2 The Fleece Comes Off
By bulbaholic
The temperature is rising, the snow is going back and I have removed the frost protection fleece from my plants (half time and France are only three points ahead). :-)
I don’t use any heat in the greenhouses and fleece is the only protection provided. There is a downside in that the fleece prevents the light reaching the plants and, in the north of Scotland, winter light is a valuable commodity. At this time of year we have shorter daylight hours than those of you further south and the sun does not rise as far above the horizon. This means that the sun is weaker and obstacles throw longer shadows.
I have been asked what bulbs I grow. In this house I have excavated a trench along the south wall and filled it with sand to act as a plunge bed. From the far end are: bulbous iris, tulip, colchicum and then most of the bed is filled with crocus.
On the right is a conventional staging with two grit trays. The trays mainly contain narcissus and oxalis. As the staging attracts most sun I sometimes lift some crocus pots from the plunge onto the staging so that I can see them better.
I have posted pictures of a crocus and a cyclamen from my collection in my photo section yesterday.
Finally out in the garden is a snowdrop from the ’wherethe’ellarewe’ section of plants. Actually Galanthus ‘Atkinsii’.
{Can someone tell me how to do italics and how to find a spellchecker, please?)
14 Feb, 2009
Previous post: Blog 1 First Timer
Next post: 3 Let the Sun Shine
All your plants are looking good Bulbaholic notice you dress them with grit..it really does make a difference for drainage,and looks well too.
14 Feb, 2009
If you spell a word wrongly it will appear with red dotted line below. Try keying in BULB and BULLB. You'll see that the second one : BULLB has a red dotted line below.
I'll check on how to do italics and come back. :o)
14 Feb, 2009
You can only write in italics in a blog, not in a comment.
You do this by putting _ before and after. So if you want the word BULB to be in italics, you write it as _bulb_.
Please let me know if this advice on spell check and italics helps. :o)
14 Feb, 2009
It's all technical stuff, italics etc! Think I'll stick to the gardening. Nice blog. I'm down in the south east and have pretty mild weather on the whole so must be very difficult in your colder area and with less daylight, but you're doing a good job and spring's on it's way........ I won't mention the final score in the rugby as long as you don't mention the score of the later match in Cardiff! Both quite good, competitive games though.
14 Feb, 2009
I'm not much into the techy stuff :o)
Just trying to answer the questions above.
Amazing in this blog the difference in the greenhouse photo between the cold snow outside, and the warm plants inside ! :o)
14 Feb, 2009
Yes, TT. I know which side of the glass I'd prefer to be.
14 Feb, 2009
Bulbaholic, do you lose any bulbs to sub zero temperatures? How cold does it get up where you are? The plunge bed is a great idea. I'll have to kkep that in mind for my greenhouse too.
15 Feb, 2009
I wake up on Sunday morning to so many nice comments and questions. Thank you all :-)
Terratoonie - I can now manage the italics, thank you, but can't get the speeling bit to work.
Gilli - the short answere is yes, I do lose bulbs to the cold. These are primarily the small hooped petticoat narcissus species that have soft bulbs and don't like the pots being frozen. I have one or two South Africans which are on a cool windowsill in the house. Normal winter temperatures drop to -5C for a couple of days before picking up again. This winter we have had two episodes of -10C and below, on and off, for over a week.
15 Feb, 2009
Well done, Bulbaholic ~
I'll look forward to lots of italics in your future blogs.Lol. :o)
Last year there was a running joke about members not making enough paragraphs in their blogs. In other words, writing the text in one huge block, and difficult to read.
But you have interspersed your text very well with photos, and broken it into paragraphs, making your blog very interesting and user-friendly. Really good :o)
15 Feb, 2009
Paul, in Scotland being only 3 points behind at half time is considered a result. We don't watch the second half! Anyway, there's only one match that really matters LOL.
15 Feb, 2009
That's the very first time in my life that I have been complimented on my grammer and composition. Thanks Teach. :-); :-); :-)
15 Feb, 2009
:o) :o) :o)
15 Feb, 2009
I enjoyed your blog and the photographs, your greenhouse looks very professional, I have a friend in Spey Bay is that far from you?
15 Feb, 2009
Well Bulbaholic, we might not be so kind with the yellow cards in THAT match. But hopefully a close one, even if it does decide who gets the wooden spoon!!!!!!
15 Feb, 2009
Paul, grin; grin; grin then LOL.
15 Feb, 2009
Daisy, sorry for answering Paul first but, well that WAS rugby - the 'auld enemy and all that stuff!
Spey Bay is about 20 miles to the east of me and I know it quite well.
15 Feb, 2009
Bulbaholic dont mention the Rugby.......state of mourning in our house, 20 miles thats not far as the crow flies....its just the other few hundred thats the problem.
17 Feb, 2009
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- Crocus in Pots
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Agree about the italics and spell checker cant do it either.
nice to see a busy greenhouse. mine is also getting full of pots. lots of lilies, F. imperialis waiting to go in the garden as they were given to me as bulbs back in october. not sure where i am going to put them though. also got iris reticulata, dandifolium?. really do need spell checker.
see my blog for my activities today.
14 Feb, 2009