Another Lunenburg Sunday
By elke
Sunshine on a Sunday has to be taken advantage of! We set off at lunchtime, and the ferry across the LaHave River was running double trips to serve the tourist traffic.
Near Masons Beach, we saw the schooner Bluenose II out in the bay with a boatload of tourists.
And just behind the beach this osprey was rebuilding his/her nest.
Once in Lunenburg I headed for the bandstand, where they hold concerts at 2 pm every Sunday.
Today the entertainment was provided by CLAUDINE LANGILLE and BILL PLASKETT
who were promoting the Folk Harbour Festival.
This was also the Wet Paint weekend, where artists set up their easels around this picturesque UNESCO World Heritage town and paint pictures, which were all auctioned off at 4:30 pm today. I watched this artist complete his painting during the hour I sat and listened to the concert.
Almost complete!
This house was the artist’s inspiration:
I spied this codfish weather vane atop a church steeple – codfish were the mainstay of the North Atlantic fisheries for decades, but they have been in huge decline, and cod fishing is now banned in most places along the Eastern Seaboard.
Typical of Lunenburg in summer is this caleche offering tours of this lovely old town.
On our return home, we found that the sun had encouraged the first Rudbeckia to open.
Now we’ll wait to see whether the sun or the fog wins out tomorrow!
26 Jul, 2009
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A beautiful place to visit.
I hope the sun wins for you today :o)
27 Jul, 2009
now that schooner is a stunner, is she fully sail or does she have an engine too? I love sail. my grandadwas a skipper at the turn of the 20th century and had sail and engine on his vessel.
lovely blog thanks elke.
27 Jul, 2009
Seaburngirl - the original Bluenose, although built in 1921, had no engine, but this replica, built 42 years later, does have one. She is a Canadian icon. Her image is on our 10ยข piece.
My great-granddad was a tea-clipper captain, and was lost off Tierra del Fuego, trying to race home in time to spend Christmas with his family in Newquay, UK.
It's wonderful to see the harbour filled with masts during the Tall Ships visits, but we do realize that their crews are in a dangerous occupation.
And no, it's dense fog again this morning - perhaps it will burn off.
27 Jul, 2009
Thanks Elke...another great blog.Very impressed with the osprey re building her nest.The sky and sea in second photo are an amazing blue !
27 Jul, 2009
We are lucky to have many osprey nests like this around this are - they are fun to watch - such magnificent birds. Yes, it was a lovely day, a little hazy out in the harbour, but clear enough for some good photos. The fog has finally burned off here now, but has left the air a little steamy. Can't complain though, at least it's not raining again!
27 Jul, 2009
Had lots of high winds and rain here recently..bur mustnt complain ! The houses are painted lovely bright colours the artists impression !
27 Jul, 2009
He was asking $150 for that painting as a 'take home now price' prior to it being auctioned. I don't think he got it. But it's a lovely event - all the artists wore these bright yellow T-shirts. And quite a mad rush by people at the show to place bids before the bidding closed. The old houses in Lunenburg are quite amazing - that's why it's a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
27 Jul, 2009
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A very nice day out Elke. Thanks.
27 Jul, 2009