Lolium temulentum
By amblealice
Also known as: Darnel; Bearded Darnel; Cheat; Tare; Cockle.
Plant folklore: Believed to be the “tares” referred to in the Bible. Mixed with radish to form a cream which is good for the complexion.
Lollardy or Wycliffism, England’s only native medievil heresy, is believed to be named for the plant. Referred to in the parable at Mathew 13:24-30
Used as one of the components of flying mixtures for witches. May have been used as part of hallucogenic wines made by the Greeks.
Factual info: Extinct in nature. Poisonous grass. It is thought that the seeds are the poisonous component and some think it is a fungus growing on the seed.
27 Nov, 2009
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It looks very much like the grass we used to throw at each other as children. This one is extinct....
27 Nov, 2009
Me to Morgana and we use to pull something like this through our fingers to strip them perhaps thats why they are extinct?
27 Nov, 2009
Well I have seen these recently here where I live as I showed my grand kids what we use to do with them.
27 Nov, 2009
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Ha good job I m not dead then, use to pick these and through them like darts which stuck to our cloths lol when a child us to get the stalk and chew it.
27 Nov, 2009