Nothing to do with Gardening. Sorry!
By eirlys
As I have said several times I am not an expert gardener like so many here. I love gardens and I enjoy reading about them, especially on GOY where I have “met” so many inspiring people and viewed so many lovely gardens. My husband is quite expert but a Luddite where PC’s are concerned.
I am often guilty of writing Blogs that come under the "Other " heading and apologise for this. Many of you have been kind enough to add your (more interesting) comments when I have done so.
Several times I have felt I should stop posting but have become so interested, and in a way, involved, with the people here: your gardens, your pets, your plans, even your state of mind!! :O)
I am posting this to ask whether a private message has to relate to gardening, and only that? If it deteriorates into a discussion regarding other matters, (vitamins for instance), is that wrong? I can see the point in not using GOY for this and transferring to a more personal e-mail, but is this a stipulation? If I paid a subscription, would I be still have to do so?
I can only apologise for yet another “Other” post but I’m curious.
17 Jan, 2018
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Next post: What's your Winter pond like?
I've always thought you sounded pretty experienced Eirlys.
Surely most of us just answer stuff we happen to know about (and get it wrong occasionally) and keep quiet the rest of the time. And you can say whatever you like in a PM as its only between two people and nobody else can see it. Remember how often a blog goes off topic anyway. You are a valued member and its clear how many people enjoy your contributions. So please forget all about stopping posting, you would be missed.
17 Jan, 2018
Thank you, Hywel and Steragram. I am not worried, but I am concerned. I would not wish to transgress rules, even unwritten ones. (Are there any on the site?)
Sometimes it is easier to talk to a stranger than it is to a close friend, especially about a common interest, in our case, home and plant remedies, and vitamins. OH and offspring aren't interested and the former scoffs at some of them. He knows I believe in the placebo effect, but his scientific "cons" are off-putting!!
I won't stop reading and posting because this is a friendly site and, as I said, I like to know what you are all up to. :O)
17 Jan, 2018
Eirlys, I just scrolled to the bottom of the page to Community Guidelines and one of them states:
Keep most contributions (photos and blogs) related to gardening, plants and nature. Note: Most does not mean All.
So, you carry on posting blogs under the 'Other' heading and you can PM on just about any topic!
17 Jan, 2018
I like your blogs Eirlys, what ever the topic,I find them interesting,
17 Jan, 2018
I agree,PM's are just that,between two people,and what you chat about is entirely up to yourselves..and also ,those strangers sometimes become close friends,and you feel you can talk about personal things,that you can't ,or don't want to discuss with other friends or please don't worry about's perfectly alright to do the BT advert used to say "it's good to talk "
Keep on posting your blogs and photo's,Eirlys..we all look forward to seeing them :o)
17 Jan, 2018
Go for it Eirlys....whatever you like in your PMs. Its nobody else’s business. You are a valued member of the GOY Cohort! :)
17 Jan, 2018
I love your blogs !
From one 'other' blogger to another -post away !
I have learnt alot from peoples blogs and PMs and have been blown away by support I have received, both with the garden and personally.
:) x
17 Jan, 2018
Eirly's you have been here a long time now and I for one would miss you and I don't mind in the slightest if you go off topic even on the main pages, I've never thought of you as not being a gardener even though you have said it many times in the past, you've already been told that you can chat about what you like in a PM so won't need my assurance on that one, however lets be honest about it, seriously, if our blogs didn't go off on a tangent sometimes then Goy members would begin to wonder what is wrong, lots of us have been around forever and like a joke now and again or a chat that involves family, pets and holidays, don't you dare not post, yours are always a good read, long gone ( fingers XX ) are the days when members argued the point on what is right or wrong and thank goodness for that.....
17 Jan, 2018
It's certainly not a stipulation. Courtesy, respect, consideration, politeness. This site is more about friendship - gardening is just the common thread - the vehicle.
17 Jan, 2018
Exactly, I've never met anyone from here but do have people whom I consider are my friends, I've moved sideways in the last two years, needs must when Goy was playing up, it got very frustrating and I openly admit lonely, so I ventured onto a couple of other sites, good they are as well and other goyers are also there but they are not blogs and somehow just not the same...
