De-cluttering! Musings! Not a real gardening blog.
By eirlys
I am still de-cluttering but now the garden has intruded. Demolishing two greenhouses resulted in lots of plant pots being surplus to requirements. The plastic ones went to the Stewart Garden Centre Recycling facility but we are left with lots of clay pots and old Bonsai containers.
Neighbours are taking some but I think I will have to resort to Freecycle sites for the others. How is it we have so many pots? Do they breed? I think many came from my father’s old market garden so they date way back I just hope they all go to a good home!
Since demolishing one greenhouse the compost heap has been revealed in all its awful glory. It is really big but the lower section consists of great soil. I have asked the offspring to come up with some ideas : how to hide it being my main concern. The birds and the occasional badger will miss scavenging but needs must. We will still have a compost heap.
I have plans for the garden shed: well the two amalgamated sheds actually. These replaced the one, (and the aviary) burnt down in the 1976 heath fire.
I saw some lovely sheds when we were looking at greenhouses so that is what I want for my birthday!
I have eyed the pods (Karen has one) but have decided at our age it wouldn’t earn its keep (Ha Ha).
The gravel drive may need some gravel replacing after all this rain and a section of the garden at the front needs to be re-thought.
Indoors de-cluttering continues but very slowly now. Fortunately our daughter and her friend like organising so I have some welcome help. So much stuff has gone and I don’t miss one thing! It’s the actual deciding what I really want to give away that proves difficult. The objects desperately want to go back to their usual place, but this time I am determined! Is there anyone reading this who is as weak-willed as I am?
Real gardeners will deplore this blog but I did try and warn you!!
16 Apr, 2018
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How about a stall at the front on Saturday in aid of the local Cancer Hospice, 'Whats it worth ! ' People can pay that price, they will be firmly removed by happy customers and no suffering involved.
Hope its not raining.
16 Apr, 2018
Friends still get lost trying to find us so we stand little chance of casual passers-by, Diane! I have sent eleven sacks of stuff to various charity shops and 400 books, so I think charities aren't doing too badly. This morning a lovely lady called to pick up a 1920's teaset comprising 12 cups, saucers, plates, sugar basin and milk jug. They will be used at a charity event for Salisbury hospitals. They plan to create gardens at these hospitals.
Stera: Once I get going, I'm fine. It's when I stop........!!!
16 Apr, 2018
...and stopping is so easy....
16 Apr, 2018
I hope you come up with a good idea for hiding your compost heap.
Nice to have a new shed, but since you are decluttering, I don't suppose you'll have much to put in it ...
Personally I don't believe in decluttering. I would find life very boring without my things around me.
And I certainly don't want anyone else organising my life. That would really annoy me. I am quite capable of doing it myself.
Good luck !
16 Apr, 2018
I totally agree with Hywel on that last paragraph!
I have finally got my 5 shelf plastic greenhouses fixed to the hut wall, now have maxim shade space for the Auriculas 'Owdboggy' gave me. No one else could have thought of that. Disabled people have to design their own active lives.
Regarding the value of clay/terra cotta used pots. Giving the matter some considerable thought, I remember ordering them from the GC and paying 80p each for them without clay/terra cotta saucers. If they are with saucers, they are worth £1 each and should not be sold for less. Or given away for nothing. Thats my view.
17 Apr, 2018
Hywel, I am surrounded by things from my grandparents' homes and my MIL's. I have kept them stored away but enough is enough! Others will be given the chance to cherish them and if they raise money for charity, great.
My "organisers" are there to carry items downstairs and then to take them to various charity shops. I make the decisions but it's great to have someone there to do the heavy work and the transportation. I don't drive.
Don't worry! I'll find things to keep in the shed!
Diane: Some pots have saucers but very few. These go back to the 30's. Hope my neighbours take what they want.
17 Apr, 2018
What a daunting job. When we moved here. No bank believed in us so we had to do the move on a tight budget and moved into a much smaller house so had to do a big declutter. Gave about 40 of my garden pots to one of my neighbours for her and her children. Only thing hubby regrets was not bringing his pool table lol.
How lovely to get a new shed to go with the new posh greenhouse. Hope you come up with a good idea about the compost pile.
18 Apr, 2018
OH doesn't know about my plans for a new shed, Jen, so I am keeping very quiet until August. Just hope the greenhouse will help OH's recovery.
20 Apr, 2018
Wow! So much stuff gone including 400 books! If only I could do that my place would look so much tidier! But I find it terribly hard to get rid of anything that I still get any enjoyment from, so I am very slow at getting rid of books and tend to accumulate them faster than I get rid of them! :D :D So I am filled with admiration for your determination!
I think since so much of it is pots it is relevant to gardening too. There are lots of aspects to gardening including decluttering. And then you talked compost and sheds too - very garden! :)
27 May, 2018
If you saw some of my rooms you would ask "When are you going to start de-cluttering?", Pamelaanne. Haven't moved since 1962 and it shows!
I have kept the books I want to read again and again but try to use Kindle for the "rubbishy" ones!!
Greenhouse base is completed and greenhouse delivered. Awaiting the installer.
Shed is full of junk. That needs to go. Thank Goodness "tomorrow is another day"!!
28 May, 2018
Congrats, Eirylis! By your last comment, it sounds like you've kept Margaret Mitchell to read again! Too bad our clutter wouldn't succumb to a stiff breeze! I was in that predicament when we moved (can it really be seven years ago, alreadly?). I gave and sold and refunctioned, and finally called a removal firm. They delivered a large metal container...2200 lbs. went to a landfill. I would never have done such a thing but I kept thinking that I could do it all myself..and found out otherwise when time ran short. I praise your responsible attitude.
As to the compost heap... you will keep it where it is? you just want a screen for it? climbers, vines, creepers, or grapes, maybe? Can't wait to see what you do with it.
10 Jul, 2018
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Decluttering? Not my scene. OH is an even worse squirrel than I am. I keep worrying about how awful it will be to clear up when one of us quits this mortal coil... If I could only walk right through the garage it would be a good start.
More power to your elbow Eirlys, keep it up until its done! Decluttering the garden I find easier than the house and a good place to start.. A lovely new shed is a great birthday present - hope you have lots of fun choosing one!
16 Apr, 2018