How can I entice back the birds ?
Up until 3 years ago we had a lot of trees, bushes and shrubs in our garden which the birds adored.
2 years ago the entire garden was ripped out due to the drains.
Landlady blamed the greenery and had EVERYTHING stripped out and we were left with just mud patches.
1 year ago we adopted 2 pussy cats.
This year I have a few small potted trees and shrubs and would love to have the birds back as well.
How is the best way to go about attracting back my feathered friends without trees and bushes ?
All ideas are welcome and greatly appreciated :O)
I have this bird feeder to put up so they will have somewhere to land that the cats hopefully can’t climb.
Here is a before shot
This is a year after everything was stripped
A few things had started to grow back but most of the borders were just mud :(
4 May, 2010
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I'm hoping to be able to dig large containers into the ground for any new shrubs so the landlady can't complain about the roots.
Thank you for the idea about the wood though. I will see if I can rope hubby into making something for me LOL
4 May, 2010
Most birds don't like to feed "out in the open", so place feeders quite near to any remaining tallish shrubs, so that the birds have somewhere near, as a refuge, where they can fly for cover...
4 May, 2010
Only thing tall I have is the garage LOL
Looks like i'll be waiting a few years for the birds to come back.
4 May, 2010
If the garage has a flat roof you could put some food on there,I have two cats and get quite a few other cats in my garden, but the birds seem to know where the cats are usually and manage to feed without getting caught.
4 May, 2010
Thank you Mavisc52 I will give that a go.
4 May, 2010
Maybe take a look at my bird feeder photo from 14th October 2009...
... with that design of feeder, the little birds feel safe and can eat without being disturbed by bigger birds or cats...
4 May, 2010
Found it LOL
It looks similar to the one I have to put up.
Love all your feeders.
Thank you TT.
4 May, 2010
Yes, it is the globe shaped feeders which create the safe havens..
good luck with yours... :o)
4 May, 2010
I'm with you now thanks hun.
Will get hubby to look for some for me ;)
4 May, 2010
Good luck with feeding your birds.
4 May, 2010
Difficult - I think it rather depends on what else is going on in your neighbourhood. Ideally you want to attract birds that are not going to land - tits arent a bad bet - so a feeder actually attached to the wall and a bird box would be a good start: the cats wont climb that. Then personally I would be inclined to stick in another shrub that will grow reasonably fast like a kerria - but I guess you will want to talk to your landlady.
4 May, 2010
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Tricky problem! Long term if things grow back again will the landlady strip them out again? It depends on circumstances and your tenancy agreement I suspect.
The garden in its present state looks as if it will be quite attractive this summer and who knows how things will grow later, but in the meantime, would it be possible to get somebody you know to cobble together some longish lengths of wood with odd platforms, a bit like a climbing frame and put containers of various grasses which will seed on there and hang other containers of birdseed, fat etc from the bars. I know that you have cats, but most sensible birds will be long gone by the time the cats get to the top. Alternatively, it might be possible to wrap something round the base timbers to impede their progress and put upright panels on the outside surfaces of the platforms. Maybe the feline advisory bureau could give some advice on that one and the RSPB mifght also be able to give you guidance on encouraging your feathered friends.
Good luck with it all.
4 May, 2010