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Are my eyes deceiving me?


Not really a gardening comment…but over the last few days all the blogs I read are displayed like a newspaper column, which makes reading them properly difficult. Anyone else having this problem?

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Blogs are easier to read if members break up their text into small paragraphs.

If your blog looks like the text is in too much of a solid block and difficult to read, you can click on EDIT BLOG ENTRY and then break your text into paragraphs. Then click on PUBLISH.

I hope this helps.

10 Jul, 2009


Sometimes if a blog is one long block of words with no paragraphs I won't read it. It makes my eyes bad and I loose my way in the middle of it.

It's more reader friendly to have paragraphs, and also some photos to illustrate what one is talking about.

I'm glad I'm not the only one having problems.

I find the background colour of the GoY page unhelpful aswell. It is very drab and the words don't stand out very well. This also makes it difficult to read. The 'owners' ( for want of a better word ) obviously don't think so. They seem to like a drab-looking page :o(

10 Jul, 2009


Hi AA, Very good comment, I must admit I too look at the blogs and if they are all in one block I tend to drift through them. The photos (in my opinion ) do help with the story/blog.

Hi Hywel, I agree about the background colour. Do you think they leave it such a drab colour to show the photos in a better light ?

Great blog AA, thanks again.........Ian

10 Jul, 2009


I've just heard from Ajay Ian, and apparently there is a way we can get a white background. I've asked him to explain to me how I can do it. I find this dull grey colour difficult to see the words clearly.

10 Jul, 2009


Alice - I know exactly what you mean,

Sometimes the text is shown all in the left hand third of the available space with only about 4 words per line,
whereas other times its fine!

10 Jul, 2009


Its doing it now!! - Hywels' veg disaster blog has gone skinny and vertical - but the comments are ok. EEK.

10 Jul, 2009


Good criticism A/Alice yes sometimes the colour has a funny effect on my eyes too, as for the shifting text sometimes I think it may be the browser you are using, my wife uses IE6 and it does the same as you have just described Ducky, but on mine I use IE7 (just upgraded to 8) and I don't have that problem.
As for the text, yes I suppose it would help if it was broken up into paragraphs, I for one will keep that in mind when writing.

10 Jul, 2009


Alice, Ducky - shouldn't be doing that! Can you press the F5 button and see if that fixes things. If not, can you send us a message via the Contact Us link with the version number of the browser you are using so we can look into things for you. Ta.

10 Jul, 2009


Good man Ajay, Hywel, my background is green (ish)
Bob, I tried IE8 and found it rubbish, I went back to 7 !!
(its all your fault !!)

10 Jul, 2009


Hi! Y'all,
D'you know, I have absolutely NO idea what you're talking about, all these 7s and 8s, but the background colour I have is what used to be known as Eau-de-Nil, a rather soft green. It's supposed to be restful on the eyes! LoL
As for paragraphs, I agree. A long screed with nothing to break it up can be very tiring to read, as is one that has the minimum of punctuation.
I'm happy to say that I have encountered very little distortion with published blogs, so maybe I'm just lucky. S'about time. If I didn't have bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all!!

10 Jul, 2009


Hello Ian (are you following me?) I have only just got IE8 and so I have to give it a good coat of looking at first, but first impressions are not good.
Bbb It's a man-thing :o)))) we love just quoting numbers it makes us sound intelligent.
What it really means is it is the browser that is used to look at the web with is called Internet Explorer and it is version 7 or 8, some people use other makes of browsers such as 'Firefox' for instance, and sometimes when talking about them we abbreviate it down to IE7 or even FF2 ...... as I said a man thing :o))))
I also have the green background.

10 Jul, 2009


Folks - Sorry for the bother. We have just made a change that will hopefully fix the funny narrow columns that only seemed to be showing in Internet Explorer 6. Let me know if you still have problems.

10 Jul, 2009


Thanks Bob,
It's a bit like man-flu by numbers then? LoL

10 Jul, 2009


LOL Bbb ~ good one!!

