Vandalism..Council Style
By Troddles
This was the Allee de Palouty on the 20th April 2011, a lovely traditional french avenue of Plane trees, sheltering the road.
And this is the road now. Nineteen perfectly healthy plane trees were felled for no good reason, except the “Maire” got in a miff.
It appears that the Conseil General, which is the equivalent to the County Council in England, sent a memo. They said that in the future, if a bit of a tree fell on someone, or someone inadvertantly drove into a tree, and they decided to sue, they would not be liable. The village would have to take out insurance. So our Maire said “right, cut the lot down”.
I would add that, we have lived here for about 8 years and nothing has occurred. No one I have spoken to has ever heard of an accident with a tree. It was just in a fit of pique…..I nearly cried when I heard the chain saws and could not stand and witness it.
17 May, 2011
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How awful, it looked so nice before.
17 May, 2011
That sort of 'elf and safety rubbish is happening in the UK all the time. I'm very sad to hear that it's happening in France too.
17 May, 2011
That is so sad, it was so beautiful before, it must have broken your heart.
18 May, 2011
That really is sad! Sounds like the British 'Nanny State' has reached France - how long, I wonder, before it reaches us here in Spain??!!!!!! Not exactly to the point of your blog - but we often laugh at seeing workmen on rooftops with no hard hats, no safety harnesses, and with the ground beneath strewn with heaps of bricks, upturned spikey implements and no warning barriers of any kind! Health and Safety would have a fit!
Hopefully a 'hedge' of some sort will naturally grow in your road area to soften the roadside again?
18 May, 2011
Thanks for all your comments and sympathy, I sometimes feel I am the only one who gives a damn. 74% of the Ariege is trees! Most are mixed forest and some are "a crop" and regularly cut down. It's just really upsetting to see trees cut down for no good reason, they take so long to grow.
It will just naturalise I expect Nariz but can't see any height growing to soften it. That little house has been being built for at least 4 years and looks an even bigger mess now!
The French manipulate the Health and Safety laws to suit themselves. Year before last I had a guy from EDF up my cherry tree with a chain saw as the branches had grown near the cables. He was all over that tree, like a demented monkey with a chain saw in one hand, no safety clothes or equipment at all.
18 May, 2011
We need MORE trees not LESS trees. Absolutely rubbish, those trees were very nice.
18 May, 2011
So the 'health and safety' junk has also arrived to france??? It was so beautiful with the trees! Must be so depressing looking at it now.
18 May, 2011
Don't think it's Health and safety rules, It's more like the insurance's and the councils at risk of being sued
and using the rules
18 May, 2011
Councils are a law unto themselves and do just what they want, but I bet if someone else had asked for them all to be chopped down there would have been a reason to say no.
18 May, 2011
Oooh, that is so sad.
18 May, 2011
It's funny but a lot of people imagine that France is not a "nanny" state. But in point of fact it is more of one than the UK. The french actually expect the state to take care of everything and deal with it. A much bigger percentage of people work in the state sector here than in Britain, and it is the job everybody wants. Who wouldn't with a 35 hour week and 8 weeks hols!!!
19 May, 2011
What idiots !!! :(
19 May, 2011
You can say that again Hywel!
19 May, 2011
What idiots !!!
19 May, 2011
19 May, 2011
19 May, 2011
What a terrible shame. All trees are precious, for birds, insects and of course the air we breathe! Pure vandalism, can you contact anyone to have them replaced? There must be a National Trust or Tree Trust in France?
24 May, 2011
Not that I know of Aneagillis, they like buildings (which is a bit like the National Trust) and with a careful search I found a RSPB equivalant but nothing for the trees, unless they are sheltering something they can shoot!
24 May, 2011
25 Jul, 2011
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17 May, 2011