All change!
By franl155
I decided it was time to rearrange my pots, mainly because I was fed up with squirrels knocking over the small pots on the table nearest the fence, especially the pots on the plant tiers – I’ve frequently found pots on the floor where they’ve been knocked right off the table.
So first job, clear the worktable so I’d have room to put the large plants that were on the table outside my lounge window.
Then move the small plants from the fence table to that table; it took a bit of arranging so that nothing was in anything else’s way too much, and they all had a chance of some sun.
(It would make a lot more sense to have the tallest plants at the back, but I have horizontal-opening windows – anything too tall too near the back would get its head knocked off. So I had to put the taller to the front of the table at each end.)
Then sort out all the roses (some on the fence table, some on the end table) and put them all on the fence table. Also on there are three troughs of narcissi (about 6 of those!) and dozens of grape hyacinth that I rescued when digging up the last bed – I started off spacing them moderately, then kept finding more and more and eventually crammed in as many as I could without them actually touching. Still got a couple of dozen left over, I’ll have to plant them somewhere soon, unless anyone wants them?
The three troughs at the far end are sprouty potatoes that I didn’t eat soon enough; see if they’ll give me enough for a couple of meals. One’s been dug up and nibbled three times already.
Put those to either side, over the cupboards, where the support would be strongest, and filled the middle with the roses, pots fairly jammed together to avoid squirrel-spilling.
Then everything else on the end table; three inverted milk crates at the back, couple of bits of spare wood on them, then fit on what I could where I could. It may be a tad crowded for the smaller plants, but they’ll have to try it and see how they like it.
That only took me some hours, which is less than I expected. But I was walking round like Groucho Marx the day after!
Next day I noticed some suspicious hollows in the topsoil of the troughs, so I dug out the bag of chilli I’d bought months ago for this very purpose and scattered some all over the troughs; for good measure I gave the roses some too. The day after the troughs hadn’t been touched, but one of the baby Carex, in front of the table, had a hole in the soil, so I gave them some too.
I also added some to the pots on the fence end of the end table, at the back where I wouldn’t easily be able to tell if they’d been got at or not, just in case. Hope that’ll keep the little so-and-sos off for a while.
(ps still got some baby Carex going spare, she hinted!)
3 Sep, 2012
Previous post: any idea what these might be?
Next post: Bit of a lash-up (in more ways than one)
they weren't as tightly packed as this before, Nariz: I had two of those plastic 3-tier plant stands, and the squirrels apparently loved them. I've managed not to use them at all in this arrangement: maybe I'll use them indoors for stationery or kitchen storage.
No probs with the bulbs - as I'm visually impaired I get free postage. I've also got some very young Carex Ice Dance and a few all-green Spider plants going spare if they'll be any use to you. I did a blog on the Carex, with pics of mum and babes.
If you'll pm me your address I'll whiz them off to you.
lol while I'm at it, still got some packets of seeds going spare, too - did a blog on that "anyone want some seeds?"
3 Sep, 2012
I am the proud owner of one of Frans. Carex'sis, sent to me very quickly in a packet that took me ages to unravel, think Fran used a whole roll of sellotape LOL. The plant was in tip top condition and I have planted it up now and will watch it settle in. Thanks so much Fran.
Great blog by the way, sorry nearly forgot!!
3 Sep, 2012
His Master´s lesson or Alchemyst in action. I like those grasses on the bottom. Nariz@ Where was the comment on grape hyacinth? I did not see any on the photos, but it is true, I do not recognize them, if they do not look like normal hyacinths. I am curious how do they look like. Will check them on google (and for sure some friends altogether with me :))
3 Sep, 2012
Well. I saw them. I just planted Muscari armeniacum on the grave of my grandparents. They are very nice flowers in the early spring. Good choice, Nariz :)
3 Sep, 2012
Well - what did you do in your spare time?? That should be a challenge to the furry folk, especially combined with the chilli!
3 Sep, 2012
Saw the title of your blog Fran and thought what's she been up to!
They all look good too me. Very healthy looking plants. Hope those wee blighters stay away.
3 Sep, 2012
They all look very healthy Fran, you sure do get a lot in considering the lack of space, hope the squirrels take the hint and go scrabble about somewhere else..
I would love to accept a Carex Fran and thankyou for the offer..
3 Sep, 2012
thanks all for your comments!
