Old Gardening Books
By eirlys
I am still de-cluttering and I have disposed of LOTS of books. Paperbacks and thrillers etc are easy to let go but I have now reached the area of “old books”. These belonged to parents and grandparents and so have sentimental value. However I have to be tough (ha ha), as the Offspring have threatened to bring in house clearance people when we are gone!
Old gardening books! They are beautifully illustrated, some of them, but do people read these days? Everything can be found on line with even more beautiful images.
So, what do I do with them?
17 Jan, 2017
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I love reading old books I have some from the turn of the 20th century. the propagation techniques are the same in many cases.
17 Jan, 2017
The trouble is, AGE.....ours. We have to get rid of stuff and I would prefer to do so rather than have house clearance people take them over. Charity shops have benefited and we have given lots away to younger friends.
I love books and find it so hard to get rid of them but this time I am determined!
17 Jan, 2017
why not list them on a auction site like ebay. bare in mind and state the postage is paid by the buyer. Hubby sold a lot of old car/bike books for the widow of a friend. He managed to sell them all at a sensible price as she didn't want to just 'give them away'.
17 Jan, 2017
It is an issue Eirlys I've cleared out loads of books but the gardening books are still here...I have managed to pass some on to new gardeners and reduced to one shelf. But I don't know when was the last time I got one down to look at...
17 Jan, 2017
I have been 'downsizing' my gardening books by taking one a month to the local Garden Club as a raffle prize.
17 Jan, 2017
IT is much more convenient, I suppose to read online but, a book is just a lovely thing to keep.I have lots of gardening books that I hardly ever look at but can't bear to throw away.
I think we tend to only refer to one or 'trusty' books as a guide but it's still nice to have the others to have a flick through now and again!
18 Jan, 2017
Sandra and Paul: It's good to learn I am not the only one who loves books!
Nice idea to offer gardening books as raffle prizes, Andrewr.
Seaburngirl: e-Bay? Don't want all the "bother" at the moment. Not enough time!!! Worth a thought, though. Thanks.
18 Jan, 2017
Unless you need the space or the books are getting moldy why make the effort and waste time? As for me.... I am in my end game.... I have abandoned most practical matters. I spend my time enjoying wherever the whim takes me. When I shove off, my kids are going to pick me clean anyhow. It's time to throw responsibility out the window and let Hedonism in the door:)!!!
19 Jan, 2017
Eirlys we are de-cluttering too - I am slowly taking bits and pieces to the local Dogs Trust Charity shop - and books are on the list - I have 3 large bookcases full and books on shelves held up with bookends and books on top shelves in wardrobes - gardening books - wildlife books - travel books - you get the drift - Jane
19 Jan, 2017
I would put them on a Freecycle site ... and would like to think that only folk genuinely interested in gardening would bother to call for them!
19 Jan, 2017
Loosestrife2: Love the "attitude". Compared to you I am a cabbage! :O)
Jane: In spite of what I suspect is a cracked rib I am still sorting out bookcases. (standing up : me, that is!) . Am going to re-read Mary Stewart and Fay Weldon. OH has sorted out some gardening and cookery books so far. I can actually see SPACES on the bookshelves!
Shirley: Good idea, thanks, and I can do the same with Children's annuals. They go back to the Forties but they have been well and truly read!
20 Jan, 2017
Eirlys, some of the more well known charities put books on e-Bay and the childrens annuals always go first! Good luck with your de-cluttering ... :o)
20 Jan, 2017
Shirley: The trouble is TIME! I have so many annuals but they have all been well and truly read. Buyers want books in pristine condition!
Anyone here read de-cluttering books by Marie Kondo?
You decide what you want to KEEP rather than what to give away. As a result even though we no longer have Bonsai trees we are keeping several books about Bonsai because the books are so beautiful!
23 Jan, 2017
Yes, I can see the sense in that way of thinking!
24 Jan, 2017
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I've all of my grandparents gardening books and share them with my mum. She has her books too and I have mine! Even though I'm only 19 I prefer to read about gardening in my books rather than online :)
17 Jan, 2017