Anyone having problems on GoY tonight?
By bloomer
Earlier this evening,I had been looking at an old blog of a member,and I got a "oops,GoY seems to be having some issues "..and I couldn’t get back to it…I closed down,and have just tried again,and finally got back on,but no pics of members Avatars are available,as they are just are all other pics..all I can see is a description of photo’s,in a blank space .Is anyone else experiencing this ? .I will check again in the morning,to see if it back to normal.
If not,can someone tell me how to get pics back please?
Simple instructions would be needed,as I’m not very good at techno terminology…:o) Thank you…
10 Sep, 2012
Next post: A holiday with friends :o)
Oh,thank goodness for that,Linclass..and thank you..I was just about to log off..I feel better about it are a little star ! :o))
oh,the pics have just come back ! ..time for bed now..:o))
10 Sep, 2012
lol, I did panic earlier because I`d been doing something with my laptop so thought I`d messed up..
10 Sep, 2012
I thought it was me too,..all's well again .Lol..goodnight Sue :o)
10 Sep, 2012
G`night Sandra...
10 Sep, 2012
Thanks Bloomer I too thought it was my laptop! I couldn't get on at all just got the Oops message - bit of a panic here! tried after midnight and all is well thank goodness, will catch up tomorrow :o)
11 Sep, 2012
Me too. Nice to have it back. Expect our heroes were doing some maintenance. We are very lucky to have it.
11 Sep, 2012
I'd just written out a PM, and lost it
I kept having a message saying 'Internet Explorer can not display the page'. It only happened with GoY. Other sites were working fine, but something goes wrong with this one rather often. I'm glad it's back to normal now.
I see the blogs I flagged yesterday morning are still there ! I have no confidence in the people in charge of this site any more. I think they need to give it over to someone who will take it seriously. They never acknowledge people's emails and that's bad ... it's rude and disrespectful. And I bet there will be no explanation or appology for this 'hiccup' either (unless they've woken up !) .... Not that I care any more ....
11 Sep, 2012
Oh cheer up Hywel. They do full time gardening jobs in this heat. Managing a site for our enjoyment is a most generous thing to do.
I wouldnt want it any other way.
11 Sep, 2012
So pleased to see GoY is back on ... OH had gone out and I planned to really catch up on the blogs and pics! ... I contacted my I.T. information service (daughter!) who said it was not the computer but probably the server to the GoY site ... hmm ... she thinks that made any sense to me ... lol!
11 Sep, 2012
LOL Diane I am quite cheerful :o)) ... but you've obviously not had my experience of them. It's rude to ignore people's emails - and they don't just ignore mine.
Anyway they're not gardeners.
I'm not saying any more about it, but that's my experience.
11 Sep, 2012
You are right Hywel I had some concerns and asked for a reply,not even an acknowledgement.
Since the site was changed to its present format I do not think the original creators are involved any more and that it is just part of a concern like Google, hence all the ads linked to the words on the page.....or even something we have been looking at recently.
I am extremly careful on here now
Awful really. :0(
11 Sep, 2012
Couldnt get on Goy at all from yesterday pm. until last this morning, so i gave up and switched off. I kept thinking ''supposing i cannot ever get on here again''?? it worried me.
Hywel you are right in what you say, i couldnt agree more and I know from experience, they do not manage this sight as they should, which is a shame. Anyway we are all up and running again.....I am glad to say.
Shirley, my hubb said it was 'the server' and I said 'yes dear'!! Lol
11 Sep, 2012
Agree with Hywel wholeheartedly, 'fings certainly ain't wot they used to be'. Site was down last night, I couldn't get on either, although its fair to say I only tried it once.
Another thing folks, re the 'linked' ads which appear on the right which often relate to smething you've done yourself, even not on the site (look at a shopping site for instance, and an ad for that will be present on this site when you come on). It is now, and has been for a while, illegal for that to happen without a warning that you're being tracked by cookies from which you should be given the option to opt out. Law was changed a few months back regarding this - but I notice GoY has made no accommodation for that, in fact, that's what the site relies on, so it can show you stuff you've just looked at and click on it via GoY.
11 Sep, 2012
I admit I was very uptight about it last night, it occurred to me that the people I converse with on here are only known to me through Goy, I wondered what I`d do if it crashed completely, I`d be lost without it after all this time...
11 Sep, 2012
Ghastly thought, isn't it Lincslass - I've been locked out of another site I belong to and use a great deal recently, it keeps telling me I'm in China and, like you, I realised I couldn't get in touch with anyone on there that I normally converse with any other way. Luckily, I seem to have resolved the issue...
11 Sep, 2012
I do agree Bamboo, this tracking business is not nice,I have just read....but not really understood.........this sites cookie policy ( bottom right hand corner)
I got on to the bit about images and they seem to be saying that although your images are yours by copyright they reserve the right to use them as they wish whilst stored on the site??
Have I got that right?
11 Sep, 2012
Re images on the site, Pamg, yes you've got that right - if GoY wants to, it can publish any photos of your own which you have posted on the site anywhere it likes any time it likes. They're accessible by any old joe on the internet anyway via your personal Photos section, along with everything else anyone puts on here other than private messages.
11 Sep, 2012
I don't have photos on here (system here doesn't allow it) but that sounds kind of worrying......