GN: no probs - I'd never sent a plant in the post before and I wasn't taking chances :-) . since yours arrived safely I've sent out a few more, a little less well-packed, lol I'll eventually get it down to just right - but I'd rather overdo it than underdo it. Good luck with the baby.
Kat: the grasses are about shoulder-high now, one is Zebra grass and I'm still creeping towards an ID for the other. The Grape Hyacinth are planted in the tree troughs closest to the camera; found stacks when I was digging up the tiny bed under the lounge window (didn't know there were that many, I'd only seen about half a dozen in flower!). They're only showing tiny shoots at the moment - well, something is! I also put my Tete-a-Tete in there, and any other bulb I found - I'll find out what they are if they take to their new home.
Steragram: lol thanks, I don't do stuff very often but when I do I go to town. Maybe if I did less, but more often, I'd actually get more done. lol my spare time is being taken up wth working out how to get a "roof" over my worktable, so that it stays dry, even if I don't - I want to have a go at plastercraft and concrete, can't do them indoors but they need somewhere out of the weather. Hope the little b's get the hint! They use the top of the fence as a runway, but they must come down sometimes to get at the pots. I've been checking daily, seems to be ok so far, she said with her fingers crossed.
Scottish and Lincs: thank you! Last time I counted I had just over 100 plants - but that was when I had four truoghs of pansies. But then I found all those bulbs, then Carex had babies, so it's probably more than before. lol but I keep forgetting that small plants don't stay small forever - at least, not if you're doing it right.
No probs with the Carex, Lincs: pm me your address and I'll whiz a couple off to you. The roots are actually bigger than the bit you can see, so I'm still learning how to pack those safely.
4 Sep, 2012
Thanks Katarina. I'm looking forward to receiving them. Photos later! :o)
4 Sep, 2012
So what was the change today, Fran?
4 Sep, 2012
lol Kat, still recovering from the last one! but trying to work out how to put a roof over the worktable that's strong enough and stable enough not to fall on my head
5 Sep, 2012
OK. Fran, my sight is worse and worse, in spite of glasses. What sort of new avatar do you have? To me it appears like just burned barbecue :))
5 Sep, 2012
Nice work Fran! :D
5 Sep, 2012
Just want to say Katarina - you crack me up!!
5 Sep, 2012
lol...I had to go and check it out myself earlier...and yes, I think it is a it Fran? ;)
5 Sep, 2012
it's a mini-barbie, Kat and Karen, about eighteen inches across and two feet high - £5 at Lidl.
I've not actually used it yet for cooking food; it's a nice handy (and safely containted) way to burn wood so that I can get clean wood ash to use as fertliser (once I work out how much to use).
My avatar shows the end of a two-hour burn - not as dramatic as it sounds, as I always keep the fire small even if the container let me have it bigger - couple of sticks at a time, sit there and try to see pictures in the flames - never have so far. But it was great to sit out and chill - even if, at the end, the people next door called over the fence to ask how long it was going on for!
6 Sep, 2012
Some people are so intolerant. What's wrong with a scent of a bit of wood smoke in town? A reminder of the countryside. For years and years we burned wood from firs chopped in the garden soon after we moved in. Always lit after dark. No one ever said a word. Late afternoon yesterday there was smoke rising from a garden near one called out for them to stop the burn that I heard.
6 Sep, 2012
There was very little smoke, the wood was absolutely dry and burned clean, no crackle and pop, it must have been just the smell of bruning wood. lol I took a pic to show how far away from the fence the barbie was - I'd guesstimate it at about the span of my outstretched arms (not *that* far, but any further and i'd have been in the garden the other side!). but they're a little bit on the odd side anyway.
I do love the smell of wood fires, reminds me o f camping, siting on a log and looking up at the night sky. sigh, the two perfumes of incense I wish someone would make are woodsmoke and fresh-cut grass - can't get enough of either.
lol I should post a question: what scent incense do people wish were available??.
6 Sep, 2012
I never heard of anybody siting and chilling in front of a fire - you're supposed to get warm!
6 Sep, 2012
lol more than one way to chill! fire is so basically elemental, like water; both draw me to them, provided they're safely under control!
6 Sep, 2012
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Wow! You certainly filled up your spaces! I wouldn't have thought there was room for a squirrel to get in there, let alone cause damage! :o) If you don't mind sending stuff to Spain I'd like a few of your grape hyacinth - been looking for them for ages but they're not well known in this region. I've got just the place for them along the front of my 'Hosta Highway.'
3 Sep, 2012