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Come on.....
By Gee19

7 Feb, 2010
give me a push!
Comments on this photo
7 Feb, 2010
Well caught.. great pic
7 Feb, 2010
What a brilliant photo well done :o)
7 Feb, 2010
Lol...Can think of a few birds which would happily give him a shove Gee ! Not popular in our garden ...even the rooks chase him away !
7 Feb, 2010
There are lots of them around here, BB, and they know exactly when the food goes out! I wave my arms about to scare them off so the little birds can have first pickings but the Jackdaws do make me laugh with their antics :)
7 Feb, 2010
Lol Gee.We have only a couple visit but theyre the only birds that even the collared doves chase ! Must be because they know given half a chance they will pinch their eggs ! Agree..they are are the starlings !
7 Feb, 2010
Say please !!
7 Feb, 2010
How funny is that?
7 Feb, 2010
Great picture well captured, I think they look like little old me in Morning Suits!
7 Feb, 2010
lol Gee love it
7 Feb, 2010
lol great photo
7 Feb, 2010
"On yer own bike, ye ol' crow!" Or, is he a "rookie"? :-))
7 Feb, 2010
Like the pic Gee.
8 Feb, 2010
Brilliant picture, Gee!
8 Feb, 2010
Looks like someone is trying to hitch a ride
7 Jul, 2011
Photo 19 of 316
What else?
Featured on: feature ideas birds
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How cute is he!!
7 Feb, 2010