Discovery & International Space Station
By fluff
Hey we just watched these two fly from west to east across the night sky! Absolutely amazing! Bright as anything…apparently they are so many 100s of miles above the earth that they are still in sunshine so are reflecting the light back!
This is the first time that the ‘man on the telly’ has said ‘look at the sky at such & such a time & you’ll see…comet, meteor shower, eclipse etc’ & we’ve actually had clear enough skies to spot them!
Just great…amazing to think they are manned….anyone else see them?
10 Sep, 2009
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Me neither.
10 Sep, 2009
Trouble is....clear skies means a cold night & I'm desperately waiting for the morning glories to open & tomatoes to finish ripening!
It was really cold this morning & someone even mentioned frosts!!! Aaargh!
10 Sep, 2009
I could'nt see them Fluff, too many tree's and too much light from our house but my daughter has got a picture of either the shuttle or ISS.
10 Sep, 2009
We can see the ISS most of the time at night, or my mate is daft and thinks a star is it. Lol :~))
10 Sep, 2009
Ian the way you can tell it's the ISS is that it does'nt twinkle or flash and it moves very steadily across the sky, and stars don't move.
Or there again it could be Indypendant's spaceship :o)))
10 Sep, 2009
Lol Bob, :~))
10 Sep, 2009
Normally it sits just under the moon like a bright star but the one picture I took recently and uploaded here was nt under the moon and very large indeed to big for any star.My picture was taken with a phone camera
10 Sep, 2009
Missed it!! As usual, I was doing the ironing, instead of gazing at the sky....:((
10 Sep, 2009
Oh Di trust you :o)))
10 Sep, 2009
Lol, I know Bob...but them shirts don't iron themselves....:))
10 Sep, 2009
Hmmmm now theres a thing .... self ironing shirts .... I would make a fortune .... Nah you women love ironing it's a non starter :o))))
10 Sep, 2009
Ha ha Bob :)) I've just got a new "state of the art" iron (I know, I know, I'm sooooo lucky.....) and one of it's many functions is a "vertical ironing feature" (I kid you not...!) Anyway, it means you just hang the shirt or whatever on a hanger, and blast it with the iron (hours of fun...). But I had to laugh, when reading through the destructions (I'm a woman, so I read them, lol) and it said...."CAUTION! DO NOT IRON WHILST WEARING THE GARMENT...." Oooo I was so :))
10 Sep, 2009
O.M.G. thats almost as bad as getting a jar of peanut butter and the label saying 'Caution may contain nuts' :o))))
11 Sep, 2009
Don't look up at night ! how can I test it if you're all out ogling ? As to you lot getting off planet (hahahahaaa!) they really fooled you didnt they (and 2001 a space odysey was real too eh!) what youre looking at are my drone satellites, which give me the needed co-ordinates to launch my test runs with!
Watch this space, not that one!
11 Sep, 2009
LOL !!
11 Sep, 2009
Actually of them was a bit the pilot has had one too many!! Thought they might have something to do with you! One of them had even left it's indicator on from when it turned right past the moon!!
Hey hubby won't let me do the ironing...he's ex-navy & thinks women are c**p at it...I don't argue funnily enough!
Just going to look at pics of ISS....
11 Sep, 2009
As I'm the only one UP there it doesnt matter too much if the indicators left on. The "wobble " you percieve is actually a distortion of the light spectrum caused by huge acceleration forces when the laughter drive kicks in, don't worry too much about it , it's relatively harmless to offworlders....ok you can worry a bit if that doesn't include you, but hey youre only gonna laugh till your sides hurt anyway so what the hey!
11 Sep, 2009
You're NOT the only one uo there Indy...unless you've bumped off the Man in the Monn? Don't think even you would be that cruel...HE would never allow inappropriate indicating so maybe you ain't seen me - right?
11 Sep, 2009
Seen who?
11 Sep, 2009
Lieutenant Uhura honey...
11 Sep, 2009
Nope not seen her!, but will ask around and see if she's available for you if you want her!
11 Sep, 2009
Nah...s'pect Kirk's already made her acquaintance! She said she fancied you tho...impressed by your drone satellites!
11 Sep, 2009
All the ladies are impressed by my drones Fluff, once theyve had a glimpse of them that is!
11 Sep, 2009
I bet Indy...I bet! Glad to hear you don't flash them about for all & sundry!
11 Sep, 2009
I haven't seen the ISS with the shuttle docked to it yet (not many opportunities left!) but I have seen the the ISS pass over head on several occasions. May here in the UK is one of the bast months of the year to see it.
I get info on when to see it from this site:
You just put in your town & country & it will find the times of when the ISS, or other things like satellites are visible from your place up to 10 days in advance.
One of the best moments this year came on my birthday in May!!! I was able to see it & I describe it on a forum I post on frequently. If you would like to read about it, here is the page address:
Scroll down to reply #20.
Another post can be found here:
Scroll down to reply #54
The maps on both pages are wrong, they are not the ones I originally put up! Those were of where I live in the UK - not the Black Sea!!!
11 Sep, 2009
Thanks for that Balcony...I'll have a look.
12 Sep, 2009
I've seen the ISS twice....just amazing stuff. I'm told it moves at a constant 14,000 miles per hour and is several miles above the earth's surface..........
Word to the wise - if it's not's a star.
6 Oct, 2009
That's why it was so easy to spot & follow Sid...the night sky was awash with stars but this baby was zooming across the sky...just brill!
6 Oct, 2009
Yeah, really bright isn't it :-)
6 Oct, 2009
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10 Sep, 2009