It's The Little Things That Make Us Happy .....
By dawnsaunt
Today I rang the farmer in my village to ask if he had any well rotted manure for sale. He said, the one thing he has plenty of is muck, lol. I said I would like a load please and access isn’t a problem – it can be tipped at the top of the garden on a large tarpaulin.
He said a load is 6 ton – would that be too much. Hmmmm, wasnt sure, so asked the price. £30 for the 6 ton he replied but there will be alot – deal I said. He will be delivering tomorrow or Friday – how good is that. Some companies on the net want £5 for a bag never mind for a ton.
I want to mulch the beds and then have a muck heap that I can use as and when so it will be perfect.
Must be a sign of age when one can get excited over a pile of muck.
The cow muck has arrived ….
The good news is – it was a 6 ton trailer rather than 6 tons in weight and it doesnt smell!
What do you all think? Do you think its well rotted enough to use some immediately.
Thanks, Dawn
20 May, 2009
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great buy dawn,, 6 tons is alot you know,, you will stink the neighbours out lol, watch bonnie doesnt eat it dawn
20 May, 2009
Wow, that is one heck of a lot of muck! Hope you have a really big tarpaulin. Just a quick question is this flower or veggie beds you are planning on mulching with the muck? Just a concern that it could be too strong and burn the plants.
20 May, 2009
I know Sewing, some people are charging a fortune for the stuff. Sandra: Hadnt thought Bonnie would like to tuck in, yuk, I'll have to watch her.
MoonGrower: Hadnt thought of it burning the plants - does well rotten do that? Its for the herbaceous borders not veg - what do you think? Ha ha, hope the tarpaulin is big enough too.
20 May, 2009
My dogs used to love rolling in Horse Muck, Euwww..They Stunk..
20 May, 2009
Oh no Youngdaisy, I'm beginning to regret ordering it now, lol. Looks like Bonnie will love it though!
20 May, 2009
Ooooeeerr!!!!! you're going to need a humungous tarpaulin for 6 tons of the stuff, lol. It'll last you years, unless of course your garden is actually Kew Gardens, ha, ha.
As long as it's WELL rotted it should be ok for the border but if still quite fresh, don't use it yet.
20 May, 2009
Well done locating your bargain muck Dawn ! Sign of age indeed ! Lol. Sounds like a lot but once you start spreading it around its surprising how it goes down !
20 May, 2009
well done and if its well rotted not a problem and it shouldnt smell either.
20 May, 2009
I'm hoping it is well rotted, he said it would be and I thought like you say Seaburn, is shouldnt smell. I'm so pleased to be able to have a heap to help myself to when I need it.
21 May, 2009
Hi Dawn , I was telling Tony about your lovely load of expected horse manure , he laughed ! . the previous owners here had stables and horses in the field in front of us and kindly told us we could use as much as we liked , we took them up on their offer .. because the horses eat Hay we had grass growing everywhere .. LOL .. I hope you don,t have this problem ... :o)
21 May, 2009
Hi Amy, sounds like the manure was more trouble than it was worth. This farmer keeps beast so hopefully I wont have the same problem .... hopefully!
21 May, 2009
Hi Everyone
I've updated the blog with a picture of the muck - what do you think - well rotted enough to use??? Thanks, Dawn
22 May, 2009
If its cow muck Dawn then should be fine as all those stomachs do a great job of processing - so much better than horse muck ..enjoy yourself muck spreading !
22 May, 2009
Fantastic Ray, just what I wanted to hear, I can get busy now, thank you .....
23 May, 2009
It looks good Dawn , I guess that put a smile on your face .. .. have a nice holiday weekend ... :o)
23 May, 2009
Thanks Amy - the muck has certainly kept me busy.
25 May, 2009
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LOL!! where there's muck there's brass Arlene!! Yes i had a woman came round last year and for a (small bag and i mean small) she wanted a fiver!!! Good lord i said at the riding stable where my daughter goes its free!!! She left quickly, cheeky woman!
20 May, 2009