Every little helps...
By fluff
… a bad memory… when I’m replying to you good folk on Goy I can’t always remember little things about you which help to create a picture of each of you & remind me if you are a dog or cat lover, own a big garden or a balcony or even if you are guy or gal!
Sooo…I opened a file in my documents & put in everyone’s name, location, M or F & any extra little details…like Westie ‘Harry’ or 2 cats etc etc.
I then keep it open & ready to refer to on my task bar. I can add new folk or add new info as it comes up & hopefully I won’t make any more booboos!!
Any use to anyone? Who are you again??!!
5 Sep, 2009
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Thanks Terra...I didn't have Crocus on my list!
5 Sep, 2009
I don't have any pets any more....my plants are my pets (sad...lol) and my OH.:))
5 Sep, 2009
And im Dee, The Fabulous one hahaha
5 Sep, 2009
I'm just boring, no pets, no hobbies, no life...............
5 Sep, 2009
I can tell I'll be referring back to this blog to get all the essential info. about members... now, let me see...
Amblealice has pet petunias and pet pansies...
Dee is fabulous which we all know,
Ian is the most interesting man on the planet...
any more ? :o)
5 Sep, 2009
Now Ian...don't be a silly boy...you're a gardener...that's your hobby...you have Carol & Holly...they're your life...& I hear you know some aliens...your pets?!
And Terra...Balcony can't have any huge plants...Sewingkilla is a Grandma & Paulthegardener has a terrier called Paddy!!
5 Sep, 2009
Lol...great blog Fluff :))
I'm the crazy one...with the crazy garden....2 dogs, Scamper & Winnie, and the Grumpy OH :))
5 Sep, 2009
Duly up-dated Di!
P.S. Sanity not a category as so little of it in evidence!!
5 Sep, 2009
Gardening isn't a hobby............................. Its a way of life. :~))
5 Sep, 2009
My goodness! How efficient! I am very impressed. I hope you haven't been deceived by the 'Henry' bit of my name... :-))
5 Sep, 2009
Bench cat is my visitor and no religous beliefs only nature
5 Sep, 2009
Hi Fluff I think I might steal this idea - If I remember to do it.
My 'Guy' is the love of my life black all over with a tiny bit of white on his chest coming up to 10 now about 60 in cat time he has an overactive thyroid or would have without medication. He is named Guy because at 9 months old he was abandoned all night in a basket in Sevenoaks high street on Bonfire night how cruel is that? He's a great handsoff gardener - sits and watches. I will post a pic when I remember!
6 Sep, 2009
Hi I am Bob and a male (well I was last time I looked) I have no pets at the moment having recently lost a dear pet dog called Casper, but I do love dogs (and cats too) and maybe I will get another dog soon.
6 Sep, 2009
Hello big brothers on GOY ! well for your database Fluff we have 2 cats lily and jess and a mutt called Sula and I am a visitor to your earth, from the planet YESSSSSSSS to give it a sound in your funny speech. I am also learning enlightenment from your earthly Buddha to see if its any different to our enlightenment on YESSSSSSSS.
I also cook curries and other stuff, like alcohol good food that it is!
6 Sep, 2009
Hello Fluff...........FYI, I'm Gilli and I'm female. I have 2 dogs (Susie and Molly), 2 cats (Chevy and Inky) and 5 children/stepchildren. I'm the weird one that is a misplaced Yorkshire lass now living in Canada (British Columbia, Kamloops). I have lots of roses (about 60 give or take). :o)
6 Sep, 2009
I'm grindle and female and have one dog who thinks he's a person :)))) he's my first love, then the garden, oh, and then I better add OH to the list !!!!
6 Sep, 2009
Hiya !
Louise is the fun name given to me by family after the film Thelma & Louise was popular ! My sister is 'Thelma' !!!
I have 2 cats .... a Millie cat and a Maddie cat !!!
Both rescues :)
I'm in Somerset and love my 2 gardens and have a job that definately gets in the way of being out there !
Why is it on the beautifully warm sunny days i have to work and the cooler grey, dull days i'm off ? !
6 Sep, 2009
I'm really enjoying this blog...
Well done, Fluff..
I hope you get lots more comments :o)
6 Sep, 2009
Hey thanks everyone...I had to go to bed earlyish last night as I was so tired I couldn't spell any more!
Spritz...no...I sussed that you were the Spritz part of your name early on after I realised you were female & Henry was your dog! Sometimes you just pick up on a comment & work things out don't you?!
Morgana ... Bench is added to 'Fluff's Memory Aid'!
Denise...Guy sounds lovely...would love to see a pic of him! Good rescue story.
Bob...I'll put you down as a dog & cat lover! (Love the new mugshot of you by the way!!!)
Are you out there Indy??!!...Pet aliens duly noted & curry cooking expertise already well documented...as for cooking alcohol...we don't do that on this planet...well not on planet 'Chez Fluff' anyway...never any left for cooking!!
Hi Gilli...if you're the weird one the others have no chance!
