My two week wonder(Acer Brilliantissimum)
By bjs
Just a short one,you have heard me say before that for fifty weeks of the year it is the most uninspiring tree in the garden not even any Autumn colour.
But lets go back a year there was conversation when I showed pictures of flowers on Acers in the garden,this in turn had come about from showing seedling that grow up in the garden.
First pic is just such a plant in flower today,
Then Took a few pics of Brilliantissmum and their way up were flower buds which I have never seen before,probably because I have never looked.
If any seedlings from that germinated the would have been mowed as there is a sycamore in an adjoining garden.
7 May, 2013
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It's certainly spectacular in these photos!
7 May, 2013
Scottish and Louisa ,two weeks like this, two weeks changing to a cream colour then into a dark Green.
7 May, 2013
Fabulous Acer.
7 May, 2013
Wow..fantastic Bjs....:>)
7 May, 2013
7 May, 2013
Briliantissimum looks really brilliant, Brian. And both acers bloom very typically, I have Acer aconitifolium, which blooms like your first one and Acer griseum, which has flowers similar to A. Briliantissimum. This is something you cannot omit - the flowers are striking.
8 May, 2013
You learn something new every day - and yes, we should take time to look. Your Acer is a beauty!
8 May, 2013
Well worth the wait, amazing tree. :O)
8 May, 2013
Very pretty. I think the same is in Westonbirt too, saw a photo of the leaves but not the flowers.
8 May, 2013
I love the way you always give a really honest review of your plants Brian. Its true this tree is really beautiful and lives up to the description of 'shrimp' coloured leaves. I can remember you mentioning this one last year, its a shame the colour doesn't last very long, all the text books really rave about this as a small tree that every gardener simply must have. I really value member opinions like yours on Goy as you tell it how it really is. So thank you.
23 May, 2013
Its nice to know that people take on board some of the things I say,although I hope it does not come over as being a bit of a know all it's not meant that way.
I normally only comment on things I have grown over the years ,however there are thousands I could not comment on.
Going back to the Acer I tried in vain to put a Goy member one we have not heard from for a long time from planting one in what is quite a small front garden,one things for sure that person will soon have to keep the lights 24/
23 May, 2013
Lol Brian, I hope they do take note, but then again some folk are better off learning from experience :-)
24 May, 2013
Lol Brian! Its doing fine and flowered this year too. but I will make sure the canopy is higher than the dining room window..the front bedroom is welcome to the shade. By the time it gets that big, I wont be worrying LOL!
Poppy, this is the second Acer B I have had..the first one in a previous property, also in quite a small garden. The joy I get from the sight of those shrimpy leaves each spring outweighs (for me) the lack of action during the rest of the year. Also the leaves on mine in late summer are a sort of yellowish green which I like. It makes a nice foil for the tree across the street which is much darker.
26 Jun, 2013
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I remember the flowering Acer conversations. I had never see them flower before.
That tree is worth the 50 week wait Brian :)
7 May, 2013