My latest Buys.
By cinderella
I think I shall have to be locked in !!! I cant go out without spending money on plants. Then when I get home I haven’t anywhere to put them. I don’t know if there is a cure for this condition, I fear not, but hey, who cares ? Its fun trying to fit everything in isnt it. Here are my latest buys,
This is Arctic Queen, a white double Clematis
Fuchsias, Kit Oxtoby, Carmel Blue, and Seventh Heaven
Verbena and a yellow Viola
25 May, 2011
Previous post: Browsing my Photos of France.
Next post: Heuchera in bloom
Yes, I wonder , it probably won't be as blue as the picture, but thats ok, I had to replace some I lost through winter, and its nice to have something different.
25 May, 2011
I love the pretty viola! I spend hours on ebay on plants - they have incredible deals, but I try to be very careful on what I buy - I have a list of plants I actually really want - but unfortunately it gets bigger and bigger when I see others!. Gardening isn't a very cheap hobby is it? I do make my own compost, and divide and conquer, but there is always that plant you didn't know it existed; until you see it! I think it's 'Chelsea fever'!!!!
25 May, 2011
Ha, I looked at 'Arctic Queen' online this morning! Skipped it because the postage prise was to high.
Also eyes some nice Gazenias in flower on the market this morning but held strong :-) It would have been to greedy as I'm growing them from seeds this year, they just need some time to flower.
Aneagillis from my expirience plant lists only grow longer... for any plant of them that get marked of I probably add at least another 5....
25 May, 2011
Thanks Aneagillis, it would be no good me making a list, I would never stick to it, and its half the pleasure buying something you didnt intend to buy. Its not a cheap hobby, but I don't smoke or drink, and don't go out a lot really, so that is how I justify my spending.
Columbine you are so good resisting the temptation, but of course postage can make things expensive. I grew Gazanias last year, they are very pretty.
25 May, 2011
Lol, I only resisted temptation now because I was so weak for the last few months ;->> It would have been bad of me to buy the Gazenias when I've got the same plants already...
My other hobby and addiction is books and unfortunately I'm a fast reader but at least neither of us smoke or care about going out (we do like our drink), so we justify things our way :-)
25 May, 2011
Thats fine, Columbine.
25 May, 2011
Oh no, not still spending money, you naughty girl, love all the plants you bought though.
25 May, 2011
Haven't you caught this dreadful affliction yet then Yorks ?
25 May, 2011
Well you're right, it is an addiction - thank the lord I took up gardening for other people in my early thirties - that way I could buy everything, keep it for a while and eventually sell it on... or just buy for someone else's garden, one of the delights of being a professional, and thank heavens for a credit card...
25 May, 2011
yes I have, going to Morrisons again tomorrow,
25 May, 2011
That was a good idea Bamboo, you can enjoy the things of both worlds so to speak.
Yorks, I thought you must have. Have a good day.
25 May, 2011
and not a strep in sight ...... lol
Very good plants though cinders.
25 May, 2011
No, I've got too many of those!! Thanks Sbg.
25 May, 2011
Well, it's naughty but nice! I love all your choices today, especially the Clematis, what a gorgeous variety. : o ))
25 May, 2011
I know that feeling only too well. As quite a lot of my borders are still to be weeded and sorted out after years of neglect I too find that I am running out of space in the borders I have already cultivated and am having to keep things in pots for a while. Must definately get more spaces cleared asap.
25 May, 2011
You definately have a serious disease cinders & fortunately there is no known cure. One of the symptoms to be on the lookout for is Goyping, one minute your a sane & rational individual the next you've joined an internet gardening group. So please dont worry, yes it's highly contagious but you know your in good company. We have all gone down with it & I for one have stopped trying to fight these irrational impulse plant buying spree's. LOL !! ( not so much as 'Fill ya Boots' as 'Fill ya Border's :-/
For the record I am an avid veg grower but last week came home with 6 different verbena's. I never buy flowering plants so clearly I'm in the advanced stages of Goyp !!
Also if you have choosy thoughts about putting your plant photo's up then you know you have it!! Which reminds me, I need to pop these verbena photo's up.
25 May, 2011
Thanks for your comments Shirley and Mariek, glad you like my choices. I think I shall soon have to dig up some more lawn, and I havent got much of that to dig up !!
25 May, 2011
Thanks Bampy, you obviously recognised the symptoms. Its nice to know I am in good company anyhow, and I'm glad there is no cure.
25 May, 2011
Don't worry Cinders my family say the same about me, I just tell them its my medication lol after all I am nutty, they are gorgeous and you won't regret buying the artic queen she gives a stunning show and never lets you down.
25 May, 2011
Thanks Sixpence, I'm not worried, I just enjoy it. I know someone on here put a photo of Arctic Queen, but can't remember who it was. Perhaps it was you.
25 May, 2011
Yes it was Cinders I just delete them off after a while, glad your not worried the day to be worried is when you don't have no interest in buying any thing as I think we all buy a plant or very tempted each time we see them.
25 May, 2011
lol :o))
25 May, 2011
25 May, 2011
Cinders join the club, I have given up on myself, lol
25 May, 2011
No there is no cure for your condition I'm afraid. You'll have to suffer it for the rest of your days on this earth - just like me and a few others lol so you have plenty of company. But you'll be happy to know it isn't life thretening. In fact I think we should all die of boredom if we didn't suffer from this ailment :)
26 May, 2011
Thanks Dd.
How very true Hywel. I think its fun. It brightens up the days and keeps us young doesnt it. I can never understand people that say they are not interested in gardening.
26 May, 2011
nor me either. they must be brain dead lol
26 May, 2011
My kids all say gardening is a curse and never ending job.
26 May, 2011
Hi Cinderella I know the feeling very well, i will post some pictures of our yard witch bobs Fuchisa have taken over.:)
26 May, 2011
Ok Sue, look forward to seeing those. The plants Bob sent me are doing well too.
26 May, 2011
lovely plants.... im the same as you cant go out without getting a plant or
26 May, 2011
Just picked up on Sixpence's comment - gardening is a curse and a never ending job. So, then, is life - that's what we do, sort something out and then deal with the next challenge in an unending line of challenges, hopefully enjoying some of it along the way...
26 May, 2011
Unlike some...... I can resist anything....except temptation!
There is always room for yet another plant, and if there really ISN'T, then give it to someone you really like, or someone in need of cheering up?
31 May, 2011
What a nice thought Freesabird, I will remember that !
31 May, 2011
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I looked at Carmel Blue in Morrisons last week, it's very pretty but I did resist and walked away......Will be going again tonight so it may have to come home with me this time
25 May, 2011