Crocus in Pots
By bulbaholic
Last week I was going to take pictures and put up a short blog on the crocus flowering in the ‘bulb’ house but Brian just beat me to it with his alpine house blogs and I did not want to try and compete with his great pics and plants.
We have one greenhouse that is is completely given over to bulb growing.
Many of the bulbs are grown under glass because they need a warm and DRY dormancy but others would do just as well in the open garden. These are grown in pots to add to the colourfulness of the greenhouse. Here are a slection flowering now.
Crocus dalmaticus
Some of the pots have flowers that are starting to go over; they have now been in flower for a week or two. The dead flowers are removed when they have completely died off.
Crocus corsicus, note the feathering on the outer petals
Crocus etruscus
Crocus etruscus in the garden
Crocus biflorus weldenii
Crocus biflorus weldenii outdoors
Not all are blue!
Crocus flavus
Crocus malyi
The above are all species crocus obtained from like minded friends, specialist nurseries and grown from seed. You don’t have to go to these sources to get colour in your winter greenhouse. This last picture is of a row of pots of garden center bought crocus bulbs. They are so cheery on dull wet days.
15 Mar, 2013
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Thank you from me too. Its great to see the plants other people are growing. The feathering on the Crocus Corsicus is beautiful. The weldenii is very unusual and very pretty. You have a great selection.
15 Mar, 2013
your both very good in potting plants.
I had a tuch with Ian in Srgs
15 Mar, 2013
Lovely Bulba , I especilly like the blue ones in the pot .
15 Mar, 2013
They are a cheery sight Bulba and yours are not all making a meal for the birds, I find they have a passion for the yellow, all are lovely but the biflorus weldenii is really eyecatching, its always good to see others flowers and shrubs coming out, also interesting to compare with other areas and see what challenges we face with the difference in soil, temps etc.......
15 Mar, 2013
Thank you all for the quick comments. The biflorus weldenii is the most readily available of the ones shown, usualy as the variety b.w. 'Fairy', an easy and lovely crocus.
You mean the Ian who does the bulb log, Bik? He is a friend and lives about 50 miles away; one of the most knowlegable growers of bulbs.
15 Mar, 2013
I have two g'houses Bulba, one of which is completely wasted in the winter months, seeing all the plants and bulbs that Bjs and you are both showing us now makes me determined to change that for next year, it will also help my state of mind for those dreary weeks that come around every year....
15 Mar, 2013
I am pleased to hear that, Linclass. It always disapoints me to see greenhouses empty and bare during winter when they could be so colourfull. The greenhouse in the blog is used for a wide variety of bulbs that flower at different times between autumn and spring. Just think what it would be like packed with spring flowering crocus only!!!!
15 Mar, 2013
Difficult to find a favorite the are all beautiful,C.Etruscus
Is one I will be looking for.Also spotted your Labeling on the pebbles I like that, would not be any good outside for me ( to many animals to move them ) but inside in my troughs have possibilities because I hate the plastic labels.
15 Mar, 2013
My greenhouse is full of hardy plants in containers during the winter, but I could do this in the mini-plastic-greenhouse with the Garlic bulbs.
Thanks Bulba for detailing all the varieties.
15 Mar, 2013
How lovely Bulbaholic...:>)
15 Mar, 2013
Brian, I started using pebbles as labels a few years ago after seeing someone (sorry, don't remember who you are) on GOY doing the same. They look good for a year or two but then the varnish coating starts to flake off and the ink fades. I am experimenting with different ideas for the garden but the pebbles, or pieces of slate, will be fine in the greenhouse.
15 Mar, 2013
yes this Ian.
15 Mar, 2013
Have you tried Yacht Varnish I get 5 years on most surface out of that in the garden on Plastic and large slate labels.
15 Mar, 2013
Yacht varnish is what I started with, Brian. i am now trying clear laquer from the car parts shop.
15 Mar, 2013
Beautiful photos, love the yellow crocus in particular.
15 Mar, 2013
Pebbles as labels...
15 Mar, 2013
this is a lovely blog and a stunning set of photos Cant decide which I like the best.
15 Mar, 2013
Gorgeous one and all B. I actually came across that Bulb Log earlier today whilst looking up something else. It's great. I've now bookmarked it and will be back to browse more when I have PLENTY more time.
15 Mar, 2013
I notice all the pots are terracotta ones.
16 Mar, 2013
My personal preference is for clay, Diane. They are certainly better when used in a sand plunge because they keep a better moisture balance for the roots. I prefer the appearance of clays and they look much better on the show bench. Plastic is cheaper and easier to clean but retains much more moisture and I particularly notice this when I am re-potting bulbs in summer. After allowing the pots to remaian dry for several weeks the compost in the clay pots is nice and dry but that in plastics can still be very wet.
16 Mar, 2013
Bulbaholic.You Seem To Know A Lot About plants And gardening .im Just Going Through Your Blog Very Interesting.
3 Oct, 2013
Does anyone know what happened to helofadigger. She stopped posting back in 2009 but is still a member?
3 Oct, 2013
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- Winter Learning
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- Build Your Own Show Garden
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- Grants for Young People from the SRGC
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stunning colours, I love crocus :O) thanks for the pictures. :O)
15 Mar, 2013