End of May in the Garden(Where has it gone)
By bjs
Sad. But the next few weeks will see my spring flowers come to an end ,at present there is lots of colour so in the last few days have made the most of it.I have taken so many pictures it is hard to decide what to use.
So thinking in the depths of winter may be i would show some of the ones i have not used to date just to brighten things up
Viburnum Plicatum 3 pictures
Broom in the lower garden
Another variety
White Camassia, One Jamie has not stood on
Looking down to a lower level
Alliums self seeded
Rhododendron Sappho
As above close up this is around 30 years old and massive .
This is the first one i ever planted
Could not resist a couple more Rho dos even though i promised not to blog any more
This i call the GOU effect as last summer i cleared an area after joining the group to plant these type of plants which did not exist up to then.
- 30 May, 2010
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Absolutely fabulous!!
30 May, 2010
Lovely photos of such glorious plants, love the 'Sappho' .
30 May, 2010
you have some beautiful shrubs,loved looking at your blog.
30 May, 2010
30 May, 2010
beautifull pics Bjs, didnt know you had rhododendrons lol ;o)))
30 May, 2010
A lovely spring array of colour Bjs.....I have recently acquired a white Camassia.....lovely.,,
30 May, 2010
Lots of beautiful blooms ... particularly love the Sapho and the Brooms. Your garden is a picture!
30 May, 2010
Like everyone else I think this is a great blog. Beautiful rhodos and the Viburnum, which i do not have but will look it up it is lovely. I like how the alliums have self seeded to make a very nice group.
30 May, 2010
The spring always seems to be over before it begins
:o( I wish it lasted longer. Your garden is beautiful
30 May, 2010
Yours is a beautiful garden Bj - never stop showing your pictures here.
31 May, 2010
a lovely garden B. the viburnum is glorious and I particularly like the Sappho
31 May, 2010
Oh your garden in Spring bloom is beautiful!!! No wonder you be sad when it over.
Love all of your pics. Just wondering what the purple plant is called in your last pic?
31 May, 2010
Angie its a Verbascum from Homebase did ant shop there till i joined this group .Its damaged my street cred LOL
31 May, 2010
I really enjoyed looking around your beautiful garden,Bjs.I wish I had room for all those lovely things,instead of my little postage stamp size garden..you are so lucky.....
31 May, 2010
Bjs what a stunnning garden and in full flower. I am still waiting for my garden here in London to burst into flower, it shouldn't be too long now as I can at last see flower buds lol. You have some beautiful colours in yours
31 May, 2010
From the post on Goy it seems as if the London area is not as far forward as some of the more northerly gardens.
31 May, 2010
So very pretty and how lovely to have enough garden for such large specimens.
31 May, 2010
And still enough energy JUST to look after them.lol
31 May, 2010
Scotsgran this is true. Havent a clue whats happening here in london. Perhaps our flowers are on strick!! Perhaps they want more compost lol
31 May, 2010
31 May, 2010
beautiful, love the plicatum, how big is it? mine is about 4ft at the moment
1 Jun, 2010
Grindle like most things they have grown large over the years this one is at least 10ft high.a few years back i allowed a yellow clematis to grow up and over the top, big mistake the top started to die off because it had no light since doing away with the clematis its has taken 2 years to recover.
1 Jun, 2010
love spring gardens and ues is really loverly
1 Jun, 2010
thanks BJ, I'm glad you said about the clematis, I had been thinking along those lines, now I will just let it be.
2 Jun, 2010
You have some wonderful plants love the Rhododendron Sappo, my broom is just comming into flower yours is lovely colours. The Camassia looks beautiful in white.
3 Jun, 2010
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Yours is definitely a Spring garden BJS and a beautiful one at that, I think the Viburnum family is underestimated, so lovely yet tough. I like the Camassia, must look it up.
30 May, 2010