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FURRY TOTO ABDUCTED BY THE FLOWER POT PEOPLE ~ paparazzi photo by Mr. Claptrap.
By Terratoonie

30 Nov, 2008
David writes wonderful blogs. Check out his amazing series on the history of parks ! At David's previous home he made the Wizard of Oz theme garden, with blogs featuring furry Toto. Then David moved house, and began on the chocolate theme garden. That's where the mystery starts. Furry Toto disappeared ! David thought furry Toto was hidden amongst the packing cases. But no.
The photo explains all. Furry Toto has been abducted by the Flower Pot People. They also stole chocolate from David's garden. Reports will follow on ransom demands for Toto.
Comments on this photo
awww poor Toto.
dont those chocolate fingers look tempting janette, maybe David wouldnt miss those lol
30 Nov, 2008
Such trouble trying to upload this paparazzi photo !
Information came through from secret sources ~
Yes, chocolate fingers look really good, don't they. :o)
30 Nov, 2008
I dont think he,ll miss a few wee fngers lol
30 Nov, 2008
I'll tell David if you steal his chocolate. :o)
30 Nov, 2008
I'm warming up the flame thrower as we speak. All I need are directions to the fiendish FPP. Did Mr. CLAPTRAP divulge the location of his paparazzi experience? I'll try not to melt the chocolate in the fight....but.....accidents can happen and some of the chocolate may would be the flame thrower......honest!!!!
30 Nov, 2008
Gilli ~
There's a Twirl missing from this photo. On the side of the bar it says ~
"The INTENSE chocolate".
Did you maybe get a bit over-heated ?
Not yet sure of the location of Toto.
Mr. Claptrap is working on this even as I write....
30 Nov, 2008
Ahh ....will the ransom for Furry Toto be to high high are we willing to go , they may ask us to forfeit our place in the Olympics and steal all the chocolate ! Furry Toto worth it ...?????
We should put it to the VOTE !
30 Nov, 2008
David doesn't yet know about furry Toto's Flower Pot predicament ~
David might be willing to pay out lots of all gold chocolate.:o)
30 Nov, 2008
Yikes - this is getting SERIOUS.... 0_0
30 Nov, 2008
Pineapple is a convict on the run. Stole the golden syrup from a pineapple upside down cake and made a quick getaway from the cooler. :o(
30 Nov, 2008
~great pic ~~TT
30 Nov, 2008
Yes, Mr Claptrap worked long hours to get this paparazzi photo. :o)
30 Nov, 2008
Sob, sob,sob, .........................................................................................
30 Nov, 2008
Another sighting and in dismal circumstances! I was waiting for the food tasters to arrive but they were too late. Everything has gone but I did manage to snap a quick pic of the interlopers and I think Toto was assisting - he seems to have defected or is infected or something!! See latest photographic evidence, taken at great risk to myself.
30 Nov, 2008
Fear not, David, mon Cheri.
The search is on. We're all looking out for furry Toto ~
every member of the GoY Wellie Olympics team
( both summer AND winter games ).
Gee19 has gone to extreme lengths, baking away all weekend, making wellies and shortbread. Her photos prove that she almost retrieved Toto, but once he had wolfed down the biscuits, he was whisked away again by the Flower Pot People.
Thank you. :o)
1 Dec, 2008
I have studied this pic very closely, in a desperate search for clues as to poor Toto's location, but fear that I may be going potty. He could be anywhere in this Galaxy or another Milky Way. Even Mars! (please, no Snickers of laughter, I am desperate!). The sight here of poor Toto and his hastily scrawled plea is almost unbearable, as is the sight of the Pot Poeple teasing me with chocolate bars. Thought! CADS -that's what they are, for what they are doing to our doggy! Followed by another, even more awful, thought - is he already dead, and where did they bury him? Cad and bury - oh no! Could he already be heading towards the melting pot or wrapping machine? I'll see that those cads end up behind bars, instead of holding them!!!!!! Yes, I'll have 'em all by the Curly Wurlys! Never fear, dear Toto, the Milky Bar Kid is here!
2 Dec, 2008
Good chocolate searching, David.
In the hopes of finding furry Toto, I've eaten LOTS of chocolate biscuits and also driven around searching for him in my Chocolate Mini Rolls ( once it had passed its MOT test). I hope other members will help by consuming lots of chocolate to try to find our missing canine hero.
But, oh, David ~ you might regret your last line.
I fear that your name MILKY BAR KID is going to stick with you throughout the whole of your time making your Chocolate Factory garden. :o)
2 Dec, 2008
MMMMMMMmmmm i c chocolate :)
2 Dec, 2008
Jacque ~
Please keep a look out for furry Toto.
Maybe the Flower Pot People have hidden him in your greenhouse. :o(
2 Dec, 2008
HHHHHHHMMmmmmmmm theres a thought TT but im sure if hes in there how cold it was Last Nite/This Morning He wont be a happy TOTO :(
2 Dec, 2008
My Chocolate Mini Rolls is now at the garage awaiting MOT test.
Chocolate fingers crossed that it passes, so I can continue the search for furry Toto. xxx
2 Dec, 2008
Bulletin -
Blodyn the cat was interviewed today about a sighting of Furry Toto and his abductors, the flowerpot people.
