very sad day
By elsiemay
Just thought i would let you all know that my beautiful Millie died in her sleep this morning.
It has been such a shock to my family & me as yesterday she was her normal happy self, she ate well,played with my other cats as usual…i just can`t beleive it has happened.
my beautiful girl is now sleeping peacefully & we shall miss her so much xxxx
18 Mar, 2011
Previous post: Roll on spring!
This is such a sad time for you, Elsiemay. So unexpected and happy to the last was to be Millie's leaving. I know you will be feeling upset and teary just now and your other cats you mention will be missing her too. Thinking of you...very hard to lose a much-loved kitty.
18 Mar, 2011
Elsiemay I can only echo what libet has said. I am glad for you that she died at home with you. My friends cat just disappeared and she spent frantic days looking for him until she found where he had chosen to go and hole up. Other friends have had similar experiences.We were lucky that our Tabby chose to curl up in her bed and sleep away like Mollie. I know it is good to know what happened to your beloved pet. Look at the lovely photos you have of her and remember the good times. She is irreplacable but so are your happy memories of her.
18 Mar, 2011
So sorry to hear that ): - it is very sad when they go - I hope you are okay - she looked lovely :)
18 Mar, 2011
I am so sorry to hear about Millie - at least she died in her sleep and hopefully without pain. It is so hard to lose a pet because they always become part of the family don't they.
We have had and lost several cats over the years and it doesn't matter how many times it happens you always miss them, as do any other cats you have. When one of my cats got hurt so much in a road accident that we had to have her put down, my other cat that was left at home was absolutely lost without her and wouldn't eat or anything. In the end we had to get another one as company for the one left behind. At least your other cats have each other.
Cats all have their own personality and so it is very hard to see them go because you miss their tiny quirks and the funny things that they do. At least you have some pictures of Millie.
My sincerest condolences to you - at least Millie will be in cat heaven.
18 Mar, 2011
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family.
18 Mar, 2011
she most certainly was a beautiful cat and i can only say how sorry i am ~ i know how sad and lost you must feel.
18 Mar, 2011
What a dreadful thing to happen, Elsie! I loved seeing your pics of Millie, I remember one where she's sitting by an urn in your garden, a beautiful cat. What age was she? Your other cats must also be wondering what has happened. My thoughts are with you.
18 Mar, 2011
So sorry Elsie, thinking of you.
18 Mar, 2011
Thinking of you, I lost Purdy last Nov and that was awful, so I know what you are going through.
18 Mar, 2011
thankyou all so much for your lovely,kind comments....
Millie would have been 6 this may, she loved to lay in the sunshine so we have laid her to rest in a very sunny spot in the garden...
Jake seems to be a bit lost today bless him,he & Millie were quite close so i will have to give him extra cuddles today...thankyou all once again x
18 Mar, 2011
So sorry to hear of your sad loss Elsiemay thinking of you take care x
18 Mar, 2011
Such sad news, Elsiemay.
18 Mar, 2011
Thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time Elsiemay, so so sorry.
18 Mar, 2011
In my thoughts Elsiemay, i too know how it feels to lose a loving friend Socks was 18 when he died in his sleep never forgotten and sadly missed
18 Mar, 2011
So sorry to hear you have lost Millie,Elsie..and so young too..that is so thoughts are with you and your family,and your Jake too,he will be feeling it as well...
18 Mar, 2011
That's really is sad news Elsie, I'm so sorry. Take care .....
18 Mar, 2011
What a beauty she was! Sorry to hear your loss, hope your other cats can provide some comfort x
18 Mar, 2011
sooooo sorry for your loss ........... r.i.p millie , shes up there playing with my little dog charlie ......... they leave a large hole in your life dont they ................ xx
18 Mar, 2011
Oh that is so sad - an awful shock. I'm very sorry to hear it. You will miss her very much. I hope you will be able to accept it in time but it's very hard isn't it :(
My thoughts are with you tonight. x
18 Mar, 2011
God bless lovely Millie ...
It's comforting that she seemed so well right up till yesterday ... Lots of wonderful memories of a very special cat... xxx
18 Mar, 2011
I am so sorry to hear of your loss elsiemay...she was a beautiful cat.....
18 Mar, 2011
So very sorry Elsiemay, take comfort in the fact that your beloved Millie went peacefully and that your lasting memories are of a happy pet playing with her friends.....
18 Mar, 2011
What a terrible shock for you Elsiemay, it must be so hard to come to terms with losing your beautiful Millie so suddenly. You have the small comfort that she didn't suffer any long illness and was safe in her own home when she died. It's so sad when this happens, thinking of you......
18 Mar, 2011
thankyou all again for your kind comments,they really mean a lot xx
18 Mar, 2011
I'm thinking of you too - that's very sad news. I know you'll miss her, but as others have said - she was in her own home and that must be a small comfort to you. x
18 Mar, 2011
I am so sorry to hear about Millie, it must have been a shock. She was a beautiful girl, but at least she was at home with the people and cats who loved her. I have lost many pets over the years and it always hurts for a long, long time.
Yesterday was the 1 year anniversary of my Bridget's death - the vet gave her too much anaesthesia and killed her.
19 Mar, 2011
so sorry about millie,at least she was happy to die at home where she felt safe and loved,chris
19 Mar, 2011
Oh I am so very, very sorry for your loss. Last Saturday I had to have my darling Sprog put to sleep - advanced bladder cancer. My Husband died last year and losing Sprog seemed the final straw. My family quickly organised a new puss for company for me and I am sat here waiting for a beautiful Ragdoll cat to arrive - a 4 year old and her name is Gucci. I am so sorry for your loss - I can honestly say I know how you feel. What a blessing your little girl went in her sleep. I prayed for that with my Sprog all night long last Friday night. It was the first time I have every felt relieved when poor Sprog was out of pain. I wish you all the best. Thinking of you with much love.
19 Mar, 2011
Lynda ... sorry to learn about lovely Sprog ...
you've had a couple of difficult years ...
I've sent you a p. message ... xxx
19 Mar, 2011
So sorry to hear of your sad news about Millie, i lost my Smokey 9 1/2mths ago and still i miss him so much even though i got my 2 cats Tilly and Jack a few weeks after, they really have helped, but still i would give anything to have him back. My thoughts are with you at this very sad time.
19 Mar, 2011
once again thankyou all so much for your lovely kind comments,they do really help...ihave just ordered a rose bush named Millie which has beautiful pink flowers & i will plant it beside her grave.
19 Mar, 2011
Your rose bush in memory of Millie sounds a lovely idea, must post a picture when you have it in place.
19 Mar, 2011
Recent posts by elsiemay
- Roll on spring!
4 Jan, 2011
- A sad day
13 Sep, 2010
- Douglas
20 Jul, 2010
- A visit to Beth Chatto`s garden.
12 Jul, 2010
- another wet day !
10 Jun, 2010
- tidy up !!
15 Mar, 2010
Oh Elsiemay, I'm so sorry to hear that, it must have been such a shock. At least she was at home, with her family. She was such a pretty kitty. We are cat people ourselves, we have two shelter cats at the moment, but when you lose one it leaves such a gap in your life, just know I'm thinking of you.
18 Mar, 2011