'Kashmir Purple' Another garden story
By annella
Ten years ago today I moved in to my house. It was a hectic time as my ex OH had decided we would do it ourselves being not far away and coming from a smaller cottage with not too much furniture. My main concern was bringing along as many plants as I could from the garden. Weeks before I had started digging and dividing all my favourites making sure I re-planted a piece for the new owner. Luckily the man we were buying from had agreed to let me start transporting all the pots to the new garden days before the move in a small van I had hired.
The last evening in the cottage was spent packing and tidying but I found time to have a wander round my garden for one last look. On that wander I spotted an open flower on what I thought was Geranium ‘Johnsons Blue’, It was actually my Geranium ‘Kashmir Purple’ so up it came and in a carrier bag as all the pots had gone. If it hadn’t flowered that evening it wouldn’t have come with me. The funny thing is it has flowered around the same day for the last ten years and this year on the day itself. So even though some things have seemed early my ‘Kashmir Purple’ was on time.
Taken after work yesterday evening
10 May, 2011
Previous post: An old friend in flower
Next post: The Slope 19.05.11
Great blog Annella! Love it... you got your priorities right, plants first... furniture etc next! Lovely plants, in your blog too!
10 May, 2011
Lovely tale of your geranium...
... good to know it has flowered every year since ...
10 May, 2011
lovely story, lovely flower..
10 May, 2011
The Kashmiris are among my very favourite geraniums..love the leave shape and it always looks good.
10 May, 2011
It's beautiful I'm glad you saw it and took it with you.
I went through that when I moved. It took a day to move the furniture and the whole of the following week to move my cacti fuchsias garden ornaments and other plants lol. I had taken many down to my father's garden but lots were still in the old cottage. The people buying it had gone away for a week before moving in so I didn't disturbe them
10 May, 2011
It must have been fate, Ann. It's certainly a lovely flower and was obviously meant to be in your garden.
10 May, 2011
It's a beauty Annella good job you didn't miss it.
10 May, 2011
Nice one Annella, you were even thoughtful to your buyers and left them some plants too. Bless you! and 'Kashmir Purple' worked it's cotton socks off to flower for you or it may have got left behind..:)) I always knew plants had feeling :))))
10 May, 2011
I feel that to Michaella it didn`t intend to stay behind.
Like you Annella I`m a big fan of hardy geraniums and have a "Lilly Lovell" which has done very little in producing flowers and talking to my plants - as you do! - I said if it was the same this year it was going. Well you guessed it its flowering its socks off right now and I love it. Looking at your photo I think "Kashmir Blue" would look lovely along side of it.
10 May, 2011
Thanks all, it has become a special flower because of how it saved itself that day and to have flowered on pretty much the same day ever since is a lovely reminder. Glad to hear I'm not the only one more interested in moving my garden than the furniture Hywel, the neighbours gave me some funny looks but they know me well now Lol
Stroller I will look out for 'Lilly Lovell' or maybe we could exchange some divisions?
Michaella we both know plants have feelings Lol x
10 May, 2011
Hardy geranium's are a favourite of mine as well, I have eleven different one's in flower now, the phaeum's are my best.
10 May, 2011
Annella thats a lovely story and your little plant is determined to be noticed and reminding you every year that its still with you,They better have feelings as I`m always chatting away to mine, I even apologize if I accidently tread on one whilst working, LOL...
10 May, 2011
Lovely story,Annella,and I did exactly the same ,when we moved to this house..although I couldn't plant anything for ages,as it was like a builders dumping ground at the back..new build,and January ! my pots were spread over three different friends gardens..and how grateful I was!
All survived and still with me ..:o)
10 May, 2011
Lol Lincs....I write stories about mine and remember where every one came from......is that sad?
10 May, 2011
Hello Bloomer! I had my mother in laws garden lined up for plant sitting if I needed it. This is a nice celebration of my ten years here x
10 May, 2011
Annie, that's a lovely story and one of my favourite plants in my garden too. Touched with sadness at how you felt about leaving your old place. We also moved ourselves to here...OH's idea...as they do...I had Sciatica and was in agony for three months afterwards! NEVER AGAIN. Sometimes a lady has to put her foot down!! :))...read all the comments now...I have Lily Lovell too...she's gorgeous but mine isn't flowering yet...I shall have a word with her tomorrow!
10 May, 2011
Lol Karen! I would never let anyone convince me moving yourself is a good idea ever again, they spent more time snacking at McDonalds and I had to use my plant hire van for furniture. I sat outside this house and cried before I came in, infact he had to come and get me then carry me over the threshhold!
10 May, 2011
Bitter-sweet memories eh? :)) Have a good day tomorrow! x
10 May, 2011
Such a lovely story, we have numerous plants that remind us of old friends,( some that have passed on), we bought loads of plants and two sinks with all the plants still in them lol
10 May, 2011
Oh dear Annella, moving is so flippin' stressful too! You can get so tired and overwrought, and you're not even going to sleep in the house you're used to, if you know what I mean...I'm blathering! Your Kasmir Purple is lovely, and it looks great with, I think, is it a Phaeum Album? I have that and the Mourning Widow, it's flowers are nearly black, and it will flower away happily in practically total shade! I must post a pic tomorrow of one of the offshoots of it, it is a lovely blue with a slightly paler middle, I hoping it might be a sport! Same habit as the phaem, just a different colour...we'll see! Your cute blog just reminded me of it! Thank you!
11 May, 2011
Just popped off to see 'Lily Lovell'. My flower looks just like that only with a white/pale centre, I'll post it tomorrow.
11 May, 2011
i think i have this geranium anne, its lovely, i got two blue ones last year and doing well, your garden is wonderfull anyway :o)
11 May, 2011
Thanks San
12 May, 2011
Thats a lovely story, and its a lovely flower, your plants look lovely spilling over the path, its funny how plants can mean so much to us and how they become sentimental, i have many plants in my garden and on the allotments that are from customers that have sadly passed on, one such plant i have in the back garden is the perrenial, Acanthus [bears britches] and it was given to me by a dear old couple Mr/Mrs Brown some eighteen years ago, it was just a small seedling in a pot, its quite sad because, when they gave it to me it was the last i saw of them, she was 92 and he was 94 and in the space of seven days they both passed on, so when i go down the garden i often think of them, julien.
12 May, 2011
Yours is a lovely story too Julien
13 May, 2011
How lovely,Julian..I also associate a lot of my plants with people who gifted some to me...lovely to keep the memories growing ...
13 May, 2011
what a lovely plant that is i keep meaning to get one but for some reason it slips my mind.
15 May, 2011
I really enjoyed your blog and photos - well done
16 May, 2011
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What a lovely story Annella....You wouldnt want to be without it, im sure...Its lovely...:>)
10 May, 2011