Corydalis Lutea loves my garden
By dorjac
Here is Corydalis Lutea a sweet victorian looking plant with very pretty leaves and a sweet little flower.
Here she is interacting with Fuschia and Penstemon, never mind about clashing colours!
Lurking under a Carpentaria shrub, not famed for being tidy lower down. Cory is not quite as rampant as she could be.
Cuddling up to the base of Buddlja Davidii Royal Red
Inserting herself in front of the potted Wargrave Pink geranium and tangling with my avatar plant.
Climbing the shallow steps under the shade of the Junipers.
Making friends with the birdbath. Wandering off into the wilderness below the apple trees
Getting friendly with the Fuschia again and climbing in the sink to keep the ivy company and the Heuchera.
That’s the end of the Corydalis Lutea Saga. I don’t have the heart to get rid of her, even if I could. This year is her year 2011 never been so rampant before!!!!
23 Jun, 2011
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Thanks Linclass. I never planted her. She just appeared. If I went on holiday for the next month, I think the whole garden would be yellow on my return. I do pull some out if it is interfering with a young plant's developement.
23 Jun, 2011
Yellow and red nice!
23 Jun, 2011
That's the most demure little thug I've ever seen! Isn't it dainty though! And it's lovely with everything!
23 Jun, 2011
What a lovely plant to have. It seems to spread a lot but never a nuisance.
23 Jun, 2011
A real useful dainty plant linking all other plants. Love your steps and what I can just see of your statue.
23 Jun, 2011
It certainly is a survivor, I like it very much, tried to grow some last year here in my garden it did not take, think it must have been too hot and dry for it.
24 Jun, 2011
This year Pretty Cory is really determined to survive Oliveoil. We had 2 months of dryness and a heatwave and Cory is still decorating all those places where she thinks she ought to be. Even if
I wanted to, I couldn't get her out of them, as I go a bit wuzzy when I look down at the moment, and its raining. We are supposed to start a heatwave later today. I think it was Spritz, some time ago, had a problem trying to grow Corydalis Lutea too.
25 Jun, 2011
Good blog... nice to see where CL enjoys growing :o)
25 Jun, 2011
Well....despite it's free-roaming ability I think it looks nice in your garden :) As you say it's easy enough to lift a bit of it if invading smaller, less robust plants. It sure is strange how you can't deter it from growing and yet others struggle and fail at getting a decent sized Corydalis Lutea to grow in their gardens.
And yellow is a lovely, cheery colour too!
25 Jun, 2011
I don't know how it seeds Whistonlass, as the flowers are so minute. I think the sparrows may spread the seed. There are often groups of them searching the undergrowth for whatever they look for there. Having dust baths when it's dry. I always hope Crafty Black Cat isn't lurking.
25 Jun, 2011
I love this plant too Dorjac. It's always been very well behaved in my garden until this year when it has seeded prolifically. I'm quite happy about this as it's so pretty and it fills the odd corners so naturally. :o)
25 Jun, 2011
Think I might sneak a bit from my OH workplace and try it again. It grows like crazy there. I love it, it is such a sweet flower, so tiny. It loves all the cracks in the wall down the side of the sportsfield, don't know how it manages to survive, no soil visible, it manages ok.
25 Jun, 2011
Right at the foot of a very prickly rose would be a good place Oliveoil. Cory likes the crevices in the shallow steps. If you have any pyramid apples she'd like to snuggle up to the trunk and then clamber up a bit to get a better view. I like to think it is studied neglect, but I am too soft hearted to shift Cory unless she starts bossing a plant smaller than a Corydalis Lutea.
25 Jun, 2011
Must try again, will try again. thanks Dorjac.
25 Jun, 2011
I love the idea of this little plant meandering round your garden and snuggling up against everything else. The heuchera I rescued after reading your earlier blog has now recovered and I have 4 plants from one - yippee - thank you :)
30 Jun, 2011
It nice to know that a tip on GoY gives you a happy heuchera result Gee. I am a blue pot fan, like yourself too. OH sighs and says 'not another one'. This year I have gone potty. I ordered 100 perlargonium plants from Jersey and these minute little 'premature babies' arrived. Most of them are about to bloom now. Placed in black pots on the bits of my border needing a makeover in the autumn. Cory has meandered a bit too much in places
1 Jul, 2011
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Thankyou Dorjac, I`ve always had this in my garden but never known its name, I allow her free rein near my bottom greenhouse under my Buddhlia and its also in a pot that did have a lily in until last winter, the lily died sadly but not the stray plant and I hadn`t got the heart to tip it out.
Lovely photo`s of your garden, I do like to see plants intermingling...
23 Jun, 2011