17 Jan, 2018
I agree Lincslass. This is by far the best site for gardeners because of the blog facility and the garden catalogue space too! Other sites can be equally friendly, but GoY is a special place for us all, no matter how we use the space. :)
17 Jan, 2018
That's right Karen, I use Goy as my gardening diary, I am forever checking back to see what is flowering, whether its early/late or even gone completely, I love the fact that I've noticed more people are still here also, we haven't deserted just been a little quiet in recent months...
17 Jan, 2018
I looked at a few before I started rambing on and asking daft questions on here....I think the people I have 'met' and consider friends on here are pretty flippin fab !
17 Jan, 2018
THANK YOU, ALL for those kind words. I haven't been criticised, or reprimanded, I hasten to say, regarding my PM's. I just wanted to know!
I do enjoy reading your posts on GOY and, although quite a few of us don't have photos, I often imagine what you are like!! (Now that could start another "Other" post).
For instance, if you were transformed into a flower that summed up your appearance/personality which flower do you think you would be? :O)
18 Jan, 2018
At this precise moment,Eirlys ? I would say a bedraggled,cold limp Viola..but ready to lift up my face to the sun in anticipation of positive things to come an optimist presumably ..:o) How about you ?
18 Jan, 2018
Eirlys, Bloomer is far from a bedraggled viola I can assure you - don't believe a word of it!
I would be a sun flower because when the sun shines down on my face and the skies are blue, I am transformed!!!
By the way, I am always pleased to see that you have posted something on here so don't change a thing.
18 Jan, 2018
A Tulip for me....slightly to heavy to hold myself up sometimes but always colourful and cheerful :)
18 Jan, 2018
Post away and don't worry, we enjoy your blogs, we wouldn't read them if we didn't......
I would be a rose, sometimes prickly, and full of disease, at other times beautiful, but always reliably hardy and smelly!!
18 Jan, 2018
I think I'd be an asclepias tuberosa because I don't look like much now, but just wait - You just wait!!
18 Jan, 2018
Lol Bathgate.....!!
18 Jan, 2018
My dear friend Chris (Wildrose) ...flattery will get you everywhere,but I'm still not sharing my last rolo with you ! Ha ha..go on then,if I must :o) x
18 Jan, 2018
I'd be a Hellebore, hiding amongst the foliage but good value for what you get, long stayer, loyal to the end....
18 Jan, 2018
I have a nasty feeling, Bloomer, I'd be a Busy Lizzie: always finding something to do, and being cheerful
Or a Snapdragon, as I'm quick-tempered and that mouth suggests someone who likes chatting!!
Of course in my dreams I'm an elegant Lily!)
(Lovely comments from you ALL!)
19 Jan, 2018
Hi Eirlys, don't worry about 'other' blogs, if people only want to read gardening blogs, they'll skip over 'others', they don t have to read them at all. PM's are fine to talk to friends about over anything.
19 Jan, 2018
That seems to be the general consensus, DA. Good to know.
20 Jan, 2018
Maybe I'd be a Rudbeckia - good staying power when i eventually get started but looking pretty bedraggled in age...
20 Jan, 2018
Well so far on the GOY garden we have:
a bedraggled Viola
a Tulip heavy to hold but colourful and cheerful
asclepias tuberosa, not much to look at now but watch out!
a Rose, full of disease and prickly, reliable, hardy and smelly
Hellebore, hiding amongst the foliage, good value for what you get, long stayer, loyal to the end
Busy Lizzie always finding something to do,cheerful
Rudbeckia good staying power, pretty bedraggled in age...
Now what sort of a garden are we ending up with?
21 Jan, 2018
Recent posts by eirlys
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- Hello again
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- Greetings Again, and Farewell.
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- Irrigation Systems
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- Our Morning Visitor
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You can say whatever you want in a private message. Only you and the recipient can see it.
I've said all sorts of things to people, and also had other people saying all sorts of things to me.
Don't worry about it Eirlys. You are a valued member :)
By the way I don't think anyone on here would call themselves experts. We're just ordinary people with a common interest.
17 Jan, 2018