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Rain last Thursday

Rain last Thursday

Absolutely poured down, patio flooded

Comments on this photo


Great photo, Yorkshire! Looks very cool and green... :))
...but I don't know how you were feeling about it at the time! lol!

6 Aug, 2011


it smashed the begonia in half Karen,

6 Aug, 2011


Oh, I'm so sorry, Yorkshire...not one of the lovely ones you've posted?

6 Aug, 2011


in the pot the bottom of this photo, I nearly cried,

6 Aug, 2011


Oh no...that's one of the ones you posted the other week, isn't it? No wonder you're you think it will recover?

6 Aug, 2011


it looks good still, but half the size,

6 Aug, 2011


There's maybe just enough of the 'summer' season left for it to get bigger again...although looking at your photo and mine, the best of it may well be behind us...

6 Aug, 2011


you have lovely stone on your patio ~ it looks good when its wet!!

6 Aug, 2011


indian Stone Sticki

6 Aug, 2011


thought so, its really lovely

6 Aug, 2011


That's tough, Val, but don't let it put you off Begonias . . . really sorry though. :((

6 Aug, 2011


thanks girls,

7 Aug, 2011


Nice pot Yorks,

Is it stone too? looks like it from here.

7 Aug, 2011


The rain has highlighted the marbelling on your pot its gorgeous.

7 Aug, 2011


thanks Rusty thanks G/Mage, got the pot last year in the sales, think it was £12.

7 Aug, 2011


Its lovely :~)

7 Aug, 2011


stands over 2ft tall, could'nt get it in the boot, put the top down on the car and the boss was worried it would damage the leather seats, so a neighbour went to the GC and collected it for us, the rain had ruined all the lobelia that's in it,

7 Aug, 2011


You got it for a bargain Yorks. It is quite big! Maybe the lobelia will bounce back or on the other hand it might not. Lol !!

7 Aug, 2011


Nice area love the pot.

8 Aug, 2011


Lovely stonework. Yes we had heavy rain last evening. Didn't last long though. I was watching on television, the triathletics in London and thoroughly enjoyed it, but the men had to compete in some awful heavy rain.

8 Aug, 2011


Wow.... lots of rain !

8 Aug, 2011


it was quite unbelievable how much came down

8 Aug, 2011


hi it looks great please send me some wonderful RAIN not just a drop, it seams to be missing my garden,

it would be nice for my water collectors :))

it looks bad val hope you did not get any damage ,

xx us 3 :))

8 Aug, 2011


Added to GoYpedia Rain Damage ....

8 Aug, 2011


Thanks Terra. Mark we have a huge water butt and it was full in minutes, hit the Begonias hard and of course the Lobelia, how is my train coming along, you know the one you was giving to your Mother-in-law,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9 Aug, 2011


I must've been on one of my travels when you posted this Yorkie...that pot looks cracking in the middle of your (very wet) patio. What did you decide to put in it in the finish..Ive forgotten!

17 Oct, 2011


I had something planted in it and can't remember whats its name, the boss has replanted it into a pot behind the gate now, will have to find something new for it next year,

18 Oct, 2011


How about a witch hazel or one of those corylus contorta (a wiggly woggly tree) they do one with red leaves and with both you would get winter interest?

18 Oct, 2011


thanks Tet, I will take a look at that on internet, x

19 Oct, 2011

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