I could add any gardening obsessions (& I mean that in the nicest way)...like your roses... to my list couldn't I?
Grindle...I've put an F by you as I hadn't worked out if you were boy or girl before!!
Louise...you must be fairly close to me here in Dorset so we probably get similar weather! Millie & Maddie sound fab...I love the way we all have rescues.
And thanks Terra...anyone is welcome to steal this idea ...
Please don't anyone think I'm trying to get more info about you than you want to give...I know some people like the anonymity of a site but I don't suppose knowing whether you have a cat or a dog is going to cause any harm! ;0)
6 Sep, 2009
OH it could, many people use pets names as computer passwords SO a WORD of WARNING, the web is NOT a private place if YOUR PASSWORDS are YOUR pets names or any other info youve divulged CHANGE THEM NOW ok! love, Indy!
6 Sep, 2009
Good advice Indy, I change my passwords regularly and have a reminder that won't go away until I've done it. I don't use 'autofill' either.
6 Sep, 2009
Well now you've spoiled my day Indy I'm going to sulk...didn't want to cause any hassle for folk. :0(
6 Sep, 2009
I think this is a GREAT idea Fluff ....with my name being "alzheimer" - I would of course! I'm the mad OAP labrador woman that lives just south of Aberdeen...with a "sitootery" I laze in (I wish!)... and Honey and Di - my two rescue labs....the loves of my life. Very short story mine!!!!
6 Sep, 2009
I'm enjoying reading all this stuff. As a relatively new "kid on the block", I can find out things about you all without asking and being told not to be nosy:))))))
6 Sep, 2009
You nosy thing you, arent we all though poking into other peoples lives and gardens, great isn't it!
6 Sep, 2009
Don't forget my pet dahlias!!!!!
6 Sep, 2009
Thanks Alzheimer...love your labs...& dahlias are on Amblealice!
6 Sep, 2009
LOL well I was a F when I last looked
7 Sep, 2009
Right! Let's have a quick check..........yep, I'm a male!
I'm married to Mrs James (I sometimes call her Lorna as well), and it's our 9th wedding anniversary this Wednesday. I still can't seem to find the expiry date on that damned marriage certificate!
We have a two year old black moggie named George (psycho-cat).
I have a lawn and a patio. I grow mainly veggies in containers on the patio, but Mrs James is also going to plant some spring bulbs.
I'm going to buy myself a mini-greenhouse as a Xmas present!
Hope that's enough for your database Fluff!
7 Sep, 2009
9/9/2009 theres a number to ring in an emergency Merfyn!
happy anniversary for weds mate,Longfarchiadau
7 Sep, 2009
This is a good number Indy high spiritual achievement also 9s are inteligence, but this number adds to 11 which could be to give a message to the world.
7 Sep, 2009
You'll have to explain that one to me Morgana - I'm not of the spiritual kind, if you understand my meaning! But I like learning about things.
7 Sep, 2009
Thanks Merfyn...Happy Anniversary to you & Mrs James! Sorry but there's no 'get out of jail free' card with your marriage certificate!!
7 Sep, 2009
Now then, Fluff - you do realise that we are all going to be asking you for a copy of this fascinating document when you have completed and edited it.....all proceeds to your chosen charity of course.... LOL
7 Sep, 2009
You are all very welcome but how will I ever finish it Alz (ok to shorten you?!)...new folk are coming on every day!!
I don't put anyone new on until they've contributed a few bits...not because I'm bossy but because there are soooo many I just wait to see if they are going to become regulars!!
Also ...to protect folks' feelings/privacy & in the light of Indy's rather worrying reminder...I am very careful not to include any info I've been given in pms.
My charity is the Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance as it takes off 3 miles away from us & flies over our house nearly every day...sometimes several times a day. I know several people who it has been summoned for & it might have saved Michael's life if that had been possible.
We have a fab big yellow collection 'bin' for clothes & shoes near to us ...which is great when you want a clear out!
7 Sep, 2009
I have put a photo up of Benchcat for you out in the sun today lol sun bathing he he.
7 Sep, 2009
Thanks Morgana I'll take a peep!
7 Sep, 2009
Hi Fluff....Alz is just fine thanks - I answer to anything...even my name!
What a great charity...they do SUCH a wonderful job...when I was nursing the helicopters dropped in occasionally at Aberdeen RI but now it happens all the time as we are the Helicopter capital and we have a huge catchment area.
But your ones are SO busy and need all the help they can get...more power to them I say.
7 Sep, 2009
Hi louis my brother was named after Ashley in Gone with the Wind he's called himself Ned all his life. If your mum had been older you might have been called what?
Fluff you can now see little guy in my photos
7 Sep, 2009
Just been to see him Denise...I really must take some time out to look at everyone's photos...I miss soooo much! Will a week do?!
8 Sep, 2009
Well now, what info do you need on me? I'm mad, from perth, I have a cat, Smudge, a hedgehog, Iggle Piggle, & I've just become a student (again) where I seem to be learning to make newspaper towers! LOL! I'm also a support worker who makes jewellery & draws daft pictures!
