just a little tour round my garden this week !!
By cristina
hi every one …………… hope you are all enjoying your gardens , and the weather is good .
not too bad here ……….. its been a lovely afternoon !!
enjoy the walk with me round my bit of heaven .;0)))
the view from both sides
a close up of the rose arch
a few more roses round the garden
and finally anyone for tea…………….. phew !!!!!!
2 Jun, 2011
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Hi,i was just wonering because your garden looks so established how long has it taken you to get it like this :)
2 Jun, 2011
whdebor................. the garden has mainly taken bt a year to get it like this ................. the pond about 2 years ......... the banking and back borders ............. last aglad you like it.. .this year is bt finishing bits an bobs !!
tables set , and ready hun x
2 Jun, 2011
Well, youv done really in just over a year it looks gorgous:)
2 Jun, 2011
Cristina its unbelievable what you have achieved over the last year. Especially love the planting under and around the trees in the long border, and the pool, and the Rose arch, and all the steps and different levels you`ve created - in fact love it all.
The table looks especially inviting. Not to far away from Cheshire do you do an open day.
2 Jun, 2011
Hi Cristina, you have so much going on in your garden, it is absolutely beautiful, my kind of garden :))))) well done!
2 Jun, 2011
thanks so much michaella ............... still tweeking here an there lol !!
stroller any time you are up here , you are more than wellcome to come and see , still have a few things i want to do !!!
whdebor thankyou ............ be better wen things grow bit more ..................
thanks every one !!! x
2 Jun, 2011
Cristina, everything is looking great, I love the rose arch and the new arch over the door, you should be really proud of it. Have you appeared on the TV ad yet?
2 Jun, 2011
hi kfunsters ............... the add is on telly , they used my grandaughter , she the 1st one on cruprinal the wood peaple and thankyou for your kind coments x
2 Jun, 2011
Your garden looks lovely, Cristina - how on earth have you managed it in just a year ? You must be "SuperGardener".
2 Jun, 2011
WOW!! Your garden is so beautiful....just "my cuppa tea" lol :))
2 Jun, 2011
A gorgeous garden Cristina, I love it, so much interest.
2 Jun, 2011
Unable to say which part I like the best as it all looks so lovely, you have worked very hard, I really do like the pond and the planting, well done.
2 Jun, 2011
Gosh! Cristina, your garden is looking marvellous! So many beautiful arches and roses, it's just idyllic! All that hard work has really paid off, it's a credit to you! Well done!! :0)
2 Jun, 2011
It's lovely Chris. It looks big aswell. Nice to have a big garden. We're having some desent weather now at long last. I hope it's with you aswell :)
3 Jun, 2011
Thank you for showing us your garden. It is lovely and I have enjoyed going around it with my early morning cup of tea! I especially love the pond area and the lovely pink rose over the arch.
3 Jun, 2011
The walk around your garden was very enjoyable. You have some garden there Cristina, and all in 1 year !
3 Jun, 2011
cracking garden - so much great work done there - love all the planting - the seating area is so nice also. You have a lot of plants I have and all look so pretty - alchemilla mollis is a big fav with me and heucheras, you know I love grasses and also the goldcrest conifers. Your peonies and roses are doing so well and look brill. Lots more to mention in there - all is great
3 Jun, 2011
Fabulous set of photos, Cristina ..
well done on a beautiful garden :o)))
3 Jun, 2011
hi every one , thanks soooo much for viseting my garden with me , still a lot too do yet !!
we are laying grass at the back of the woodland border , which we got for the grand total of£20 lol from b/q sell of .................. its a bit yell at mo . have put a lot of seed on it too, its strating to green up now , some allready has .
kfunters ............... that arch was £50 from b/q last week , i love it ( a aniversary pressie) got my plants there ready to go in ........... just need to do the side panels in cream .
hywel the wethers nice here too at last ;0)))
paul ur garden reflects mine and thats why i love yours toooooo ;0)))))
ta bill and jen ............ glad you enjoyed the walk and the cupper lol, d.d are you recovering now after your lovely open day !! thanks t.t ........... hows the gang lol .
marie ........... got super hubby lol , he does as he told haha......................libet so glad you like it thanks..........cinders you can def go to the ball hun , thankyou too ............. and puddle , i am looking forward to seeing ur garden , carnt wait get on the phone to ron !!!!! lol x love u all ............