Here's what Blodyn told our reporters ;
From up on the rooftop
I clearly can see.
Is that Furry Toto
Coming towards me ?
The Wellie Olympics
And training must wait.
I'll get some chocolate
And use it as bait.
Those Flowerpot people
Will not get away
I've set them a trap.
They'll be caught today !
A later bulletin will follow with updated information on progress.
2 Dec, 2008
Fantastic :o)
My latest bulletin is that my Chocolate Mini Rolls has passed its MOT test !
Whoopeee !!!
That chocolate-coloured rust is obviously holding the car together well.
I'll be back later.
Looking forward to further poetic reports from Blodyn. :o)
2 Dec, 2008
brilliant TT he he Nice to know the garden wars of Potty People are still happening
2 Dec, 2008
Relieved to report that my Chocolate Mini Rolls is now safely home with its new MOT certificate. :o)
Needed a little welding where a couple rusty chocolate areas were turning into wafer thin mints, but it didn't cost a mint, so all is well. :o)
Now I can resume the hunt for furry Toto.
Maureen, we've missed you.
But we realise you were undergoing intensive training for your Wellie Olympic event of marathon book reading.
Your recent photo proves your determination ~
reading in Wellies, whatever the weather.:o)
Please now help us hunt for furry Toto.
We need your expertise. :o)
2 Dec, 2008
Those Flowerpot people, they've stolen my map
And eaten the chocolate bars off my trap.
They'll be half way to somewhere by now you will see,
With wee Furry Toto they will try to flee.
Myfanwy the Welsh doll has donned their dress.
Perhaps she can catch them - she's like an express !
This is the latest information gathered from Blodyn the cat by our reporters.
3 Dec, 2008
All searchers please visit
A new blog by Gee
That's Toto ~ or is it ?
Look carefully to see. :o)
3 Dec, 2008
To Blodwyn the poet, I beg your pardon
There's a sad furry thing in my garden!
'David, please save me' his notice read
It's obvious there's a price on his head..
Send chocolate quickly and send a lot
It's the only sure way to foil the plot
Send it to Gee via this site
I will pass it on - well, I might have a bite!
(or two, or three!)
(with apologies to Blodwyn, Poet Laurecat)
3 Dec, 2008
Here's one that we are all singing, the kids learned it at Nursery. It fits in with the glorious passing of its MOT by your Mini Rolls, TT!
"Twinkle, twinkle, chocolate bar,
Our dad drives a rusty car.
Push the starter, pull the choke -
Up it goes in a puff of smoke!
Twinkle, twinkle, chocolate bar,
Our Dad drives a rusty car!
Now, this is a real gem of a song for us. Many congrats on the MOT, Tt!
PS. We like the inclusion of "foil" in the comment above!
PPS. Please, keep posting the sightings of anyone resembling our Toto. It keeps our spirits up, and hopes alive, along with singing the above song!
3 Dec, 2008
Oooh! everyones going all poetical~must be catching!Good news on the chocolate mini rolls!
3 Dec, 2008
Great song, David, or should I now call you the Milky Bar Kid.? :o)
Have you noticed that Harvey has taken over writing all Arlene's comments ?
Thanks Harvey. Yes, I was pleased that the Chocolate Mini Rolls passed its MOT.
Wonderful how those garage mechanics can weld that chocolate coloured rust.
I've been searching for furry Toto all day. Brooke almost saved him over on Gee's blog, but now the Flower Pot People have whisked him away again.
We're relying on the sleuth pairing of Blodyn and Myfanwy to come up with more poetic clues. :o)
3 Dec, 2008
~Harvey is becoming cleverer by the minute~he can already take me for walks -~is happy to get his own biscuit from the sack and will readily go up to anyone for a friendly chin and tail wag!He also has the fastest rear descent in the west(Wales)when a certain treat is forthcoming~ goodness me feeling quite redundant!
3 Dec, 2008
Now I am getting confused. Harvey, are you saying the Arlene can fetch her own biscuit from the sack ?
You have her well-trained. :o)
Could you please now train her to find furry Toto?
Harvey, we're relying on your help. :o)
3 Dec, 2008
~ one of our boxers~ George~ used to have an aluminium water bowl ~when empty he would bang it all over the kitchen floor~ we're quick learners!
3 Dec, 2008
Harvey ~
Santa tells me there's help coming in the search for Toto.
I have inside information. :o)
5 Dec, 2008
Re. my last comment.
There's a blog I've provided which explains a little of the Toto mystery.:o)
11 Dec, 2008
My second Toto blog is now on GoY :o)
18 Dec, 2008
gosh you are all so clever with words, i love Davids Cad and bury LOL, keep up the good work and toto where are you????
3 Jan, 2009
Hello Sewingkilla ~
My blog # 7. will tell you where Toto is now :o)
Lots of great poets on this thread, including Hywel, David and Gee19 :o)
3 Jan, 2009
Very good
6 Jul, 2010
Thank you Johnjoe :o)))
6 Jul, 2010
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Poor Toto, release him NOW you little monsters ,and let him take all that chocolate back to David ....
30 Nov, 2008