Thanks for the wonderful words of encouragement!
I never imagined how good a little cyber support could feel. What a Buzz! Thank you all. It will definitely keep me going. That and the thought of a glass of chilled wine in my shady bower!
It’s funny how quickly you forget how good or how bad a situation was. Bernieh’s comment sent me trawling through photos for a little reminder, but I think most pix are on my old computer, though at risk of boring you all, I did find these.
The Buddlehia seeded itself in several places and, although lovely when in bloom, is just too overwhelming in such a small space. The steps as you can see, or rather can’t see, were a no-go area. I am going to keep it right down rather than take it out because it forms a nice support for the clematis.
Not the best photo of my cats, but it does show off Jack’s wonky eyes rather well. Arnie is blurred because he barely ever stays still long enough except when he is concentrating on catching things, which is why, as much as i’d love to, I don’t put out bird feeders or encourage wildlife. It’s a shame because even in such a small space, looking out of my study window a little while ago I could see blue tits, blackbirds, a thrush, sparrows, a robin and a wren all at the same time. I’d feel like such a traitor, lulling them all into a false sense of security! Even though I live on the outskirts of town (Shanklin) in the mornings I hear a welcome woodpecker and a not so welcome cockerel! In the trees at the front of the house I often see the famous Isle of Wight RED squirrels.
Anyway, enough of all this, I need to check out all my new friends on this site and turn my attentions to gardening although I suppose I ought to get some work done first!!
Regards to all. Jan.
6 Apr, 2009
Previous post: Need to apply undiluted TLC.
Next post: Old Dog Learns New Tricks
So do I! I've only ever seen two in my life...
6 Apr, 2009
Enjoyed your blog I use to live in Southampton (We live in franch now)
and loved the island
6 Apr, 2009
Squirrels...we have red and grey with an occassional black and occasional white in the central states. I have seen all but the white.
Wonky eyes...I had a cousin with eyes like that. I'm sure he thought everyone paid close attention to him due to you couldn't hold a conversation with him without staring at his eyes.
6 Apr, 2009
Lovely photos. nice blog. I'll go and look up your first one now!
6 Apr, 2009
Cute cats,you obviously have the right conditions judging from the birds that you,ve seen visiting ,nice blog and pics...........
6 Apr, 2009
Lovely photos Jan. I love buddleia but it can get a little out of hand in more temperate climates. I'm lucky. Mind dies back to the ground every winter so it never gets too big.
Your cats are lovely. Very unusual eyes in a cat.
Thanks for posting.
7 Apr, 2009
Well done your hard work will be well worth it when you sit out in the summer with your lovely cats
7 Apr, 2009
What wonky eyes? They both look verrrrry beautiful to me! I have 2 cats and a dog, but they are not allowed out during the day, as I've now got 9 feeders out. But you will still be able to put out plants for the bees and butterflies, I'm sure. I love buddlea, but I know they do get quite big. Even pruning them hard every year doesn't deter them!
7 Apr, 2009
I love my buddleja but my husband hates it with a passion! He wants to slash and burn and I have my work cut out just saving it so I prune it hard back in spring and just wait for it to rebel and come back stronger than ever!
11 Apr, 2009
You are a rebel Gardenmad1. I'm afraid I tend to be towards your husband's way of thinking on this one although they do encourage the butterlies which are always welcome in the garden.
11 Apr, 2009
You are so right are the people here so wounderful I just love them all weclome it is a place to have such warm arms around you each day and dont we all just need that along our way. Lovely pictures I love your animals I love life of any kinds. Enjoy your day and post away.
13 Apr, 2009
Recent posts by clematiscrazy
- Broken hearted
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- I've never been so googled in all my life!
13 Apr, 2009
- Old Dog Learns New Tricks
7 Apr, 2009
- Need to apply undiluted TLC.
6 Apr, 2009
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Love the wonky eyes! In fact both cats look beautiful. Envy you your red squirrels although I have a lot of pleasure from the greys that visit me. I visited the IoW a few years back and was lucky enough to see a couple of red there. Enjoyed your blog and photos.
6 Apr, 2009