The Fairy Garden
By ducky
Lovely afternoon again yesterday so got a photo of the woodland/fairy garden
And no those arn’t faries at the top of the garden – more like trolls!
I am rather pleased with the way its coming on, I havnt had to buy too many new things to go here except so far a couple of helleobores and some cowslips (primula vera), Im transplanting loads of alpine strawberries and then letting them and the ivy that is already there ‘do its stuff’ and cover the ground.
Bought a new parafin heater for the greenhouse – but I obviously havnt set the wicks correctly as this morning I had to dust soot off all my seedlings!!
I also had a lovely surprise and found some coltsfoot growing on the bank by the brook – I hanvt seen it growing there before. So Im hoping that the bank is gradually forgiving us for all the building work and big tree removal works when we did first started the house 2 years ago – and that there are wildflowers returning.
Coltsfoot flowers
19 Mar, 2009
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Comments done that in the past Ducky, Marguerite is right you did have it turned up too far,when you light it turn it down so you only have a flame without the smoke then replace top.Like your fairy garden and its going to look a treat when your plants start to spread,as to the little trolls they look a mischevious
19 Mar, 2009
And no those aren’t faries at the top of the garden – more like trolls.
ducky, they are fairys, not a troll in sight, : )
19 Mar, 2009
Ok - so they only turn into trolls at night when they are meant to be in bed.
As for the wretched heater - I will get to grips with it, but the first job tomorrow is going to be cleaning the inside of the green house thoroughly to get rid of all the muck!
20 Mar, 2009
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Thanks Margerite, I think the heater is going to be a trial - the seedlings seem ok though, but Im not sure about the spiders that lived in there.
A coltsfoot is a little wildflower (Ive added a picture) it gets its common name as the unopened flower and stalk slightly resembles the shape of a ponys leg and hoof.
19 Mar, 2009