Itchy fingers
By funkyfuchsia
Well i’ve sown my giant (hopefully) Onions on boxing day, as per usual,
but this year i am trying something new, for me anyhow, so i’ve sown some Brugmansia and, some Datura seeds, never done these before so i hope i hav’nt started too early for them,
If you’ve had any luck with them i would be happy to hear about how you got on,
I’m dying to get on with some serious sowing now that the nights are starting to pull out,
i believe by 3mins per day, not fast enough for me.
4 Jan, 2009
Previous post: from FunkyFuchsia
Next post: Brugmansia/Datura update
I ve managed to secure a 3" cutting of Datura. I did have two but only one has survived. Fingers crossed it will grow into a fantastic plant.
Good luck with the onions.
4 Jan, 2009
Hi Janey, Yeh the old pic was too dark to see my hansome features, lol,
i have sown the brugs etc in a heated propagater in the conservitory a lean to really.
they will go into a heated g/house when germinated
to be grown on and then into large pots in the garden.
All very exciting, cant wait till they grow,
4 Jan, 2009
Hi Treesandthings. Cuttings sound like a good idea and should give you a geat start,
In my impatience i may see if i can secure some myself, so if you know of a supplier i would be glad to have an address, Best of luck with yours, Dave.
4 Jan, 2009
I planted Datura seeds FF.
I planted some at the beginning of December - so far, they have done nothing - I think they are a no go.
I planted some different Datrua on the 14th Dec and have now got three seedlings. The germination instructions said they sprout between 30 and 60 days but these 3 came up in just over 2 weeks.
They are inside in the basement of the house where the temperature probably averages about 65F, under grow lights.
I won't be able to put them outside for months yet.
4 Jan, 2009
Best of luck with your seeds Dave.
4 Jan, 2009
Good luck with your new project FF .... hope you were wearing your Cavilon by 3M Healthcare, thanks for that tip, been working for me :-)
4 Jan, 2009
The only thing that is sowin is me darn socks! Summer please roll on!
Good luck witt your germination Dave.
5 Jan, 2009
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I agree Dave....trouble is if it speeded up we'd get to the end quicker again!... Over 15mins per week that's good though.
Where abouts are you putting your your greenhouse heated? I wanted to try some of these but thought I would leave it till end of Feb as my Ghouse only has bubble wrap and no extra warmth. I bought a Datura years ago from Wilcos as a small plant and had it in a conservatory in the winter and outdoors in the summer for years. Heavenly scent in the evening...and I was too busy to faff much with the garden then so it only had water when I remembered and was very happy.
Like the new've changed again!
4 Jan, 2009