By clarice
While most of the UK is covered in a blanket of white snow, up here there as not been any, it rain yesterday evening, but this morning we have sunshine, very cold wind though, 20mins drive to Preston and they have quite abit, cannot remember last time we had snow.
Blackpool weather today.3 Feb, 2009
Previous post: GREENHOUSE
Next post: I'm back.
Strange where the snow has hit, isn't it? We don't normally get any down here - but we did!
3 Feb, 2009
Looks very nice could almost have a cuppa out there! we have lots of snow 8-9inches looks beautiful but dfficult under foot, I live in Mossley near to the pennines so we usually cop any snow thats around.
3 Feb, 2009
It may look like spring but it sure dont feel like it, the cold wind is horrible, but its great for drying washing.
3 Feb, 2009
When we get it here it's usually just a spattering , and it's gone by the next day. This is very unusual.
You're lucky to have missed it Clarice.
3 Feb, 2009
I was disappointed with the amount of snow here! I do enjoy crunching through the woods when it has freshly fallen. Unfortunately Chloe wouldn't go further than a couple of yards down the lane and by the time I waited for my grandson to join me the snow had all gone mushy! Didn't stop him throwing snowballs at me though - but I did manage to get him once or twice :) Very bright & sunny here today but still icy patches.
3 Feb, 2009
You dont get frosts very often either do you Clarice? I have an uncle in Blackpool and your weather always seem to be the opposite of ours in the Midlands.
3 Feb, 2009
Lucky you Clarice...........I need sun sun and more sun please........
3 Feb, 2009
You are alway sunny on your Avatar Maureen! Doesnt it seem ages though since we felt the sun on our flesh!
3 Feb, 2009
That butterfly on the door is really basking in the sunshine.
Look out Clarice, we'll all be invading your garden with our sunbeds. :o)
3 Feb, 2009
Hi Clarice, your garden looks good. We need the cold to kill off all the various bugs and infections etc.
Spring is coming, the lady on the T.V., talked about seeing "green shoots"!
3 Feb, 2009
Hi Clarice...our snow turned to rain too but despite being fine today,its bitterly cold.As Marge says it does kill the bugs though,and lots of us have been laid low this winter.
3 Feb, 2009
Had a beautiful sunny day here as well today so mega thaw set in except in shady parts,my mum always says that whilst it lays around it usually means there is more to follow.Clarice I will send it your way...Lol.
3 Feb, 2009
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- Thought my laptop was dead.
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it sure does look like a lovely spring day there Clarice
3 Feb, 2009