March in the garden
By dorjac
After this pussy cat of a winter, the garden is quite colourful. The Camellias are all out at the same time, but early this year. They are very tough and weather sensitive.
These crocus were found rather late and hastily planted well into december and look marvellous.
I bought quite quite a few Tete a tete daffodils as they are multibloom, small and bloom well the next time round. Will buy more next year. They are dotted round the garden
This pot of violas had a better survival rate of violas than the first pot shown and the tete a tetes are showing through them very well. The violas are seedlings from four small opots hanging on a fence.
The bottom half of the white Camellia which has gone mad this year with blooms. I gave it a good trim last summer before it started budding up and fed it well and it has responded well.
My favourite group of Hellebores. They have a lovely deep colour. I think there is son of elsewhere, a seedling with one flower that I relocated recently. I doesn’t seem to mind being moved. Much darker. This morning there are 2 more buds opening, so it liked its move!
A single deep pink blossom on the smallest Camellia. It cowers below the laburnum and its larger Neighbour Camellia. It has a lot of flowers but has not grown taller.
First time I have grown perennial wallflowers. At last they are in bloom. I did not realise they would get so large. They make a brave show at the moment. The multicoloured one is budding up well but out out of sync with the other plants
This is Bowls mauve. Doing very well. It seems to glow in dull weather and the leaves are a lovely colour.
A white Hellebore growing in its own chosen spot. I never bought a white one, so I was pleased that this one planted itself in a good place.
This Camellia has bloomed well this year. Much better than ever before, after a long time in the garden and been moved about a bit.
The top half of the very old corner Camellia. I really must take some off the top. It looks all snuggled up there but it is well forward on its stake, looking for light, and needs pulling back, more upright.
The oldest camellia. must be over 30 years now as it was here before we moved in and large but sickly. It has grown a lot in the last 2 years and needs trimming off a bit after flowering.
I reckon that’s about it for colour in the garden in march.
18 Mar, 2015
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Your garden is full of colour Dorjac. The Camellias are looking great.
18 Mar, 2015
All lovely,can't pick a favourite. Your Bowles Mauve is doing well so early too. Our perennial wallflowers are showing no signs of flowering yet, can you send them some hints? I do have a de Caen anemone out though, rash creature!
18 Mar, 2015
You have so much blooming - here it's hellebores and daffodils and nothing else! The camellias are just beautiful.
19 Mar, 2015
All looks lovely. So much colour so early in the year.
19 Mar, 2015
Your camellias are lovely, Dorjac, real show stoppers. I love them but don't have as many as you although all are flowering well. My wallflowers are also doing me proud too. I have been a bit 'under the weather' recently so haven't been on line at all - means I have some catching up to do both here on Goy and in the garden :)
19 Mar, 2015
Your Camelias are looking great, mine are not in flower yet! The bowles Mauve is doing very well too, I should have cut mine back as they have grown quite straggly this year. its good to see the flowers starting to emerge in the garden now after such a wet and cold winter,Spring is certainly on its way now in your garden ;0)
19 Mar, 2015
Thanks for your comments. Camellias have a will of their own about when they flower. When the winter was very cold they waited and all bloomed together much later. This time round they are all together early as it has been an easy winter for them. Sorry to hear you have been off colour Gee. Not a lot of fun getting more mature. Even Judy Dench does not like being 80 odd years old, with all her success and admiration. I suppose all those svelte beauties on the red carpet are bit daunting next to white hair and wrinkles! I have kept going all this winter in the garden to make sure I don't suffer from inactivity. It is a worry when you can't get out and garden.
20 Mar, 2015
Not sure how I missed this great blog Dorjac, cannot believe you have so much going on, wallflowers blooming!! ours have hardly any flowers at all! I love the colour of your small Camellia, so OH is 80 this year, I still cannot believe it, we both try and keep as active as possible despite all the creaks and the dodgy knees etc, well done on having such a beautiful spring garden....
25 Mar, 2015
Thanks DD. I am really pleased with the erysimums blooming so well. Next door's Magnolia which is huge is in full pink bud, when it was sunny on Friday they started to open but now they have closed up tight. I asked for 2 decent sprigs to draw. I got it down on paper before they opened in the house warmth. It was easier than I thought. Next door have gone off to a substantial chalet they own at Cromer. BRRR. So I got my sprigs before they went. The squirrel gets an easy feed off the grounded seed feeder. Thank goodness it has metal ports.
29 Mar, 2015
Dorjac I did not realise you could draw, you must put some of your work on here, I would love to see some of your drawings......We have several artists in the family, and I love to see their latest work.
30 Mar, 2015
My husband,who is nearing 85, has been pleading with me to go back to my flower drawing DD. The huge magnolia is in full bud, so I felt an urge to dig out the pencils and get drawing. My Atavar is a Picasso darkened pencil drawing too. So windy today. Severe gusts overnight kept us awake too. I have a second smaller sprig out back in a bucket.I will fill the paper with that if I can get up the courage to draw it in the space!
31 Mar, 2015
Dorjac you certainly have some colour there. Isn't it lovely to see the garden blossoming again and see the insects and hear the birds singing. Your drawing is really lovely. You have a great talent there and a feel for the delicate colour of the flowers. I'm really pleased you are drawing again. You have a whole year of colour to go at now......Perhaps you could put together a calendar of flowers for your family and friends. Just a thought.
7 Apr, 2015
Thanks Lindak. I was pleased with my rendering of the magnolia next door. I'm afraid I lack the confidence or ability to present my art as a calendar to anyone. The picture was a work in progress, and now has another sprig balancing the right of the picture. For better or worse I know not! I want to do some colourful tree frogs next. If a garden subject pops up I will have a go. There are some parrot tulips on the go too. So they may inspire me.
11 Apr, 2015
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Your Camellias are beautiful.
18 Mar, 2015