the Big blog
By bjs
The trees in the garden have reached there Spring peak,The Magnolias I planted between 30 & 40 years ago
hence the Big bit.
The first 3 all viewed from the Balcony
Magnolia Soulangeana above and below
Magnolia Stellata above and below
Ribes Sanguineum King Edward VII above and below
Amelanchier Canadensis
Pink Camellia
Rhododendron ‘Elizabeth’
Rhododendron Yellow Hammer
Enjoy B
27 Apr, 2013
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Love your magnolias ,camelia and rhodes infact everithing is looking great
I tried to grow rhodes but never really grew any taller then it was in the garden center I think grew it in the wrong place
27 Apr, 2013
Stunning .. added to GoYpedia :o)))
27 Apr, 2013
Wow, that's stunning :o)
Same thought at the same time Terra lol :o)
27 Apr, 2013
Breathtaking! Wish I lived near enough to come and see them.
27 Apr, 2013
Wow stunning BJS
27 Apr, 2013
Awesome the pink camellia is perfection ! And so is everything else .
27 Apr, 2013
WOW WOW WOW! I love it all. Those trees are special and the blossoms and flowering bushes are amazing, you have got a beautiful garden - just love the whole thing.
27 Apr, 2013
A lovely collection there Brian.
27 Apr, 2013
Awesome! Very impressive indeed and everything looks so healthy, well done!
27 Apr, 2013
Thoroughly enjoyed it. What a space and what a garden. Thank you so much for sharing with us.
27 Apr, 2013
Oh my! These pictures are stunning! You must be so proud of your achievements and what pleasure they must give you.
27 Apr, 2013
What is left to say! Breathtaking!!
27 Apr, 2013
how very beautiful.........a poem comes to mind........'oh to be in England......... but I think it should be:
'Oh to be in Brian's garden now that spring is here!'
Ought to be on the list for 'places to visit'! its really lovely Brian ~ a credit to you!
27 Apr, 2013
That's some garden you've created, B!!!
28 Apr, 2013
"Oh yes"
I agree what a smashing bit of a days work those fourty years ago Brian,
Ive three magnolia like some of the most beautiful trees and shrubs the flowers dont last long enough,
Shrubs are always a good buy and worth every penny,
Nice one Brian.
28 Apr, 2013
Wow! They look like giant bunches of gypsophila....
Gorgeous Brian. :0)
28 Apr, 2013
now you can just relax and admire the views:) fantastic:)
28 Apr, 2013
Fabulous what an amazing sight. Everything looks so perfect.
28 Apr, 2013
if only you new what is not in the pictures,there is still a fair bit of winter clearing still to be done in between potting and things.
28 Apr, 2013
Absolutely stunning. Would love to be there! :D
29 Apr, 2013
wonderful :) i wish i could grow magnolias i love them but i understand they need a particular ph of soil
29 Apr, 2013
Billbo, why not try a Stellata, in a large pot. They are very slow growing, and you could just use ericaceous compost.
29 Apr, 2013
Bjs : This has got to be an awesome sight in fact Blossom wonderland.
3 May, 2013
Stroller It is while it lasts unfortunately the ground is already white with slippery Petals that require constant sweeping to keep things safe.
4 May, 2013
stunning Bjs !!
8 May, 2013
absolutely beautiful! what a sight to wake up to each morning :)
25 May, 2013
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What a sight! Absolutely beautiful!
27 Apr, 2013