Happy Birthday Karensusan!!
By annella
Happy Birthday Karen, I hope you are having a lovely day and the sun is shining on you xxxx
20 Mar, 2013
Previous post: May Day Celebrations 1947
Next post: Thank you Karen!
Happy birthday from me too, Karen ... I bet you're soaking up the sun ... have a wonderful day ... :o)
20 Mar, 2013
Think maybe she is having a brilliant day, too busy to see messages lol Happy Birthday from your Mum too Karen Sue. lol Hope the gardens are brilliant so looking forward to seeing the pictures on your return.
20 Mar, 2013
I'm sure she is Olive! It's snowing here again now, Karen's got the right idea getting away from this weather to celebrate xxxx
20 Mar, 2013
It snowed here early this morning but turned to rain and now it is just soggy and cloudy. Have seen the forecast for the weekend and the temperatures up near Karen are dropping to around minus 10 Hope she has some woollies packed for when she lands back home. I am glad she is touring that beautiful garden for her birthday it will be so amazing. Hope she is having a great time Annella sure she will be. :O)
20 Mar, 2013
Enjoy the sun, Karen, and come back with new energy.
All the best on your birthday.
20 Mar, 2013
Happy birthday Karen..wherever you are..sounds like somewhere warm and sunny...lucky you :o)) xx
20 Mar, 2013
Marrakesh Bloomer xx
20 Mar, 2013
Happy Birthday Karen, hope you are enjoying it, soaking up the Sun :-) x
20 Mar, 2013
Happy Birthday Karen, hope you are having a lovely day!
beautiful flower annella!
20 Mar, 2013
Yes Happy Birthday Karen we both went away for our special birthdays.
More snow here Karen no way would we be at the Castle with all the snow.
Have a great day my friend.
20 Mar, 2013
Happy Birthday Karen, enjoy your break.
20 Mar, 2013
Happy Birthday Karen , have a fantasic break , lucky you in the sunshine :o))
20 Mar, 2013
Happy Birthday Karen, hope you have a great day :)
20 Mar, 2013
Happy Birthday KarenSusan ...
I hope you're enjoying your week :o) x
20 Mar, 2013
Happy birthday from me too KarenSusan. Make the most of the warm sunshine!
Annella, what a beautiful photo.
20 Mar, 2013
Happy Birthday Karen ,many, many ,many more years to come:-) x
20 Mar, 2013
Happy Birthday Karen have a fabulous day xx.
We're all shivering and sooooooooo envious, lol.....
20 Mar, 2013
Happy Birthday Karen :)))))))))))
20 Mar, 2013
All the best again from me, I just know you will be having a great time out there, best place to be at the moment, weather not good in Scotland, well not good anywhere really, but, at least it is not raining.......at the moment lol looking forward to seeing your photographs.....xx
20 Mar, 2013
Birthday Greeting to you :o)
20 Mar, 2013
Birthday wishes from me too x
20 Mar, 2013
Happy Birthday Karen xx
20 Mar, 2013
Happy Birthday Karen, hope you're having a wonderful day!:)
20 Mar, 2013
A very happy birthday Karen, I bet its wonderful to feel some sun on your back, wish you could arrange to bring some of it back with you.
20 Mar, 2013
Belated birthday wishes to you Karen...Hope you're having a great time :>)
20 Mar, 2013
Thank you all very much! We walked for five hours yesterday! We visited Yves Saint Laurent's garden, the Majorelle garden to give its proper name ..in the morning. Then we walked all the way to the other end of the city to see the Saadian tombs. Then in the evening we had dinner here in the hotel, and half a dozen waiters sang happy birthday and presented cake with candles?....but not 50 of them thank goodness...only two. I shall do a blog on the garden for you all next week. We will be coming home to midwinter again at the weekend, in spite of today being the first day of spring! Surely, the weather 'has' to improve soon! I will try to bring some Saharan heat home with me...we could all do with a good dry-out I think! Thank you Annie! Xxxxx
21 Mar, 2013
P.s.what a beautiful photo...especially chosen with my favourite colour....I only just spotted it. X
21 Mar, 2013
It was taken 3 years ago Karen, I really must try to grow them again.......and yes chosen for the colour I know you love xxx
21 Mar, 2013
lovely pic of lovely flower, great birthday present. Add my wishes for a happy birthday for Karen
21 Mar, 2013
Looking forward to some HOT photos, we all need something to cheer us up....
23 Mar, 2013
Yes, I shall try to do that tomorrow A! I need them myself!
23 Mar, 2013
Good girl.....xx
23 Mar, 2013
Still trying to catch up ...Happy belated birthday Karen, I was born in the wee small hours of the 22nd so we're almost twins ..... give or take a few years lol:-)
25 Mar, 2013
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Oh...yes Happy Borthday Karen! Have u baked a cake Anneela...ha ha!????
20 Mar, 2013