Heuchera collection
I have now fallen hook line n sinker for Heuchera’s and Heucheralla’s and just started my collection – which began with a dear friend gifting me two in 2013 – they are so beautiful with so many to choose from im looking forward to the hunt for many more :)
also will be adding pics and looking for GOY members help in id ing some of them please.
24 Jan, 2014
Previous post: Feeling Fed Up of this incessant RAIN!!!
Thank you MB - im sure i'll enjoy the hunt for them, i really like buying from garden visit's and small family run nurseries so its a double plus as you get to see local gardens and bring something memorable home to remind you of a nice day out too :)
24 Jan, 2014
aww so true :-)
24 Jan, 2014
Morning Bee another plant that will delight you and yes get you hooked like me and a few others.
I shall pop in a heuchera with the fuchsias when I send.
25 Jan, 2014
Lovely plant to collect Bee look forward to seeing your photos, I bought a few last year too although not enough to be called a collection, yet lol, just hope it doesn't get out of hand like the other collection oooops.
25 Jan, 2014
Forgot to say welcome to GOY :-)
25 Jan, 2014
Yes MB its very special looking in the garden at plants that you have fond memories of days spent with good friends surrounded by "Gods Garden" ....not to mention something yummy to eat ha ha!! :0)
Oooo SK you are a sweetie Yyyeeess pleaz and it is a very good morning waking up to the news that i have so many new plants to look forward to from new found "gardening elves" you will have to instruct me on how best to send through the post so i can return the favour too! x
25 Jan, 2014
Ooopps nearly did'nt see your nice post there Simbad :)
Was typing reply to MB & SK at the same time! Yes im sure i'll have to tie my hands behind my back ha ha!!...I have soooo many seeds here to sow at the moment that i've taken the risk of starting early in the hope to gain some ground this year ....well only time will tell...gardening as those more experienced than me will know that every year brings different challenges & sometimes if
"mother natures" on our side successes too :)
Thanks for the welcome ....everyones been so kind ...not sure im going to get much done with all the nice chatting im doing thou ha ha!
25 Jan, 2014
There's quite a lot of us on here who are 'hooked on heucheras', Bee, they are very addictive and should come with a government health warning :)
25 Jan, 2014
I'm hooked on heucheras too Bee, have been for a couple of years now, look forward to seeing your photos :)
25 Jan, 2014
"Hooked on Heucheras"
ha ha gee19 ....sounds like a good GOY username :0)
Oh dear ...Seems like we'll have to have a Heucheras Anonymous Group Louisa15 ;)
25 Jan, 2014
I am hooked too Beehf. After 3 years I divide my last year and the mild autumn was good for that. Watch out for 'Heuchera heave' as they can be damaged/die if left, I earth mine up if it happens as the roots will then grow into the soil.
25 Jan, 2014
YEP im now convinced with you too admitting to your addiction Drc726.....a GOY HA group is well overdue LOL!
Thanks for the advice will keep a check on that :)
25 Jan, 2014
You might like to look at my collection on my blog 'Just for me' June 2012, Bee. Most of mine are in pots but I am increasingly putting them into the garden too :)
26 Jan, 2014
Thank you very much Gee19 .....mine are all in pots too... im on me way over to hava Heuchera fix....wooo hoo :O)
26 Jan, 2014
Hi Beehappy ...
yes, heucheras are lovely ..
but very addictive... you've been warned !
Lol. ;o)
27 Jan, 2014
Hi TT -
I feel your warning has arrived TOO late :(
The proverbial "Stable gate" springs to mind ;0)
I have even tried to get a new interest in Helebore's but lovely as they are i find my mind "wandering back to the lure of those pesky (OH the varieties , the tantalizing names,markings and colours) Heuchs!!
And Gee19's blog was the final straw OMG i was in "Heuchera Heaven" seeing all them! :)
I think as i've mentioned TT - "GOY Heuchs Annoymous" is my only hope now LOL!
28 Jan, 2014
Just come across your blog Beehappy ! Welcome to goy .
I got hooked on Heucheras through Cottage Karen and am doubling up on the ones I have by splitting them and passing them on to my neighbour ! I love all the colours too !
16 Mar, 2014
Thanks for your kind welcome :)
Oooo Rose1949 your a Heuch professional now -how long before you were able to split them - i cant wait to be able to do that and share mine everyone's been so friendly on the forum with offers of help and plant/seed sharing- GOY is the BEST :)
20 Mar, 2014
I had them a full year before I split them Bee and also when they were all a good size .
20 Mar, 2014
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24 Jan, 2014
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might not be able to id but look forward to seeing your photos of the this plant that you like... hope you get the collection you desire..
24 Jan, 2014