Ability to garden?
By dorjac
It is amazing how your ability to garden can suddenly be removed. On 2/12/11 me and my husband aged 76 and 81 respectively slithered downstairs together when my husband conked out of energy part way up, and folded at the knees. He is still in hospital and I came home with a broken ankle in plaster that evening. As nearly 3 weeks have come and gone, the tasks I still had lined up for the garden; plant rest of bulbs and put plants in frost protection, remain to be done Then overturned and blown around pots due to two vicious gales. I considered myself up to the mark gardenwise, in spite of a vicious weekly BCG immunotherapy course my husband was severely affected by. I have often looked out on the garden and thought ‘What if I couldn’t do the garden tasks’? Now I have that reality, but in the middle of winter. The birds have Rowan berries and some seeds to eat and the remains of the grapes. Ginger the? feral cat can’t believe he doesn’t have to run off everytime I open the backdoor!! I DON’T feed him, he just likes the seating under the kitchen window. Yesterday he frowned at me from the top of the green wheelie bin. Sparrow Hawk was around last week, but fewer pickings, as the seeds are low and the ports need clearing to make them available. Very many people have been wonderful to me. A few have been infuriating too. The elf and safety issues around anyone but hospital porters pushing wheel chairs around hospital corridors, is a demeaning put down for any lol=little old lady, who does not have her own pusher in attendance, to go to trauma clinic, or go to see her husband down long corridors. LOL I now scoot backwards on my rollator…..dangerous outside on cambers etc but frees you from waiting to be wheeled, losing your turn and being shunted into corners and left to fester! Have a Happy Xmas anyone who happens to read this blog. Think of me scooting round on this GIZMO. Thanks to those who have been so kind to me over the last few weeks.
19 Dec, 2011
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I have replied to this on your 'Question' Dorjac.
19 Dec, 2011
sorry you are having such a rough time, i hope you both get better very soon.
19 Dec, 2011
My what a time you've had :o(( I hope you'r feeling better now, and that your husband will be home soon aswell.
Horrible to fall down the stairs. I did that a few weeks ago - from the very top to the very bottom, and also had another two nasty falls aswell, so I can sympathise with you.
Try and have a nice Christmas. I'm sure by the spring you'll have both improved.
19 Dec, 2011
I like the picture of you scooting backwards on your rollator. Bet that causes a few smiles! It also makes me think you are the kind of person who will find an imaginative solution to the gardening chores. (I'd bribe someone into helping you while you supervise from the window.)
The upside is that there is less to do in the garden in winter and when you have recovered, you will be ready for spring.
Hope you are both well again soon and meanwhile just hiss from time to time at the ginger cat to show him who's the boss.
19 Dec, 2011
I am sorry to hear what happened to you and your husband Dorjac. Wishing you both a speedy recovery.
19 Dec, 2011
I hope you are both in better health soon and able to enjoy your garden...
Currently, a very close friend of mine is in hospital with kidney problems. Until quite recently, he was able to enjoy gardening ... so sad to lose independence ...
For 2012, I pray for fitness and good health for everyone ...
19 Dec, 2011
Oh dear,hope you are both well soon, our health is the important thing to us
19 Dec, 2011
oh I'm sorry to hear that you have both had an accident I do hope you'll feel better soon and be able to enjoy christmas -- and a peaceful, healthy 2012
19 Dec, 2011
Best wishes to you and your husband Dorjac for a speedy recovery.
19 Dec, 2011
Im sorry to hear you and your husband are poorly, please god you'll both gain some strength soon and feel stronger this coming Spring...meanwhile god bless you both and hoping you have a plesant Christmas....think of you Dorjac...xxx
19 Dec, 2011
Oh Dorjac, what a shock for both you and your husband. I do hope you both feel much, much better very soon. Try not to worry about the garden, it will survive I'm sure. So pleased you have retained your sense of humour and I admire your backwards driving ability! Please take care and I hope the new year brings health and happiness. God bless.
19 Dec, 2011
Thanks one and all for encouraging me to keep going. A good friend came 80 odd miles from Banbury and took me to see 'the old git' today on Foxglove Ward. One of the chirpier staff nurses names for 'grumpy.jack@'. The garden looked sad in the rain today. It's better than the sleet we've had recently. Ginger is still learing at me. Or is he saying' I miss you coming out every two ticks for this and that and having to run off...it's good exercise!'
A neighbour has just been in for a chat. I did that Hywel from top to bottom of stairs in a holiday cottage, just a painful shoulder. I hope our friends in Scotland are not snowed under. Again this winter they have really bad weather. Happy christmas one and all.
19 Dec, 2011
I hope you and your hubby get better quickly, as Gee 19 says, it's great to see you haven't lost your sense of humour, you have a great way with a funny quip! Have a Happy Christmas both of you!
19 Dec, 2011
Wishing you both a very speedy recovery. Glad to see you still have your sense of humour.
Merry Christmas and I hope 2012 is a good year for you.
20 Dec, 2011
My last hope disapeared to get the garden fettled, when my friend the odd job man and chief lawn cutter, rang me to splutter through a bunged up nose, that he caught a cold off his nephew, that sounded vicious enough to come down the phone and get Me round the tonsils. Now I have a compost box full of festering peelings as well. Two lots of people arrived at the same time. One couple to take me to visit 'ye old git' and a recently bereaved friend to offer her poor Sid's rollater as a spare. A spooky social services worker rang up and her phone went crackly...end of contact. I don't think OG will ever escape from Alcatraz!!! It's all happening here. Each bit is a new experience in my life. All very surreal and strange. A note from Ireland. After good family news....lots more babies..... then a comment about the parlous state of her beloved country. Longest day tomorrow, then it starts to get lighter each evening. Trying to end on an upbeat note.
20 Dec, 2011
I have put a 'Like' to this blog, Dorjac for your wonderful sense of humor, if nothing else! ... So sorry to read of your troubles right now ... Ginger must be so happy to have his seating without interruption at last! ... I hope very many people will continue to be of great help to you ... take care of that ankle and try not to fret over the garden ... as you rightly say ... the days lengthen soon ... Christmas wishes to you and 'the old git'! ... :o)
20 Dec, 2011
i love your blogs Dorjac, you make me laugh so much in spite of the underlying seriousness of what is happening. It is your take on life which i love.
A bit late for christmas wishes to you and the 'old git' but here's to another happy summer in the gardenand dont let those wheels run away with you backward
28 Apr, 2012
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Oh goodness me, wishing you and hubby full recovery. Hospitals......hmmm a blog on it's own having had 2 ops the past month!
Take care on those wheels and have the best christmas you both can manage x
19 Dec, 2011