Denise's gardening
By drc726
Have only joined today and already enjoying your comments/feedback.
Every year about this time I get powdery mildew on the sweet peas so today I had to bin them.
I have definately mown the lawn less times this summer yet it looks ok.I put it down to the showers although heavy it does not penitrate and I have had to water this summer more than in the last 3-5 years. But that may be because I have added a lot of perenials over the last year.
Also I have tried dahlias this year, but I can see why they have gone out of favour although they are flowering well they do seem dull compared to other summer bedding.
I have also tried clay soil breaker this year as I have made new beds in the front garden and it has made the soil much easier to work
9 Aug, 2009
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I like dahlias but I don't have any this year. I've seen your photos. Your garden is beautiful.
9 Aug, 2009
A very warm welcome Denise, I've just returned from holiday and found a stinging nettle had grown up from nowhere, so I donned my gloves to pull it and it got me right on the arm .... ouch!
9 Aug, 2009
Welcome from me too Denise. Your garden is really lovely, just what I would have if I was to start again. Beautiful pink clematis.
10 Aug, 2009
Ive grown my Dhalias from seed my first time for gardening and I love them.
Welcome to GOY am now off to look at your pics
x x x
10 Aug, 2009
Recent posts by drc726
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Ih welcome to GOY, hope you enjoy being with us.
9 Aug, 2009