By clarice
Going back to last Sunday, i decided i was going to treat myself to a greenhouse, so Monday i got my gardeners world magazine, had a look at the greenhouses, then looked in argo’s catalogue, i could not believe that the greenhouse i fancied was £178-99 ln argo’s, while in gardeners world magazine the axact one was only £129-99, i rang up the firm in gardeners world and they said it could take 28days delivery, but quess what it came this morning, so all i need to do is sweet talk a friend of mine to put it up for me. the firm i got it from is called Norfolk Greenhouses, and British made, plus i saved myself £50 not getting it from argos, so think i did well for myself.
30 Jan, 2009
Previous post: Lovely day.
Next post: NO SNOW
Well done Clarice. didnt you do well! it certainly pays to shop around, most people just assume that stores like Argos are cheapest, had a similar experience myself last year when I was searching for a cold frame, I eventually got a branded make off the internet for £25 less than well known stores had quoted
The greenhouse will open up a whole new world for you and hopefully many exciting projects.Im quite envious as its something Ive always wanted but alas dont have enough room for one, I have to manage with some window staging in my utility room! I wish you luck and many happy hours and look forward to seeing pictures of all the lovely plants you will be growing. .
Pansy Potter
30 Jan, 2009
I had a greenhouse years ago, but when it got passed its sell buy date i never bothered with another, but always found this time of year i missed it, as for argos i must admit i think since index the other store that closed a few years ago argos dont have any compation to worry about.
30 Jan, 2009
We quite often find a better price online for all kinds of things, tea, coffee, text books, vitamins, dog biscuits, camera gear, art supplies. The list is very long. A lot of stores are finally realizing that their competition isn't nec. just down the street, and are matching prices!
30 Jan, 2009
VERY good service, Clarice - and a great time for a greenhouse for you!
It just shows that the 'obvious' shops may not be the best or cheapest, doesn't it!
30 Jan, 2009
This story will either amuse or horrify you.
Several years ago, I decided to get a cold frame. I went to the local Garden Centres so see what was available. At one particular chain, I asked the 16 year old, who was the only person visible in the place, "Do you sell cold frames?"
His reply: "What's a coal frame?"
I don't shop very often at Wye*ales
30 Jan, 2009
You are SOOO unlucky with your local Wyevale, Andrew. As you know, our nearest one is GREAT!
30 Jan, 2009
We have two in the area - I wouldn't like to say which one is worse :-(
On the 'up' side, we have Notcutts and Hillers plus some independent ones. And RHS Wisley is only 20 miles away
30 Jan, 2009
I always envy you being able to go to Wisley, Andrew. We had a Notcutts back in Kent - it was a good GC. I haven't been to Hilliers - is it a chain?
30 Jan, 2009
Good for you Clarice. I hope your friend can put it up before the spring so that you can get some things growing in it soon.
30 Jan, 2009
Well done Clarice nice to get a bargain especially at moment,good luck with your sweet talk,.........
30 Jan, 2009
Good for you Clarice , I hope some kind person helps you to put it up .. I have heard of this company as we are in Norfolk , but not any real details , they seem to be popular , I hope it goes well for you .........
30 Jan, 2009
nice one clarice, does pay to shop around , did the same thing when i wanted a shed and saved £100..........steve
31 Jan, 2009
Well done,Clarice, and nice to hear of a company giving such good deals + good service. Enjoy your greenhouse.
31 Jan, 2009
Fantastic deal Clarice. Good for you. I hope you enjoy your greenhouse.
1 Feb, 2009
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Good job, glad it came so quickly. Now you have plenty of time to get it filled. : )
30 Jan, 2009