11 Sep, 2012
This is a totally public site, like many others, Pamg - which is why its never advisable to publish your email or home address, or any identifying information when posting something.
11 Sep, 2012
Good advice Bamboo......
I've just noticed a change on the questions page
There is a blue arrow box appeared,. It takes you to a big advertisment
11 Sep, 2012
I already knew about the pics Pam, I`d read the rules when I joined, I am always careful about my privacy, very few people have been given my name and home address, I also have never put pics up of my family especially my grandchildren, as to the tracking bit I`m afraid there`s not much we can do about it in our modern world, they have that big spy in the sky, it doesn`t just provide entertainment..
11 Sep, 2012
my laptop has kept freezing over the last month or so, only when i try to look at the goy site, although no message appears. it doesn't happen with any other site.
not being a techie, i didn't realise about cookies tracking your movements and found it quite freaky when i logged onto goy and the adverts were advertising things that i had been looking at previously. now it makes sense.
11 Sep, 2012
I couldn't log in earlier, i just thought GOY was being updated or something.
Re your pics on Goy, while i was searching for my wacky threads (on google) i saw lots of pics from goy members, just be carefull about images of children you put up.
Diane, The site owners, full time Gardeners!!!!! Errrm no there not..
11 Sep, 2012
I couldn't access GOY last night and was really upset in case it didn't come back as I knew Hywel had put a cactus in the post for me and I thought I was never going to be able to thank him!!! Not only that, but the thought of never being in touch with people whom I've come to regard as friends, was very distressing. Anyway, thank goodness it's come back. I hate the ads tho' and am I being naive in thinking that our PMs- in which we may give address - are indeed private?
11 Sep, 2012
I think PM's are just that, I don't think it's a concern.I would be the same,as I would hate not to be a part of GoY...with all it's small faults,which doen't happen very often..and no one or no thing is ever perfect..I am more than happy to chat on here..for far too long,sometimes! Lol.
11 Sep, 2012
It doesn`t matter what they do for a living, I still appreciate Goy for what it is and feel a darn sight safer on here than I would on some other sites, in frustration last night I had a look at other forums but I`m afraid I lack both the patience and the courage to give them a proper try..
11 Sep, 2012
I'm with you,Lincslass...I can't be bothered with other forums either..and I have no qualms at being on here..
11 Sep, 2012
Tuesday you can always delete a pm that has information you want to keep quiet. I,m pretty sure that pm's are unaccessible but it stops any worry.
Iwas pointed to a forum the other day,. Not explored it properly but its all sorts of bits and pieces such as artists, poets gardeners etc. But like you Lincs haven't joined......
12 Sep, 2012
I suppose that nothing is for nothing and very few people want to work with no recompense ...and who can blame them? I'm just grateful GOY exists, I should hate for anything to happen to it. Perhaps we should have a sort of 'chain' where each of us knows the email address of another, so we could all meet up on another site if necessary? Does that make sense lol? I'm not very good as explaining what I mean. I think I have the email address of 2 Goyers and they mine of course:-)
12 Sep, 2012
Private Messages are just that - private, TB, so you needn't worry that half the world is able to access them, lol. It's everything else that is freely available.
12 Sep, 2012
Good idea Ba.......
12 Sep, 2012
LOL. couldnt cope with other forums folks!! I cannot get around to seeing all on here as it is!! Lol.....but I love it :)
12 Sep, 2012
Thats it in a nutshell G`mage, I had a look when we were down, I know I never gave them a fair go but I`m satisfied with what we have here, I think I was really trying to find a name I recognized.....
12 Sep, 2012
Know what you mean Lincs. but we are Ok on here now:)
12 Sep, 2012
Grandmage, I meant in case GOY disappeared it would be good to have some sort of communication chain so we could meet up elsewhere. I don't know how I'd cope without GOY, but it is always possible that if it doesn't make any money, the 'boys' may call it a day:-(
13 Sep, 2012
I agree with you Ba, as I also feel like that, thats why I took a look at another site but I simply could not figure out how it worked, my brain went dopey on me, lol....
13 Sep, 2012
Welcome to my world,Sue :o)
13 Sep, 2012
13 Sep, 2012
Ba. I understand what you mean but like Lincs & B, I would not not know always how to work out other sites etc...and I dont really like change, but that's me. Dont worry because I'm sure that we would all find one an other somehow!
14 Sep, 2012
I went on a site that Louise1 joined to have a look at her quiz she put on there. I couldn't figure out how to see it even when she gave me instructions lol. It took me a couple of years to sus out GOY! so I know what you mean:-)
14 Sep, 2012
Aren`t we a load of ole stickinthemuds, I often ask my grandkids for help but then forget again, lol...
14 Sep, 2012
So glad I'm not alone..I asked my daughter last week to show me how to do something..and we went through it together..looked easy,come this week,and could I remember? no...did I write it down? no..Am I going to ask again ? maybe ! Lol.
14 Sep, 2012
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- This years display..
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- Ist August..Happy Yorkshire day..xx.
1 Aug, 2022
I am so relieved you posted this Bloomer, I thought it was my laptop, its been playing up all night.
At first it just froze, then I lost everything and it said it couldn`t find the server, it came back but no pics, so I guess we just have to hope its ok now..
10 Sep, 2012