Meggies op
By bornagain
Monday 7th September we took Meg to the vets to be spayed. I felt awful. Meg was treated cruelly and beaten etc before she came here and although she’s great now, you can’t help worrying that she might feel she’s being punished for something.
When she came back from the vets I felt so guilty at putting her through all the stress and pain, but the vet said that as she suffered from false pregnancies and had recently had a womb infection, it was in her best interests. When she was found on the streets she had just had puppies, no-one knows what happened to them, they weren’t found. She was still losing blood and had milk when we first saw her, a sad little thing. When we brought her home from Birmingham Dogs Home she was on antibiotics as she had a womb infection. We think she was used as a puppy machine. I don’t like to be personal, but she has the biggest teats I’ve ever seen, like corks! everyone notices :-). Even the vetinary nurses passed comment!
This is Meg feeling so sorry for herself and a little groggy. Me, I thought she was at deaths door and we’d made a terrible mistake and I’d never forgive myself for getting her done. It’s a funny thing, though worried and upset,,I still took her photo for this.
She didn’t stay in the cage for long, no, back to her beloved settee, nurse Rosie keeping watch at a distance
Tuesday, feeling loads better, eating toddling about, but mainly sleeping
Meg wearing a fetching little bonnet, she was good as gold about her night cap and having to sleep in a cage in our bedroom rather than sneaking on to the bed
Loads better now mum, ready to play!
Mum says vet says I can’t play, may as well have another kip.
14 Sep, 2009
Previous post: Ruby for Terra as promised
Next post: Meg, all's well that ends well for Pansy
BLESS !!! she's lovely and obviously found herself a good home with you, well done you and she'll be glad not to go through another pregnancy....
14 Sep, 2009
Don't feel guilty for a nano-second, have SAVED her, and hopefully you will have a happy, safe and healthy life together. No more than you both deserve...but oh! how hearbreaking about her can only hope that whatever barbaric scrote was using Meg in this way had the common decency to sell them to good homes, though one has to doubt it.
14 Sep, 2009
Oh Ba the pictures made me cry just thinking about her and her past life, Thankgoodness you adopted her and she now has a lovely caring home, You did the right thing having her spayed but can imagine just how you felt, but she has a wonderful healthy future ahead of her now plus a little playmate.. Please put some more pictures on of her when she is fully recovered.
14 Sep, 2009
beautiful meg,shes lucky to have youl.
14 Sep, 2009
Thanks for all your kind comments. We have had Meg for 3 years in November and it's taken me all this time to go ahead with the operation. Rosie hasn't been spayed either and we've had her over 3 years. When you have them from a rescue, the vet can't tell if they have been spayed. Unfortunately Rosie wasn't either and I don't fancy having her done unless she gets a problem like Meg. I'm just a coward:-)
14 Sep, 2009
oh I really really believe you have done the best thing for her
poor little mite
breaks my heart the way people can be
she can now concontrate on herself, bit of Meg time
we all need that
x x x
14 Sep, 2009
What a dear little dog......she will be a happy dog now, free from the hormonal stuff they go through!
You really have done the best thing, it is far kinder in the long run. They recover pretty quickly from these ops, you'll soon be wondering why you were worried! Then you'll have the confidence to get Rosie done too....then she won't get any problems!
14 Sep, 2009
She's an absolute sweetie Meg...bless her heart.I remember feeling bad about sending my dogs in for this op...I used to keep border collies...but they recover so well & so quickly that after a day or so you wonder why you worried! Sorry...just realised I've repeated what Potty has just it must be true!
14 Sep, 2009
So lovely to see Meg back on her feet again. Animals bounce back from these things so quickly unlike us humans who feel ill because we KNOW we've had an operation! All she has to do now is forget her dreadful past and enjoy her lovely new life with you.
14 Sep, 2009
It is true that by the day after she was quite perky and didn't really seem to be in pain and today you wouldn't think she'd had an op 'though we are still careful with her. She has her stitches out on thursday. Thanks again for all the kind comments:-)
14 Sep, 2009
She's known nothing but kindness since you gave her a home Bornagain and trusts you now to do your best for her.
15 Sep, 2009
Here's to a wonderful life filled with love for all of you!
15 Sep, 2009
Thanks all, By today you wouldn't know there was anything amiss. She's back to sleeping on the bed with Rosy. In the wee small hours Rosy sneaks on first then Meg follows:-)
15 Sep, 2009
Lovely dogs :o)
I'm sure you did the best thing, and now you can give her the best life she could have.
15 Sep, 2009
Pansy, I've done a little update blog as requested, you would never know she'd had an op. Thanks for your kind interest:-) Thanks Hywel:-)
17 Sep, 2009
Wishing her a speedy recovery!
17 Sep, 2009
Am just catching up with your blogs Ba, and just seen your little 'girls'. They are so beautiful,my heart melts! Our local rescue centre is in Claverton, near Bath, where I get my rescues from. Luckily, they neuter all animals before they are rehomed, so it is one less worry to deal with.We've been going to this home for the last 28 years as they have a non destruct policy. Why are there so many dogs, and too few homes? They all deserve a chance, and they give so much back. Thank you,and all other Goy members who have opened their hearts and homes and taken on a waif or stray, bless you x
15 Mar, 2010
if I was younger and had more space, I'd have loads. When I went to Birmingham Dogs home with my daughter to find her new dog Ruby, there were so many, you just have to harden your heart while you're there or you'd take them all. :-(
15 Mar, 2010
Yes, it is so hard to walk away Ba. We keep thinking of taking on a companion for Raff, but he hasn't been too successful so far, and keeps getting attacked when we have mixed him at the rescue centre, poor little lad :o(
19 Mar, 2010
We tried 2 with Rosie before we found Meg and both (male) bullied her. So there's still hope, maybe a little girl?:-)
20 Mar, 2010
Bit early to say yet, but we might have found our companion for Raff, Ba. Went to rescue shelter yesterday, and have put a reserve on a tiny 4year old JR, who is so much like Raff to look at, but really small in comparison heightwise. They have to neuter him yet, before we can try to mix the two dogs, so early days, but if they do mix ok, as this little lad quite timid, our search might at long last be over! Tried Raff with bitches in the past, but he got attacked each time, poor love! He is a dominant male, so needs a submissive dog to make it work ok, or they will just end up scrapping all the time. My lad such a friendly boy, all he wants to do is have a playmate! :i(( Will keep you updated my friend X
22 Mar, 2010
Fingers crossed, how exciting:-)
22 Mar, 2010
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Bless you for giving her a new home and the love she deserves,dont feel guilty you have done the best thing for her and probably added extra years to her life in safe and loving hands,Meg will be under your feet in no time and a lot happier.......
14 Sep, 2009