Blog 1 First Timer
By bulbaholic
I have just found this excellent site and this is my first ever attempt at my own blog.
Actually, this is a good day to start as there has been little to do except stare out of the window at the falling snow, again. I can’t even do any work in the greenhouse or potting shed as the pots and the compost are all frozen.
The bulb pots in the greenhouses(two – both unheated) are either in a sand plunge or a grit tray. The ones in flower at the moment are suffering because the compost is frozen and so the bulbs cannot take up any water.
The bulbs can take one or two frosty nights without any attention from me but when I see that we are in for a spell of cold nights I give them some protection with fleece. Normally I have to do this once every two or three years but this is the second time since Christmas. The forcast is for a slight improvement in temperature so maybe I will be able to remove the fleece shortly.
12 Feb, 2009
Next post: 2 The Fleece Comes Off
Hello bulbaholic.
Your first blog with photo is excellent ~
Well done!
Can you recall other years with snow like this ?
Good news is, yes, next week should be a bit milder.
Welcome to GoY.
Enjoy :o)
12 Feb, 2009
Spritzhenry and Terratoonie,
Many thanks for your welcome to GoY.
Under the fleece is crocus, bulbous iris (reticulata and easy juno) and narcissus species. I am sure that the crocus and iris will be OK but I suspect will have to rethink trying to grow hoop petticoat narcissus like this. I hope to expand on this in further blogs.
This is the most serious winter I can remember here for ten or fifteen years. Thirty years ago we used to live in Aberdeenshire and this sort of weather would have been 'mild'! - so we moved to the 'Banana Belt' of Moray.
12 Feb, 2009
Hi...welcome to Goy.Heavy snow here too in N Yorks....but never mind...spring is on the way Or so people keep telling us ! Hope your bulbs are ok
12 Feb, 2009
Theres me moaning when I get a little bit of snow.
Keep smiling, not long now till the spring.
12 Feb, 2009
Hi Bulbaholic and welcome to GOY. We too down here in the south are getting more snow as I type, but never fear...........Spring is just around the corner.........isnt it?????
12 Feb, 2009
So they say Milky...but judging by all the snow we had here today its hard to believe ! lol
12 Feb, 2009
Keep making snowmen, BB - and take lots more photos of your feathered friends...and Cyril, of course! LOL.
(Sorry you've had more snow)
Bulbaholic hasn't met Cyril yet. He has a treat in store!
12 Feb, 2009
Welcome To GOY Bulbaholic, your Ghouse looks like mine, I live in the north and its white here also, Supposed to be gett'n warmer next week tho...
12 Feb, 2009
a warm welcome to you on this cold day , do hope it starts to get warmer soon , us southern softies are not used to this weather......................steve
12 Feb, 2009
Hello and welcome from me too. I'm sorry to hear about your bulbs and that you still have snow. I hope they will be allright. Please let us know how you get on.
12 Feb, 2009
Hi Bulbaholic. Welcome to GoY. You did well with your blog and posting a pic too. You sound as fed up with winter as I am. Nothing to do but watch the snow fall, greenhouse and compost all frozen. Its been that way here since late November/ early December.
Hope your bulbs make it through the cold weather and hang in there....the snow will go away eventually.
13 Feb, 2009
Thank you, thank you, thank you all, for your warm welcome to this site. It is bright and frosty this morning but no more overnight snow and the forcast is for milder weather. Hooray!
As I said, I am new to blogging but would like to post new things on a regular basis. Should I start a new blog each time or is it better to use the 'comments' to this blog as a sort of daily diary?
13 Feb, 2009
It's best to start a new one each time, Bulbaholic, as they get lost in the list of blogs as more people post theirs. So that you (and we) can keep track of them, give them a number - you can 'edit' your first one to number it!
I hope you see your snow disappear ASAP!
13 Feb, 2009
Hi welcome to GOY.
13 Feb, 2009
Don’t mention the S word, our Canadian friends think we are soft! ;-) Go onto Gilli's Blog page and look up 'My sympathies to those in the UK' Next time we hear train cancelled due to wrong kind of snow..........
13 Feb, 2009
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- Bleak and Bare in January?
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- Winter Learning
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- Build Your Own Show Garden
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- Crocus in Pots
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Hi Bulbaholic, and welcome to GOY. Fancy making an entrance with a blog - and a photo!
I am sorry that you folks in the north have got snow again. Ours has almost gone now, and I have been working outside this afternoon - just to make you jealous!
What bulbs have you got in there all tucked up?
12 Feb, 2009