my back garden this year
By drc726
New patio with some new planting lots of old woody plants removed mostly replaced with perennials.
11 Jul, 2021
More blog posts by drc726
Previous post: nominations
your garden is looking wonderful, lots of areas of interest and they all link together so prettily.
I hadn't realised/remembered you had a pond. those lilies are going to be stunning.
11 Jul, 2021
Great looking garden. My prefered type of garden.
11 Jul, 2021
Your new patio area is really lovely. You must spend a lot of time out there as it looks so comfortable and welcoming. Your garden is such a pretty one and those water lilies are going to be beautiful.
11 Jul, 2021
What a wonderful garden! So much going on. Your new patio looks great. Just right for sitting and enjoying the garden view:
The clock on your wall is almost identical to the one I bought recently. Great minds obviously! :-))
11 Jul, 2021
I think you have a gorgeous garden, beautifully balanced, Drc. Everything looks very lush and obviously well-grown. Loving the new patio!
11 Jul, 2021
Have to agree, it’s looking gorgeous, Denise. I love the circular bed too with your pond in the middle. It’s really artistically done. A great idea. Your roses are very pretty, healthy too. Your patio area looks a lovely place to sit and enjoy all your hard work…
11 Jul, 2021
I agree with all of the above comments,your garden is so beautiful,Denise and such a credit to you. I too love your patio,the design and different shapes/colour sare just perfect. The pond is so restful.and you must be feeling very content to be able to sit and enjoy,all that surrounds you,as you sit on your Patio. :o)
11 Jul, 2021
I don't remember seeing pics of your garden before Denise - what a little gem it is. The is going to look famtastic when ll those buds open too. (Hope you are now feellng much better by the way!)
11 Jul, 2021
Thanks everyone. its taken 23 years to get it how I wanted and I love it now. The waterlillies are great this year and so many flowers.
Yorklass I am recovering well and the garden is a real place of relaxation for me and my husband as he awaits open heart surgery.
12 Jul, 2021
That's really good news - I missed your posts while you were ill.Oh dear, if it isn't one thing its another. I'm sure we all wish your OH well.
12 Jul, 2021
Thanks Yorkslass we saw the cardiologist today and he is happy to do the surgery but hubby has to reduce the steroids first and improve his anaemia so should be a couple of months. He is 82 and going blind it creases me up to see him so breathless but we will get there.
13 Jul, 2021
You do have a lot to cope with Denise, and your lovely garden must be a comforting place. I wish you both well.
13 Jul, 2021
Thanks S I do indeed find it a place of comfort in fact I do not know what I would do without it and how I dread the winter months but if the weather is not too wet and slippery I walk for miles. Sadly we have no gardening clubs locally which I would love.
13 Jul, 2021
Your garden is lovely, so full & lush, just as I like gardens too. They are great places to take the mind off things, a good & necessary escape. I wish you & OH well & hope his op. is a success when he eventually has it.
14 Jul, 2021
Sending you a PM Denise about starting a gardening club.
14 Jul, 2021
Really lovely.
14 Jul, 2021
thanks FF SB and linda
14 Jul, 2021
Sheila I was just about to write the same thing. We had a small club that worked for a while with members each giving a talk eg we had one on compost which was interesting. We couldn't afford an outside speaker unless we could find a local free one so in the end we ran out of people wiling to do it.(It was a fairly small village)We did have a couple of folk from local nurseries But the summer garden visits we organised were very popular.
Try it Denise, nothing to lose.
14 Jul, 2021
Thanks Yorkslass
15 Jul, 2021
Thanks Sue … we just visit each other’s gardens, then exchange tips or cuttings and seeds over coffee and cake 🙂.
15 Jul, 2021
Thanks ML we are really enjoying it now the rain has stopped.
15 Jul, 2021
Gorgeous ,love the pot and the statue of the lady
18 Jul, 2021
Thanks Geradine
18 Jul, 2021
Such a nice garden Denise ,really lovely ,i especially like your roses,are they scented?
Hope your feeling better and on the mend ,whipples is one hell of an opp (my mom had one)and enjoy your garden.
20 Jul, 2021
Thanks Jake well your mum must have had a rough time as I did but we are still here and I am so well now. I am off to Guildford for a scan and check up on Friday hate that till its over. Some of the roses are scented and those are mostly near the patio so can be lovely to sit near them.
20 Jul, 2021
I thought I would come and look at your garden Denise!
It's beautiful! I love your seating area and the large circular border, and the path that leads you off somewhere!
I bought the wicker seats from B & M this year which are brilliant , especially for my disabled husband who has difficulty getting out of a chair!
4 Nov, 2021
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Beautiful :-)
11 Jul, 2021