Old Dog Learns New Tricks
I’m not going to keep bombarding you all with my ramblings, I promise,
actually I am probably going to get told off because I have just posted a question, with tongue firmly in cheek, on the species Nessum Dorma Upallnighticus and, as I pressed the submit button I read All non-gardening questions will be deleted. I do hope I’m not drummed out for my faux pas and shown the door. I will behave honestly. I haven’t been expelled from anything since I was about six when my mum was asked not to bring me to ballet class anymore, because I was too heavy footed! 47 years on, they should see me now!! ( and by that I don’t mean I have blossomed into Darcy Bussel, more mutated into Jo Brand)
Anyway to my point. In the week or so since my interest in gardening has been rekindled I have come to realise what a nice bunch of people gardeners are … yes I mean you lot and locals I have come into contact with! The support you’ve shown has been fully appreciated. Eager to get going again I answered an advert on our own local version of ebay, offering 17, yes 17! large, healthy lavender plants for a tenner. To cut a long story short the bargains go quickly and I was too late but the lovely lady said she had another plant and I could go over and help myself to freebie cuttings.
After my massive and brutal clear out last weekend I had no plastic pots left but didn’t want to let the lady down today and then BINGO! reading the pages of people who had been kind enough to leave comments, I came across the masterclass in newspaper pot making posted by Jacque. Thank you very much Jacque! Waste not, want not. A trick I will make full use of. I fished the local rag out of the recycling just before the big truck arrived and 25 minutes later I had 15 perfect pots. I know they were perfect because self appointed Head of Quality Control, Jack passed all but one.
He undertook rigorous tests, but after serious consideration decided one of them just didn’t pass muster. It had to go.
(Please do your Tommy Cooper impression as you read the caption)
“Just like that. Magic!”
I could fib and say I meant to catch this in mid air, but one got stuck on his nose and I grabbed my camera to see if he would do it again, which he did, but I missed the actual moment I was hoping for so caught this by fluke as he shook it free.
7 Apr, 2009
Previous post: Thanks for the wonderful words of encouragement!
Next post: I've never been so googled in all my life!
ps who is Darcy Bussel? and I luuuurve Jo Brand!!!
7 Apr, 2009
who is Darcy Bussell?? don't you watch Vicar of Dibley Craftnutter? she's a famous ballerina, did a fabulous skit on dancing with Dawn French did you see it? had me howling with laughter.
Thats a great blog i love the Head of Quality control, i have a ginger cat too called Toffee, all ginger though.
7 Apr, 2009
So Good to See My Blog gettting some use & being Quality Controlled by such a Sweet Pussy Cat :) lol , I thought Jack had a Magic Wand & was doing Magic 4 real ClC :) lol
7 Apr, 2009
very kind of you, craftnutter....darcy bussell is just the most tall, willowy, elegant, gracious ballerina (unless you saw her farewell performance on tv.... it made you realise we are all human!) the antithesis of dawn french or jo brand... i'm in the latter mould sorry to say!!! but they are both among my favourites to watch... they make me cry laughing..... i don't know if my question has been deleted, time will tell... but as you can see it's a real problem for me because i'm back here again!!!
jacque, your pots were a real godsend.... i didn't want to go unequipped and they were the perfect solution... i really will use the idea again and again because i have absolutely no room to store a stock of pots.... great inspiration!!
and sewingkilla, i have seen toffee, i think i left a comment about having a ginger tom the same.... my boys are about 18 months old and the litter was rescued ... there were four left, two very pretty girls and my two... by the time we got there the two girls were spoken for and my friend already has an old male so couldn't take a young buck for fear of putting his nose out of joint in his autumn years... i only intended having the one which if i'm honest would have been jack because he is pretty (for a boy!)... but my friend said "looks like you have to have 2... thank heavens i did because i can't imagine being without arnie now... he really is my buddy!!!
i also have a lady, pretty much all black, about 5... so matter what colour i wear i'm always covered in *^*!*(&% cat hair... white if i'm wearing black, black if i'm wearing white and ginger whatever i wear, can't win!!!
lovely to hear from you all... thanks
7 Apr, 2009
Paper pots are getting all over the country I,ve been making loads for son,trouble is I ended up dirtier than I get in the garden( Jacque its all your fault.),and I also like Jo Brand and sometimes its good to read somebody elses ramblings lol. so please carry on.........
7 Apr, 2009
Great blog CC. I had a good laugh. I don't think you'll be kicked out. If you were I know I probably would too for some things I've put on here. LOL.
8 Apr, 2009
Loved your blog, Hi to Jack, i have to agree about getting black hands making news paper pots.
8 Apr, 2009
This blog is good for a giggle!!!
8 Apr, 2009
Great blog from just over the water from you......as the gull flies
9 Apr, 2009
lol! lol! Lol! love it! :-)
10 Apr, 2009
I'm glad you explained the 'in mid air' pot,. I was convinced you had dangled it with a peice of invisible wire!!!
17 Apr, 2009
Recent posts by clematiscrazy
- Broken hearted
23 Jan, 2013
- Goodbye bad habits!
18 Apr, 2009
- I've never been so googled in all my life!
13 Apr, 2009
- Thanks for the wonderful words of encouragement!
6 Apr, 2009
- Need to apply undiluted TLC.
6 Apr, 2009
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Wow! You are one fast photographer!!! I did reply to your earlier post, but if it's not there anymore, shame on you!! Lol!!!
Glad you're not expelled! Us GOY'ers would be seriously missing out otherwise on your wonderful charm and sense of humour!!!
Loved your blog, it made me laugh out loud!!! Do you belong to the local "freecycle" clubs then? They are a really useful source for the garden. You never know what you might be able to bag for free, fab. idea!!!
Did you make the rejected pot into a hat for your pretty puddy tat then???
7 Apr, 2009