10 Jul, 2009


Exactly Bbb Lol, Lol, Lol, (its all Bobs fault !!)
Well done Ajay :~))

10 Jul, 2009


Thank you everyone for your comments. I must say it was not the way people were writing their blogsI was commenting on, it was the way it shows up on the screen. It has just happened over the last few days so nothing to do with my browser (I think!) I'm ok with the background....Eau de whatsit, like Bigbumblbee...I can read it ok. Thank you Ajay for your input. I will check it now....I have been at Harlow Carr Gardens in Harrogate today and have not long been home...and am very tired.....with taking lots and lots and lots of pics for you all. Will download them tomorrow. ttfn

Have checked out other blogs and all seems well now. Thank you Ajay...I suppose one good thing has come out of it, that other forumites have expressed their opinions of layouts of blogs. Paragraphs and punctuation (and spelling!!!) are very important if we are to enjoy reading each other's stories. I must say that text speak irritates me somewhat and I tend not to read blogs that have 2 much in....if you know what I mean. Not all of us are texting addicts.

10 Jul, 2009


Well I have to say that if the subject is interesting the lack of paragraphs and punctuation,together with a few spelling mistakes and a bit of 'text speak' here and there,doesn't bother me in the slightest, especially since so many blogs are accompanied by fantastic photographs.

10 Jul, 2009


hi Ginellie i agree completely with you haven`t got a clue bout 1E8s or anything but not everyone can b a first class speller(including myself,or anyone just starting to learn using a laptop,computer,can prove difficult in trying to get a blog written.I enjoy everyones blog,spelling mistake text speaks the whole lot!!!!!!!:~))))))))

11 Jul, 2009


OK guys....point taken!!!......was meant as a "comment" rather than a critisism.....:))))

12 Jul, 2009


Hi AA, I think your blog is a very good one with lots of points and ideas for all, I agree about the text speak though as I to have a problem with it. Some sites I use have banned it all together, as for mobile phones, I think they are the scurge of the earth, terrible, irritating, noisy things that interfere with your day and always go off just as I'm just settling down to something or enjoying some peace and quite in the garden....Hmm Hmmm, sorry rant over :~)) (this is text speak as well, but I learnt it here!)
One thing your blog has pointed out, is that everyone is different and us GoYers are the most understanding of the lot.
Great blog AA.
PS. The best blogs always get the most comments and cause the most discusion. :~)) (look there's that text speak again!)

12 Jul, 2009


Thanks Ian pet.. I.didn't know :)))) was text speak. Wish someone would give me a list and a translation....would hate to say the wrong thing!
I agree with you about mobiles...I hate ' not interested in listening to other folk's conversations....I'm always getting wrong for not having mine switched on.....its good to be incommunicado sometimes isn't it?

Have a good Sunday.x

12 Jul, 2009


your not wrong sweety, I always leave mine behind and then get wrong off Carol for not having it LOL (more text speak, means Laughs Out Loud! I hope)
Perhaps we should start a text speak directory so we can all learn it !

12 Jul, 2009


Hi Ian U R ded Rite ther & we cn al lern it 2 C U L8R

13 Jul, 2009


WHAT ???????
(Its all Bobs fault) LOL

13 Jul, 2009


I'll be down to smack both your

14 Jul, 2009


I cannot get into text speak, it takes me forever to read and understand it and i eventually give up :(

14 Jul, 2009


The original column thing is sorted thank goodness! as for Text speak I try to avoid it even on text messages! but I do like the little face things you can type - I saw in the newspaper the other weekend a way of typing a Homer Simpson face - they are rather cheery and a smile acn say more than 100 words!

(_8(1) Smile on.

14 Jul, 2009


Always wonder what LOL meant know I now, thank you all.

14 Jul, 2009


Directory of text speak

LOL === Laugh Out Loud
LMAO = Laugh My Ass Off
PMSL = Pee My Self Laughing (polite version)
:~)) === Smilie, happy thoughts
:~(( === Grumpy, unhappy thoughts

Anyone got any more? Please add them to this blog

14 Jul, 2009


Ah.....thanks for that Ian....knew about lol (my hubby says this is not text speak but computer there you go!!

I roughly knew what the others were...apart from LMAO/PMSL....I'm too much of a lady to use that language.....LOL............its a pity we didn't have "smilies" on the forum....much easier to understand.....,how about it "Boss".....

14 Jul, 2009


A brill idea AA. You would have to Email Ajay or Peter to get an answer. You can do that by clicking on the "contact us" link at the bottom of the page. Good luck. LOL

14 Jul, 2009


Ta pet :)))

14 Jul, 2009


And you're concerned about spelling mistakes?

15 Jul, 2009

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