Council gardeners
By balcony
On Tuesday morning, 3rd May 2009, around 8am the council gardeners rolled up & started to put in the new plants for the summer. I took some photos of them working & thought it might make an interesting blog.
They put in many Begonias of at least 2 varieties:white fibrous rooted & a taller pink one. The taller plants I’ve not seen close enough to make out what they are yet but tomorrow I’ll get a closer look.
In some of the photos you can see the carpark for the shops. There are strip flower beds on two sides & a rounded, semicircle bed in front of the shops. I saw them being planted up today but I haven’t got ant photos yet. I’ll get some tomorrow.
Here is an update on the flowerbed in the gardens of the block of flats where I live:
Some recent photos. Middle of August 2009.
4 Jun, 2009
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They are going to look lovely when in bloom.....
5 Jun, 2009
Fascinating photos ~
Did the gardeners enquire as to why you were taking photos of their work ?
5 Jun, 2009
I'm amazed that the workers actually got some work done, lol!!! No builders bum either! That's got to be good! Phew! Lol!!!
I too love Begonia's. Please send us a pic when they're in bloom, thanks! (and let us know if they're scented? Erm, you don't need to get down on hands and knees, p'raps not! Lol!)
5 Jun, 2009
They do sterling work and whilst this would be rather formal in many gardens municipal planting has a lot to contend with.
Wonder if they ll venture to less formal planting ? Perhaps with grasses bamboos etc in future .
5 Jun, 2009
It must cost them a bomb, don't you think Bb? Grasses sound a lovely idea and would last longer too...... Hmmmm, methinks we should ask our local councils .......
5 Jun, 2009
I think its a great job the councils do to brighten up our streets. our local council has done a great job and often plants cannas grasses etc just as B has suggested. they used to grow all their own plants until cutbacks forced them to close their greenhouses, such a shame
5 Jun, 2009
Many have there own nurseries Craftnutter and also sell to the public.. they usually pay workers the minimum wage and up our council tax esp when you live near a seaside resort !
5 Jun, 2009
Several local firms here sponsor a roundabout or similar site - ie they pay for the plants for that particular site
6 Jun, 2009
You have proved me right! I said at the beginning of the blog that perhaps this might be interesting!
The bed, like all the others in town, are planted up twice year.
TT: They didn't even see me taking photos of them working! Some of the photos were taken from inside our kitchen, from a window that looks out over the garden. Others were taken from the balcony when they weren't looking! Lol!
Here they do plant grasses amongst the bedding & even Cannas. I have photos where you can see Cannas. I discovered a bed today where they have planted just one Canna in the centre of the bed. I don't know what colour it will be but it looks great today!
The Begonias are all the fibrous rooted so I don't think there will be any scent. What I did discover is that they have planted Cleome amongst the Begonias as dot plants. There is also another plant they have used as a dot plant but I can't identify it yet.
6 Jun, 2009
I've added a couple of photos so you can see the amazing transformation!
2 Aug, 2009
Checked out the new photos - beautiful transformation. Those beds are look amazing now.
2 Aug, 2009
The last weekend of August & I've uploaded a couple more photos to the blog above.
In a months time they will be history - but, thanks to GoY, they will live on for many a year yet! As well as on my computer.
29 Aug, 2009
It's looking terrific now it's filled out - makes a pretty picture.
29 Aug, 2009
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Well that looks as if it will make a fantastic display - it's a decent sized garden bed. I'm a big fan of begonias so you will have to take some more photos when they have grown a bit and are in full bloom. Thanks Balcony - it's so good to see councils making such an effort.
5 Jun, 2009