coming on a treat, with Morning Glory, Nicotiana, Delphiniums, Gailadia and Basil. All have germinated in seed trays on the floor in front of the patio doors! My failures normally occur when I prick out to the 3 inch pots, so we shall see, I have only done the Morning Glory so far and (cautiously) they are still alive!
I have put in my bean sticks in preparation, way, way ahead but I have my plan written out for the veg this year…have you seen my veg garden? My son took this photo last May when he was working on the garage roof. I have always had the usual straight rows, so I thought …..why not.
I am going to plant all my beans in pots this year to germinate as I have a lot of field mice in my veg plot and they eat my bean seeds. They have a wonderful time in the compost heap as well, sitting eating apple cores and vegetable parings! I can’t begrudge them, they look so sweet, and I don’t have any other pets since my elderly french cat died, aged 18, is that about 126 in human years?
I shall be planting my first Beetroot seeds tomorrow and also some Nastursium, the ground is warm at the moment. I have also bought some red trailing geraniums because I like a window box of them outside the kitchen to look at when I am at the sink.
I buy my tomato and lettuce plants from my local market as it makes life easier. I only need a few toms with just the two of us, so I have 4 red cherry, 4 Marmande, 4 medium size “Ancienne”…don’t ask! They are an old variety, I guess.
The lettuce are 1.80 euro for 12, so I have 12 frilly green and 12 frilly brown, I shall take a chance and plant them “toute suite”.
I also bought 50 odd leek seedlings for 3 euros and they are already languishing in the veg plot, they will perk up soon.
The garden centre had 20% off all flowering trees last week so I took advantage and bought this Prunus, it is called “Royal Burgundy” and it is blooming lovely as they say.
Anyway, thats it so far, hope it doesn’t snow… did last year.
18 Apr, 2011
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Hi Troddles - what an original idea your veggie garden is - so decorative as well as being productive. Are you keeping it like this this year ?
Good Luck with it and Happy Gardening.
18 Apr, 2011
Love your veggie circle, you have lots of land there for growing vegatables. hope you have more luck than I had with my flower seeds, I pricked out six trays of ,Lavertera, Cosmos, Larkspur , Pink/Blue Poppies, put them in my mini greenhouse and could have cried yesterday as the slugs had eaten almost everyone of them ;0(
18 Apr, 2011
I love your vegetable garden - great idea!
19 Apr, 2011
I like your veg garden. Nice to do something different and unusual :o)
19 Apr, 2011
Yes, Mariek my veg garden is the same shape. I just move things about, rotation in real terms! It is a bit different but works well, It started off as a halfmoon and "waxed"! Oh! Pansypotter what a rotten thing to happen. After my Autumn seed planting I emerged with just one lupin! Happy gardening to one and all, let battle commence!
20 Apr, 2011
Recent posts by Troddles
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I love your veggy garden. What a good idea.Lets hope this lovely weather we are having in uk stays. Happy gardening
18 Apr, 2011