3 Jun, 2011
3 Jun, 2011
Stunning garden, I especially like your ferns and heucheras, I'm looking at getting both for the shady areas of my garden :)
3 Jun, 2011
Love your garden... especially that rose growing over the arch... So jealous that your lychnis is out before mine!!!
3 Jun, 2011
hi girls ......glad you love the garden ....................i have a shady area tooo crafty ........... but not put those in , trying out a few other things 1st lol . jen yes things are hatching at a rate of knots lol , tooooo hot to day , lol never happy are we !!!
3 Jun, 2011
Absolutely stunning Cristina. Made my stress disappear walking around your garden. Wish the cup of tea had been available during my stroll. lol. You've worked wonders and it's paid off. :o))
3 Jun, 2011
beautiful garden and planting!! :^)
4 Jun, 2011
are lindaloo.......... soz u bin stressed !! but glad it helped hun , did you miss the tea going round lol ........... ooooops haha ........ next time.
thanks daylily ;0))))
5 Jun, 2011
All your garden is looking fabulous, Cristina. You have such a gift for making it all look so natural and inviting... even down to the tea table :)
You have a great selection of ferns in your garden and all is thriving. Such a great reward for all your hard work!
Your arch of roses is spectacular.
6 Jun, 2011
I'll hold you to that offer Cristina. hehehe ;o))
6 Jun, 2011
hi jacqie ............. i dont really know wot i am doing u know lol ............ i just put in wot i like and hope 4 the best ............. this year am trying to be bit more addvetures with plants , trying a few new things lol ......... love my rose tooo , counted over 60 in the garden now ooops lol ,
lindalooloo you are wellcome anytime hun , haha
6 Jun, 2011
Thankyou. :o))
7 Jun, 2011
Hi Christina...my first walk around your garden...most enjoyable, love your planting ideas, and groupings..Well done you...
7 Jun, 2011
thankyou lin.........
crissie , glad you enjoyed it , thanks 4 looking ;0)))
7 Jun, 2011
Your garden looks lovely Cristina and thanks for showing me around. I can see that you must spend a lot of time in there to make it look that good.
I enjoyed the cup of tea at the end too.. :-)
7 Jun, 2011
your more than wellcome richard ......... and thanks for comeing !!1 ;0)))
8 Jun, 2011
Absolutely stunning Cristina, and yes, I loved your arch too! What a garden you have got, so wish I lived nearer, I would definitely pop over for tea if I did! Just stunning!\0/X
8 Jun, 2011
and i wud wellcome you with open arms hun ........... glad you like my arch , bargin of the year !!!
next i want an arbor seat like your lol ............ xxx
8 Jun, 2011
Hi Cristina, your garden looks so fab. reckon it would have won a gold at Chelsea!! Lovely pics and I adore your cups and saucers!!!!! Cheers. Also love your new Arch, looks like a porch, brill idea! You clever girl. xx
9 Jun, 2011
Your garden is looking beautiful Chris, I love the how you have set the table in the last pics and your china.
9 Jun, 2011
madge the arch was £ 50 from b/q lol ....... bargin hun . as 4 a gold lol i wish ............... maybe silver haha ;0p
annella thankyou as well ........... i collect china tooo 4 my dresser ...............
allways looking 4 a bargin !!!
10 Jun, 2011
£50, wow that was a bargain!! Magic.
10 Jun, 2011
haha yep ............ dead chuffed !!
10 Jun, 2011
That is stunning and quite incredible for a year's work! Have been here 16 years and mine's nowhere near as beautiful. Impossible to choose a favourite bit really, but love all the flowing plants- alchemilla, heuchera, ferns and grasses and tumbling waterfalls of roses. Definitely Heaven. Keep up the amazing work or just put your feet up with your cuppa (in your lovely vintage? china) and enjoy!
20 Jul, 2011
Just taken another wander round your Garden Cristina, and it's just stunning...love it all...
20 Jul, 2011
arhhh thanks hun .................. x
25 Jul, 2011
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wow your garden looks gorgous,loving your pond lovely plants round it, so when do you you want me round for tea your table looks so inviting lol :) happy gardening
2 Jun, 2011