10 Sep, 2009
Smudge & Iggle Piggle duly added Marie! Thanks! I'm sure paper tower building will prove invaluable in the future!! Was it a team building exercise?
10 Sep, 2009
Yes, it was fun really, but I'd told Terra that they changed the title & the structure of the course yesterday, now this, so we've decided they must've secretly put me on an architecture course!!
10 Sep, 2009
Or an architects course...you could still be there in 7 years time!
10 Sep, 2009
LOL!! I'd rather stick to Comm Ed , or as they NOW call it Community Learning Development! :~))
10 Sep, 2009
Interesting idea, Fluff! You know me as Balcony, for a very good reason - my "garden" is my balcony! I'm sure everyone here now knows that!
As for not being able to grow "huge" plants on my balcony it depends on your definition of "huge" as I've grown sunflowers over 2 metres tall (proof is in my garden section).
Obviously I can't grow anything that is very wide - the balcony is only 1.5 metres wide! I also grow climbing annuls like Morning Glory which easily reach the top of the balcony & would grow up into the neighbour's balcony above if encouraged! The balcony is about 2.4 meters high.
What else - oh, include me in the "M" column of your spreadsheet! I also have a dog called "Boli" (Spanish orthography as she was born in our flat in Spain nearly 16 years ago.) Pronounced like the first half of the word "Boligraph".
11 Sep, 2009
You should all know by now that I'm the owner of daft questions 'R' us so here's one for today, Whats a boligraph???
11 Sep, 2009
I'll second that........what is a boligraph?????
12 Sep, 2009
I'll "third" that....!!! I've heard (vaguely) of a bolOgraph - but no boli.....so come on, Balcony...own up ...what is it please, SIr?
12 Sep, 2009
I don't even know what a .... b,o,l,O,g,r,a,p,h, is??????????
12 Sep, 2009
Nor me!!
12 Sep, 2009
Hey Balcony...where are you?! Everyone has a question to ask you!! Boli the dog on my list...thank you!
12 Sep, 2009
Sorry I put in a Spanish word instead of English! Boligraph is the "English rendering" of the Spanish word "Boligrafo" = Ballpoint pen (BIC)!
Everyone happy now?
12 Sep, 2009
At least it shows that someone was attent!! LOL!
12 Sep, 2009
Honestly! Balcony, you had us all bamboozled!
12 Sep, 2009
Tut tut Balcony...you had me digging out my ancient OED and could only find BOLOgraph...which I (very) vaguely remember my Father talking abut - something to do with measuring heat and radiation...way over my head ...so I figured it was a very odd name for a dog!!
12 Sep, 2009
LOL! :~)) Nice one, Alzheimer!
12 Sep, 2009
Tut, I knew that all along.............
12 Sep, 2009
And more to the point why have you named your dog after a biro? ? ?
12 Sep, 2009
It would be - if I had a clue what I was talking about MP !!
It is amazing the odd bits of totally alien rubbish that are stored in the dark recesses of ones mind!! They say that the brain never forgets anything - the trick is to access it!!!!
12 Sep, 2009
How do you learn the trick tho?!
12 Sep, 2009
I wish I knew - that is why I envy these people on quizzes like "Eggheads" and "15 to 1" etc who can recall so FAST.
Not me unfortunately.
12 Sep, 2009
Nor me really! Which'll be "fun" at uni!
12 Sep, 2009
Ian, our dog is NOT named after a biro! I used the word to show how to pronounce her name. The "o" is a much shorter, harder sound than we usually use in English, something similar to the "o" in "body", for example.
"Boli" doesn't mean anything in particular any more than "Fido" does.
12 Sep, 2009
12 Sep, 2009
Ohhhhh I see........ So Boli is Spanish for Fido then?
12 Sep, 2009
Aw Ian...that's a bit 'ruff''!! Hahahahah...
13 Sep, 2009
Sorry..... I was in a funny sort of mood last night...... Balcony please ignore my last comment......I blame the tablets, I'm not getting enough of them. Lol ;~))
13 Sep, 2009
I thought a Boligraph was an Indian lie detector!
14 Sep, 2009
Oh Indy...that is a beaut.....you Bollywould say that!!
14 Sep, 2009
Good one, Indy!
I'll ignore your last remark, Ian.
14 Sep, 2009
Recent posts by fluff
- Share Michael's 27th birthday with me?
4 Oct, 2010
- A sunny day in the garden is one of life's tonics, don't you think?
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- Mbts ... sorry not a gardening blog by any means ...
17 Sep, 2010
- Just a quick hello ...
15 Sep, 2010
- Morning Glories, subsidence, builders, pests ... it's all been goin' on!
23 Aug, 2010
- Lulworth Cove in Dorset.
8 Aug, 2010
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That's a great idea, Fluff...
It isn't always easy to remember everything about members..
Here are my pets ~
I have Conker ~ Shetland Sheepdog,
Trufffle ~ Smooth Fox Terrier
and Crocus ~ budgerigar :o)
5 Sep, 2009