Papaver somniferum
By amblealice
Also known as; Opium poppy
Plant folklore; Present in settlements throughout Europe
dating from 4000BC. Sacred to Hypnos the
Greek god of sleep. Given to children in ancient Egypt to stop them crying.
Associated with Aphrodite. A strong aphrodisiac.
Sending a dog to retrieve a piece of poppy cake would provide the direction from which true love would appear. Scattering poppy seeds round the bed on St Andrew’s night would provide dreams of a maiden’s future husband.
Putting a question about love in an empty seed pod under the pillow would provide the answer in a dream.
Eating a cake made with poppy seeds on New Year’s Eve would produce abundance for the following year.
Hide poppy seeds in a bride’s shoe to make her infertile.
Soak poppy seeds in wine for fifteen days then drink this potion for 5 days whilst fasting, to be able to become invisible at will.
Vampires are compelled to count poppy seeds. If being pursued….scatter poppy seeds on the ground behind you and the vampire will stop and count the seeds, while you get away.
Factual inf: Source of morphine and heroin
Image borrowed from Chrispook!
21 Nov, 2009
Previous post: Aconitum lamarckii
Next post: Nerium oleander (white)
Thank you some instances they are "out of this world"
I have just found another piece on the opium poppy:-
"although ordinary poppy seeds are only weakly narcotic, there was a case of a baker who suffered delirium after drinking two litres a night of a tea made from poppy seeds bought to put on the rolls. It was discovered that the regular order of 3kg per week of poppy seeds had been increased to 25kg"
food for thought eh! if your local baker looks a bit "boss eyed" know what he has been up to...:)))))
21 Nov, 2009
Brilliant keep em coming LOL
21 Nov, 2009
Papaver somniferum is one of my favourite plants thanks for the info :)
I have given away so many seed heads, that "my poppies" are probably spread half way across Britain by now, Lol :))
21 Nov, 2009
lovely blog again. :o)
21 Nov, 2009
Thank you ladies...more tomorrow...
21 Nov, 2009
Scattered seeds round my bed and forgot to shut the window - dreamt I was being pecked to death by rooks!
21 Nov, 2009
I am suprised Wagger thought it might be surrounded with soliders he he as we are supose to be fighting a poppy war lol
Lovely blogs of folklore all interesting to know what other things they can do besides looking pretty.
21 Nov, 2009
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Thankyou for your interesting blogs Amblealice isn't folklore wonderful. I'm fasinated.
21 Nov, 2009