Garden visitors
By eirlys
Until I find my camera which is “lost” in a room being de-cluttered, I can’t really take images of plants in our garden. I do have photos of some of the visitors we have had in the garden over the last year. If I have posted some of these before, my apologies.
There are now three squirrels that we see regularly. They have been busy gathering nuts. Just hope they have good memories!
This fox visited for some time. He was lame and so I fed him on cat food and kitchen scraps. Wasn’t surprised when he “vanished” as I cant see how he could survive when he wasn’t in our garden.
We often have dragonflies and damselflies around our pond. They are so beautiful, I think, but not easy to capture on camera.
You most likely will recall the adder posted above. It was quite large and for a while I assumed it was a grass snake. It wasn’t!
I did have photos of spider webs taken first thing in the morning when they had frost drops all over them. Can’t find any of those at the moment so here is one rather splendid “ordinary” web.
Well deer are not welcome in our garden any longer so this one would do well to keep away.
This is Theo, my neighbour’s cat. He likes our garden and sits watching our little cat. She finds him fascinating!
He’s a Maine Coon cat so very large!
This is the toad that has taken up residence in our garden wall. He made me jump the first tme we met as I thought it was a snake!
I can’t end without including an image of Sage, our little rescue cat who loves our garden.
21 Sep, 2018
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What fantastic visitors you have Eirlys except the snake lol when my sister lived on an officers raf camp in Chipingham she had grass snakes in her drain her next door neighbour was a red arrow pilot where I spent with his wife and him most of my holiday as a kid.
22 Sep, 2018
Was really enjoying all your visitors till I got the snake!!!!😁. Really really don't like them. The pictures are wonderful and what a range of wildlife. Would love to see them all but the snake!!!!!! What a wonderful picture, drawing of Sage. She is beautiful.
Amsterdam, any chance of borrowing your cats lol. My poor old girl used to be a real hunter but it is getting a bit much for her now. Last 2 years have felt invaded with voles, squirrels eating all my runner beans and even a rabbit tunnelling under the hedge and Shadow chases it through a holly hedge! Only thing I worry about getting another cat is I live on A53 so very busy traffic wise.
22 Sep, 2018
Snakes aren't that bad, you know. They tend to avoid us humans and are fine if left well alone.
We have a mole in the back garden at the moment and Sage spends quite a time watching and listening. Our Siamese used to catch them and we had to rush once to the rescue of a magpie she had trapped.
It's a cat's instinct to hunt, and ours insists on bringing them in alive for me. Come Armageddon, could be useful!!
22 Sep, 2018
May be here Eirlys when my dad during ww2 he was posted to India he was there for 3 years he told me they carry sticks to pound the ground to frighten the snakes away from them.
Awe how cute Sage is listening for the mole.
Yes it is instinct for cats to hunt and bring back presents for you...
Lol Eirlys Armageddon it will only be mankind to go extinct not the earth as the earth always repairs it self.
22 Sep, 2018
You do have a varied selection of animals etc I prefer snakes to spiders, and don't encourage foxes badgers or squirrels, give me a toad and a handful of frogs any day!! and of course dragonflies! which we don't see enough of....
22 Sep, 2018
Lol. Eirlys. That's what my brother keeps trying to tell me, he has 3 as pets. I won't go in his flat anymore. As a child when living abroad my air con unit that was just above my bed stopped working and when they came to ment it, they found a snake had been trying to get in and Jammed it. Really freaked me out. It was a really poisonous one. Been really scared of them ever since.
22 Sep, 2018
Lovely +photos of the wildlife Eirlys. My sister-in-law used to breed Maine Coon cats, delightful bundles of fluff.
Have you seen a news article today of a rare two-headed snake found in Arizona? Seems it has different brains but the same heart.
23 Sep, 2018
Interesting to see so much wildlife in your garden. We have a few things also but foxes and squirrels don't come inside the garden.
24 Sep, 2018
Thrupennybit: A mongoose would have been useful in India!
Dottydaisy: I don't like spiders either. Dragonflies are beautiful but not that easy to photograph, sadly. That's where a video comes into its own.
Jenlewis: Your anecdote reminded me that a friend who lives in London had a neighbour the flr above with a python. The latter escaped and was making its was through the air shafts/ducts in the building. They did capture it but the story made the newspaper!
Shirleytulip: No I didn't pick up that story. Wonder if they tested atom bombs in that desert? They used to do daft things in the good old days!!!
24 Sep, 2018
Well the wildlife certainly love your garden Eirlys beautiful photos .
25 Sep, 2018
Last year I found a strangely shaped web in one of the shrubs. It was a perfectly-formed "funnel". I photographed it and it was later identified as being most probably the web of a Labyrinth Spider. We haven't seen one since and don't want to!!
27 Sep, 2018
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What a lovely menagerie of animals you have! Your garden must be so welcoming to all these animals. I would like to attract more wildlife to my garden but will have to wait a few years as my young cats catch everything including bats, dragon flies, voles, mice, birds etc... I really can't be doing with it and have never had such hunters for cats. It has made me think twice. Hopefully as they get older they won't bother as much. There's me wishing...Sigh ....
22 Sep, 2018