Weather and other things
By daff
We had such wind last night (outside) It’s blown a lot of the daffs flat, and three of my small trees, (saying small they are over 8ft) had blown over, found one of my tubs in the middle of the drive this morning, and it’s in quite a heavy pot, but otherwise no damage done.
I went to the recycling place yesterday, and i know i shouldn’t, but ….. they also do book recycling, and if no one is around i go and have a rummage, I’ve found a few good books in my time, anyway on this particular day there i was having a rummage and found an old gardening book … going back to the 1940s, I haven’t had a chance to have a proper look at it yet but i will, then if i don’t think it’s any good i’ll go put it back.
The sparrow hawk came back at the weekend, made Bob very nearly turn grey, It was chasing a dove, the dove went SMACK into the patio window (I’d just cleaned them the day before) The dove must have been ok as it flew into a near by tree and there was no blood on the window, just a few feathers stuck. I reallly must get a couple of those things that you can stick on the window, I have never seen any and can’t think of what they are called or where to start looking for them.
Gail x
4 Mar, 2009
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Gail ~ any type of sticker will deter birds from crashing into your windows. The best sort are those which peel on - peel off. I have butterfly ones on my kitchen door which is mostly 'glass'. When I first moved in, a young blackbird broke its neck by flying into the door. I was so upset that I put up stickers the same day. You can get special stickers which are silhouettes of hawks etc. but the butterfly ones are pretty and work well. I recall getting them from Betterware.
A pity your garden had so much wind damage. I've put fine weather map photos on GoY ~ one map of the UK and another map for Canada ~ with lots of sunshine symbols, hoping it will bring gentle, sunny weather for all the GoY gardeners.:o)
The old garden book sounds interesting !
4 Mar, 2009
We didn't feel anything, nor did we the last time it happened, I have a friend who lives in Folkestone, the last time it happened it cracked the stone work of the flat that she is living in, I haven't managed to get in touch with her yet.
TT, the butterfly stickers sound good. It's not often we get Betterware around here at this time of year. I will have to find something to put on the windows before the nesting season, perhaps i might find something on the internet......
I like your fine weather maps, makes me feel as though the warmer weather if nearly here.
Gail x
4 Mar, 2009
It was very wet & windy here last night but apart from a few empty pots flying around, no damage done. It does seem to have upset the mole and he has made even more ridges around the lawn :( I wonder if the heavy rain flooded his tunnels.
Will your fallen trees survive or were they damaged?
Some garden centres have 'stick ons' for windows - I've seen them quite recently. Craft shops are another source. Glass suncatchers are another idea to deter birds flying into windows. Jacque has recently purchased some for her greenhouse.
4 Mar, 2009
Gee, I never thought of the garden centres, we also have a large Hobby craft here in Maidstone, I'll pop in there friday afternoon, will have to put a reminder in my phone, I get a lot of senior moments, and i'm sure to forget. The trees seem fine, I did have a word with them,telling them that they look ok. : )
Gail x
4 Mar, 2009
Sorry to hear of your damage from the winds Gail. I hope everything is salvagable. They must have been very strong to blow your trees over.
You can get the static cling stickers that don't leave any marks on the glass as they aren't sticky. I have one of those that's actually an outdoor thermometer on one of my patio doors. You can also hang strips of the plastic 'flagging' tape in front of the windows but that's a bit more unsightly.
4 Mar, 2009
mmmmm Gilli, not heard of the static cling stickers before. I will look out for that one.Thanks
Gail x
4 Mar, 2009
my daughters have glass art fx from toys-r-us. you trace out designs colour it in, when dry it peels off and clings to the window. it doesnt damage or stain the glass. you can have ours of
4 Mar, 2009
that's probably what I was talking about Seaburngirl. They're made of thin plastic and they just cling to the window. You have Toys-R-Us over there??? I thought that was just a North American megastore.
5 Mar, 2009
Thanks seaburngirl, yes we do have a Toys-R-Us over here Gilli, so I'll have a look in there too.
Thanks Gail x
5 Mar, 2009
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We had very bad winds on the south coast last night as well. But not to much damage.. I see you live in kent .. did you feel the earthquake there yesterday. ...I had a wood pigeon fly into my patio door.... but seem to be ok.. just left an imprint of his feathers...... hope you enjoy the gardening book.......... Holly
4 Mar, 2009